英语人教版九年级全册unit 6 sectionb1 1a -1d

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1、Unit 6 SectionB1 1a -1d Page45 大阿中学 施崇英学习目标:1.用动词过去式讲述熟悉的童话故事。2.了解讲故事的常用模式,如once upon a time.重点内容:The emperors new clothes皇帝的新装学习难点:动词过去式的规则变化和不规则变化。复述表演故事皇帝的新装单词:gold,silk,nobody,stupid,cheat短语:try to do sth . Sound stupid, make special clothes forhave to,cheat sb. of sth.重点句型:Nobody wanted to soun

2、d stupid.They were trying to cheat the emperor.语法点:1.识记并运用本课所学的单词、短语、句型导入:你听过通话故事吗?你知道的童话故事有哪些?你听说过皇帝的新装吗?学习过程:1.检查预习1. 将某物据为已有 keep something for oneself2. 欺骗皇帝 cheat the emperor3. 不得不做某事 have to do sth.4. 听起来很傻 sound stupid5. 喜欢衣服的皇帝 an emperor who loved clothes6. 为某人制作某物 make sth. for sb.1.热身:-Ca

3、n you tell me a story from Europe ?-Do you know a story named The Emperors New Clothes?2.呈现新知:结合图片从故事中提炼出生词,完成1a。学生合作谈论,复习已知的单词,接触未知的生词。3.(听)前:结合图片,预测故事的大概过程课型:听说学习策略:自主、合作学习需要准备哪些教具:、PPT、录音机4.(听)中:看图和文字,给图片排序5.(听)后:完成self-check的动词适当形式填空。跟读并复述其中一段,完成1c 的填空练习。学生展示:小组点评,核对答案,并提炼出故事中的知识点,如try to do sth

4、 . sound stupid, make special clothes for sb, have to,cheat sb. of sth.,师再重点讲解。6.学生表演皇帝的新装7 课堂反馈与检测:一动词填空。1.Nobody wanted_(sound) stupid.2.This beautiful story is about a girl who_(be) Poor but kind.3Two brothers came to the city_(make)special clothes for the emperor.4.They were trying_(cheat) the e

5、mperor.5When he_(wake) up,his favorite TV show was on.二单项选择.( )6Jims family made a surprising party_him.A to B for C at D on( )7Thi is a story about a man who loved_clothes.A buying and look B bought and lookedC bought and looking D buying and looking ( )8-What about the food on the plate?-It_delici

6、ous.A smelling B smelt C smells D is smelt( )9.The little girl has a very beautiful and sweet_.A.noise B voice C.sound( )10.I didnt go to bed_11oclock.A.after B.or C.because D.until.老师小结:课外作业:和同学们之间互相用英语讲述皇帝的新装,并试着讲讲其他的童话故事。英语谚语:A bad beginning makes a bad ending 欺骗绝非正当事Do as you would be done by.己所不欲,勿施于人.



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