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1、祈使句(Imperatives) 祈使句是用来表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止的句子。祈使句一般以动词原形开头,无时态和数的变化,句末用句点或者感叹号,读时用降调,在祈使句的句首或者句末加上please,以使语气更加委婉客气。祈使句有肯定和否定两种形式。1. 肯定的祈使句(1)动词原形+其他 Stand up, please. = Please stand up. 请起立。(2)Be + adj. Be careful! = Look out! = Take care! 小心 / 当心!(3)Lets + 动词原形 Lets go to school together. 咱们一起上学去吧。辨析

2、:lets与let uslets 是包括讲话者的谈话对象在内。Lets try it again.让我们(一起)再试试吧。let us不包括讲话者的谈话对象在内。Let us try it again. 让我们(自己)再试试吧。2. 否定的祈使句(1) Dont + 动词原形 Dont stand up. 别站起来。 Dont be careless. 别粗心。 Dont let them play with fire. 别让他们玩火。(2)Lets ( let sb ) + not + 动词原形 Lets not say anything about it. 对于这件事,咱们什么也别说。 L

3、et them not play with fire. 别让他们玩火。 Never+动词原形+其他。 Never be late for school.上学从来不要迟到。 有些祈使句可用no开头,用来表示禁止。 No smoking!禁止吸烟!3.祈使句的反意疑问句(1) 肯定祈使句的反意疑问句反问部分用will you 或wont you。 Please open the door, will/ wont you? 请把门打开,好吗?(2) 否定祈使句的反意疑问句反问部分只用will you。 Dont be late again, will you? 别再迟到了,行不行?(3) 以lets

4、开头的祈使句反意疑问句反问部分用shall we。 Lets turn on the TV, shall we? 我们把电视打开,好吗? 只有以lets开头的祈使句的反意疑问句的反问部分才用shall we,而let us 开头的祈使句的反意疑问句的反问部分应为will you或wont you.如:Let us stay here, will/ wont you? 请(你)让我们留在这好吗?4. 祈使句的回答因为祈使句通常表示将来要发生的动作,所以回答祈使句时,一般用will或者wont。Dont forget to do your homework.不要忘记做你的作业。I wont. 我不

5、会忘记的。随堂练习:一、单项选择1. The TV is too loud. Please_. A. turn it down B. to turn it down C. turn down it D. to turn down it2. _ late again, Bill! A. Dont to be B. Dont be C. Not be D. Be not3. _ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green. A. Not B. Wont C. Doesnt D. Dont4. Please help me carry it,

6、 _? A. will I B. will you C. shall I D. shall we5. Dont make so much noise, _? A. will you B. wont you C. shall we D. do you6. Do you know the girl _under the tree? A. stand B. to stand C. standing D. stood7. Kate, _ your homework here tomorrow. A. bring B. brings C. to bring D. bringing8. _ me the

7、truth, or Ill be angry. A. Telling B. To tell C. Told D. Tell9. Ive kept the dog _Maomao for a long time. A. Name B. named C. naming D. to name10. Dont you know that _ is good for our health? A. swim B. swimming C. swam D. swims二、句型转换11. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改为祈使句) _ _ again m

8、ore slowly, please.12. If you dont listen to me, Ill go. (改为同义句) _ _ me, or Ill go.13. Lets watch the sports games. (改为反意疑问句) Lets watch the sports games, _ _?14. The teachers often tell the students not to be careless. (改为祈使句)_ _careless, please.15. Please sit next to Nancy. (改为否定句)_ _ next to Nanc

9、y.16. Dont forget to turn off the lights, please. (改为反意疑问句)Dont forget to turn off the lights, _ _?17. If you move, youll die. (改为同义句)_ _, or youll die.18. Come to my house tomorrow. (改为反意疑问句)Come to my house tomorrow, _ _?19. 这是一个坏了的被子。 (翻译句子)This is a _ _.20. 让我们去帮帮那个哭泣的女孩吧。 (翻译句子)Lets go and help

10、 the _ _, please.参考答案:1-5. ABDBA 6-10. CADBB11. Read it 12. Listen to 13. shall we 14. Dont be 15. Dont sit16. will you 17. Dont move 18. will / wont you 19. broken glass / cup 20. crying girl感叹句(Exclamations) 感叹句是用来表达说话人对某人、某物或某件事表示赞美、惊讶、喜悦、气愤或悲哀等语气的句子,这类句子有强烈的感情,句尾用感叹号。感叹句通常由how或what引出。如果对句子中的名词或名

11、词词组表示感叹,用what引出。 What+a/an+adj.+单数名词+主语+谓语(+其他成分)!其中主语和谓语可以省略。What an interesting book (it is)!多有趣的一本书啊! What+ adj.+名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语(+其他成分)!其中主语和谓语可以省略。 What beautiful flowers (they are)!多漂亮的花啊!如果对句子中的形容词、副词或动词表示感叹,用how引导。 How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语(+其他成分)! How hard the people are working!这些人们工作多努力啊! How+主

12、语+谓语! How time flies! 时间过得真快呀!随堂练习:一:将下列的陈述句变成感叹句:1.Itisquiteanicepresent. nicepresent!2.Wehavefineweathertoday._weatherwehavetoday!3.Itssunnytoday._sunnydayitistoday!4.Thechildrenareworkinghard._ thechildrenareworking!5.Sheplayedbasketballwonderfully._sheplayedbasketball!6.Heisgoodatsinging._hesings!7.Hewasdoingwellindancing._a_dancerhewas!8.Theyhaveawonderfultime._ _ _ _ theyhave!9.Thefishisverylovely._thefishis!10.Theyliveahappylifetoday._ _lifetheylive!二单项选择。()1._finetheweatheris!A.WhataB.WhatC.HowD.Howa()2._weatherwehavetoday!A.AfineB.WhatafineC.HowafineD.Whatfine()3_badtheweatheri


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