英语人教版九年级全册how to better an article

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1、重庆市巴川中学精品教学设计方案任教学科: 英语 任教年级: 九年级 任课教师: 杨秋 课题How to better an article?课型作文讲评教材分析书面表达是中考的必考题型,其目的在于考查学生运用各项语法知识、正确进行书面表达的能力及理解情景提示的内容、抓住要点和中心思想的能力。书面表达的分数在今年有变动,即由16分升为18分。所以怎样完善和美化文章就显着尤为重要!学情分析今年任教2017小班-小九和小十班。由于小班的学生整体素养较好、能力较强,同时据2017作文新标可知,今年高分作文的难度较大。所以美化作为就需要老师帮孩子们做个指导。教学目标1. 知识目标1)简单了解2107作文

2、评分标准。(让学生做到有的放矢)2) 掌握作文的美化的六大要素。2. 技能目标能运用前面的技巧,对自己的文章进行美化。3. 情感目标引导学生在实践、参与、合作和交流中增加了解、增加友谊,规范自己的行为,同时能提高他们的观察能力和判断能力。教学重点掌握作文美化的六大要素。1) How to better lay out 2)How to better grammar3) How to better vocabulary 4) How to better sentences5) How to better logic 6) Have beautiful hand-writing 教学难点1.下面技

3、巧2)How to better grammar 3) How to better vocabulary 4) How to better sentences 5) How to better logic 2.利用前面学习的技巧对自己文章进行美化。教法学法开展多种类型的任务型活动,提供给学生记忆、练习、合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。教学准备1.资料搜集。半期试卷和模拟两套(作文已经写好) 学生学案2.课的设计。3.课件制作。教学过程教学环节及内容学生活动教师活动设计意图Step 1: 介绍2017中考作文标准 . 引入半期作文。1.对三档和四

4、档作文标准区别提炼。2.准备半期作文试卷1.指导学生区分标准。2.引导孩子审题。1.让学生们熟悉新的作文评分标准。2.帮助学生正确审视半期作文题目。Step 2:1.How to better lay out1) 通过图片对比,引出提醒:最好是三段式。2)展示文段的基本结构。2.How to better grammar1)Common mistakes in grammarParts of speech 词性Forms of words 词的形式Tenses of verbs 动词时态Chinglish 汉式英语2)典型错误练习。I very like shopping on line.Sa

5、ve the environment is our duty.There is going to have a meeting today.3)对文段改错。 Xiao Ming is a middle school student. He doesnt learn English careful at all. At home, he enjoys watch TV. He always forgot to go over his English lessons.4)实战:对考试作文进行改错Out-of-class activities are very important to teenag

6、ers. We did fewer sports now. We are under the pressure. The head master of our school decides to provide as many activity as possible for us to join in . Because there are going to have many advantages if we join in them more often. We can relax ourselves. We can make more friends or we also can le

7、arn a lot when we take part in them. There are so many kinds of activities. Were interested in .We cant decided which to join in, such as basketball games, sports meeting and swimming class. We have chances to show ourselves. We can show our different talent in different ways, too. There are so many

8、 activities in our school. I want to give some suggestions. I hope to give us more time to take part in them and we can choose whatever we like free. There should be more activities which could help the old and the poor in our city.3.How to better vocabulary1)对常见的词汇进行高级替换We can speak two languages n

9、ow.We are able to speak two languages now.He should listen to quiet music. He is supposed to listen to quiet music.She likes reading. She enjoys /takes interest in /show interest in reading2)实战:在考试作文中选句,将技巧运用。The head master of our school decides to provide as many activities as possible for us to j

10、oin in.The head master of our school makes a decision to provide as many activities as possible for us to join in.We can relax ourselves. We can make more friends or we can also learn a lot when we take part in them.We are able to relax ourselves. We may make more friends or learn a lot when we take

11、 part in them. 4.How to better sentences A. There are so many kinds of activities. Were interested in them. We cant decided which to join in, B. There are so many kinds of activities which were interested in that I cant decide which to join in , (对比提炼)2)练习册P140作文练习3)实战:I hope to give us more time to

12、 take part in them and we can choose whatever we like freely.I hope to be given more time to take part in them and we can choose whatever we like freely.(升级句型)5.How to better logic1)加适当的连词 _ I am tired, I keep on working till midnight. He didnt go to movies, he went to the concert _. We like doing k

13、inds of sports _swimming ,running and hiking. _, he stood up .Then he got out.2) 实战:考试文段运用 Out-of-class activities are very important to teenagers. _, we do fewer sports than before under the pressure of our study. _ _ _, the head master of our school decides to provide as many activities as possibl

14、e for us to join in. _ there are lots of advantages if we take part in them more often. _ _ _ _, under the great pressure of study, they are good ways to relax ourselves. _ _ _ _, we may make more friends or learn a lot when we take part in them. There are so many kinds of activities that were interested in that I cant decide which to join in, such as basketball games , sports meetings and swimming classes. _ _ can we have chances to show ourselves, _ _ we are able to show our different talent in different ways.6)归纳总结要素,并补充整洁的书写也是其一个总要与要素1.展示三组考试图片,让学生对比选择写得好的。提炼最好的结构


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