英语人教版九年级全册unit6 when was it invented

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《英语人教版九年级全册unit6 when was it invented》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语人教版九年级全册unit6 when was it invented(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、When was it invented? 它是什么时候发明的?,话 题,1.样式;款式(n.) 2.项目(n.) 3.高兴(n.) 4.日常的(adj.) 5.网站(n.) 6.先锋(n.) 7.列表(n.) 8.提到(v.),9.几乎(adv.) 10.统治者(n.) 11.煮沸(v.) 12.保持不变(v.) 13.气味(n.) 14.国家的(adj.) 15.疑惑(n.) 16.冰箱(n.),style,project,pleasure,daily,website,pioneer,list,mention,nearly,ruler,boil,remain,smell,national,

2、四会单词,doubt,fridge,17.低的(adj.) 18.某人(pron.) 19.翻译(v.) 20.锁上(v.) 21.地震(n.) 22.突然的(adj.) 23. 饼干(n.),24.曲奇饼(n.) 25.器械(n.) 26.加拿大的(adj.) 27.分开;分散(v.) 28.篮;筐(n.) 29.英雄(n.) 30. 职业的(adj.),low,somebody,translate,lock,earthquake,sudden,biscuit,cookie,instrument,Canadian,divide,basket,四会单词,hero,professional,31

3、.脆的 (adj.) 32.目标 (n.) 33.酸的 (adj.) 34.顾客 (n.),crispy,purpose,sour,customer,四会单词,1.被发明 2.在黑暗中 3.很乐意 4.在某人的日常生活中5.有道理 6.在那时候 7.偶然 8.落入 9.一段时间,be invented by,in the dark,My pleasure,in ones daily life,have a point,at that time,by accident,fall/drop into,some time,重要短语,10.不到;少于 11.发生 12.毫无疑问 13.翻译成 14.突

4、然 15.错误地 16.最后 17. 很久 18. 奥林匹克运动会,less than,take place,without doubt,translateinto,all of a sudden,by mistake,in the end,for a long time,the Olympics,重要短语,19.把分开 20.合作 21.与此同时 22.阻止做某事 23.钦佩 24.决定 25.想出,divide into,work together,at the same time,stop(from) doing sth.,look up to,decide on,come up wit

5、h,重要短语,1.电话是什么时候发明的? When was the telephone invented? 2.它们是用来做什么的? What are they used for? 3.据说一位叫神农的中国统治者第一次作为饮料发现了茶。 Its said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink. 4.它也讨论最好的茶叶产自哪里以及什么样的水被使用。 It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.,核心句子,5.薯片是意外的发明的。 Potato chips were invented by mistake. 6.顾客说他们不够咸。 The customer said they were not salty enough.,核心句子,一般过去时态的被动语态结构。,单元语法,重点:一般过去时态的被动语态结构。 难点:被动语态中的一些特殊用法。,单元重难点,


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