英语人教版九年级全册u1 section a

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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners ?一、教材分析新目标九年级话题UnitTopicFunctionsStructuresUnit1.Howcan we become good learner ?主要讲述语言学习语言学习的策略方法,先从调查学生在学习过程中实际使用的方法开始,通过谈论学生学习方法,从中培养学生的语言运用能力,并提供学生的交流与共享的技能。二、三维目标1.知识与能力目标:- How do you learn English? - I learn by .- Do you learn English by ? - Yes, I do. /

2、No, I dont.- Have you ever studied with a group? - Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.并能够熟练运用句型“verb + by + doing”进行调查和汇报。2.过程与方法:学会谈论如何学习英语。3.情感态度与价值观:通过同学间的学习方法的交流,培养学生与人正确交往和相处的能力。三、教学重点Use the key words and key sentences freely.四、教学难点能够熟练运用句型“verb + by + doing”进行调查和汇报。五、教学策略谈话法,小组合作法六、教学准备录

3、音机、多媒体课件、黑板来源:Z.xx.k.Com七、教学环节Step 1 Warming-up1. Daily greetings to the students.2. Ask some students about their summer holiday. Step 2 Presentation1. PresentT: I want to have a good rest on holidays, but I have to study for a test. I study for a test by making flashcards.教师呈现和教学句型I study for a te

4、st by doing .和单词flashcard。T: How do you study for a test? 同时呈现该句型,并引导学生说出I study for a test by doing 。2. Present and Drill 教师通过图片和肢体语言逐个呈现新单词vocabulary, aloud, pronunciation, grammar。同时操练句型。(T-S) T: I study for a test by doing . How do you study for a test? S: I study for a test by doing .by working

5、 with friends.by making flashcards.by reading the textbook.by making vocabulary lists.by listening to tapes.by asking the teacher for help.by watching English-language videos.来源:学&科&网by practice conversations with friends.by reading aloud to practice pronunciation.by studying with groups.by studying

6、 grammar.3. ReadRead the new phrases on the blackboard together.4. Check and WriteCheck the ways you study for an English test. Then add other ways you sometimes use. Ask several students to tell us how they study for a test .Write their answers on the blackboard. Check the answers.5. Listening来源:Zx

7、xk.ComHow do these students study for a test? Write letters from the pictures above.(Section A 1b)Read after the tape, then read it together.Step 3 PairworkPractice the dialogue in pairs.(S-S)A: How do you study for a test?B: I study for a test by doing .Step 4 ListeningT: We all know that different

8、 students have different ways to study. In order to improve English, some people also use other ways. Now please look at the picture. This is an English club. They use many good ways to learn English well. Please listen to the tape. 1. Listen and check the questions you hear. 2. Listen again. Match

9、each question above with an answer below. 3. Read after the tape about the dialogue of Section A 2a, then read together.Step 5 Make a long dialogueA: The English test is coming. How do you study for a test?B: I study for a test by doing . Do you learn English by doing ?A: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Ha

10、ve you ever studied with a group?B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. / No, I havent. How do you learn English?A: I learn by .Step 6 Task: Make a survey about ways of learning English 1. Make a surveyNameWays of learning English2. Make a report参考语言:In my group, everyone learns English in diff

11、erent ways. For example, studies by .Step 7 Homework1. Oral work: Read and recite the dialogue in Section A 1b.2. Written work: Finish the exercises in the paper.3. Task work: Interview other friends the ways of learning English, write down a short report.八、 板书设计Unit 1 How do you study. ?A: How do y

12、ou study for?B: I study by .来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&KA: How do you learn English?B: I learn by .A: Do you learn English by?来源:学科网B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.A: Have you ever studied with a group?B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.by working with friends.by making flashcards.by reading the textbook.by m

13、aking vocabulary lists.by listening to tapes.by asking the teacher for help.by watching English-language videos.by practice conversations with friends.by reading aloud to practice pronunciation.by studying with groups.by studying grammar.九、教学反思从谈论轻松快乐的暑假生活引出英语学习的话题。通过展示图片谈论图中不同的学习方式,并联系学生自己的情况补充其他的学习方法。然后通过听力练习进一步巩固本课重点句型“verb + by + doing”。采访并了解其他同学好的学习方法,对获取的信息进行口头汇报。同学们通过学习学会了不同的学习方法,为以后的学习提供了多元化的发展。


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