2018届中考英语复习 题型六 补全对话课件

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《2018届中考英语复习 题型六 补全对话课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018届中考英语复习 题型六 补全对话课件(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、题型六,补全对话,甘肃近3年中考对口语交际的考查,采用七选五选择型。话题贴近学生日常生活,常见的有:问路,看病,购物,就餐,天气,打电话,暑期计划等。,技巧点拨,此题型旨在考查考生用英语进行口头表述和口语运用的能力,要求考生在整体把握对话内容的基础上进行分析、判断和综合。要做好补全对话题,需注意以下几点: 快速浏览整个对话,了解对话情景 快速阅读整个对话,可以明确对话的大概内容及其所围绕的某种情景,如购物、问路,电话交谈等等,回想课本中学到的此类话题常用的交际用语。 分析备选项,明确各选项适用情景 仔细分析所给备选项句子的句意、语态,表达方式和词汇等,为补全对话做好准备。, 瞻前顾后看语境,试

2、填对话答案 将备选项和对话前后的语境结合起来,仔细推敲,初步确定答案。在试填过程中应注意以下几点: 1.仔细阅读对话,要多读几遍,以便了解对话的情景内容,判断其考查的交际功能,同时用联想、回忆的方法,找出所掌握的相关句子,相互验证,使自己对所填的内容有一个初步的设想; 2.所补全的对话必须要上下文连贯,因此必须全盘考虑,不能仅看一个问句就给出答案,这样容易犯逻辑错误。做题时要先易后难,一时难以确定的先不要勉强做答,否则容易造成连锁错误; 3.判断句型。如果空格上一句是问句,那么空格处所填的一般是答句; 如果空格下面是yes或no回答的句子,空格处的句子一定要仔细判断,有可能是同意或不同意上面说

3、的话,也有可能是对问句的回答; 4.注意对话的表达要符合英美人的语言习惯。 重读整个对话,确保答案无误 完成对话之后,再将整个对话通读一遍进行核对、检查,将答案放入对话的空缺处去验证,运用所学的语法知识、词汇知识,语感和交际语言习惯进行验证,看对话是否合乎逻辑,语句是否通顺、流畅,有无语病。,现学现用,Group 1 A: Hello,this is Lucy speaking Is that Li Wei? B: Hi,Lucy! 1. We are expecting your coming A: Thank you! My plane leaves Beijing this aftern

4、oon B: 2. . A: Its CAl409 B: OK,CAl409. 3. . A: At 3:30 in the afternoon.,B: Leaves at 3:30 and arrives. A: It arrives at 6:10,and Ill have to wait some time for my luggage(行李) B: All right4. . A: Thanks a lot5. . B: Ive ordered a room for you in the center of the city near my home A: Wonderful! See

5、 you then! B: See you!,A. When does the plane take off? B. Where will I live? C. What do you think of this city? D. Whats your flight number? E. This is Li Wei speaking. F. Im glad to meet you. G. I will pick you up at the airport at 6:30.,B,G,A,D,E,Group 2 A: Hello, Lin Xin! 1. . B: Junlin Mall. A:

6、 Junlin Mall? What are you going to do there? B: Dont you know what day is it tomorrow? A: Oh, I remember! 2. . B: Yes, youre right! Im going to buy a gift for my mother. 3. . A: Of course, Id like to. Lets go to the mall together. B: 4. . A: I think scarfs are the best ones. B: I agree. A: Lets buy

7、 some scarfs for our mothers. B: 5. .,A. Where are you going this weekend? B. Tomorrow is Womens Day! C. Can you go with me? D. Would you like to get a gift for your mother? E. What do you think are the best gifts? F. Sounds good. G. I will buy some gifts for my mother.,E,G,B,A,D,Group 3 A: 1. . Wha

8、ts the matter with you, David? B: Mom, my classmates laugh at me because of my weight. 2. . A: No. You neednt care too much about that. Ability is more important than appearance, right? B: 3. . But I hate it when they play jokes on me, especially when they call me “Brother Fat”! A: I know your feeli

9、ng, but I think you will become thin and handsome some day. B: 4. . Its impossible. A: Nothing is impossible if you stick to it. B: Mom, you are right. 5. . A: Come on, my son!,A. Ill do more sports from now on! B. You look excited! C. What should I do? D. You look upset. E. I agree with you. F. Sho

10、uld I lose weight? G. How could I make it?,D,G,A,F,E,Group 4 A: Hi, Simon. Would you like to hang out with me tonight? B: 1. .But I have to go over my lessons. A: What a pity! 2. . B: Yes, we are going to have the final exam this week. A: 3. . B: I hope so! Thank you. But Im a little worried. A: Wor

11、ried? I know you always study well.,A. I hope youll get good grades. B. Yes, Id love to. C. Sorry, but I cant. D. Are you going to have exams this week? E. I see. F. Im sorry to hear that. G. Why?,B: But I havent studied science for a week. A: 4. . B: Because my science teacher is ill in hospital. A

12、: 5. . How is she now? Does she get better? B: Yes. My classmates and I went to see her yesterday afternoon. She will come back to school next week. A: OK. See you!,B,D,A,G,F,A: Excuse me. Would you mind telling me where I can buy some stamps? B: Sure, its my pleasure. You need to find a post office

13、 first. A: Oh, I see.1. . B: Yes, there is. Walk along the street. Turn left at the third crossing.2. . A :That sounds a little far from here. B: Yes, its about three,A. Could you please tell me which bus I should take? B. CanI walk there? C. Youll find a post office on your right. D. Theyre between

14、 a bank and a hospital. E. Is there one around here? F. How long does it take ifI take the bus? G. But you can take a bus there.,Group 5 (A girl is asking the way to the nearest post office.),kilometers.3. .Get of at the fourth stop , then you w ill see the two-floor green building near the stop. A: Its very kind of you.4. . B: OK. The No.8 Bus will take you there. The bus stop is over there. A :5. . B: E.r The bus comes every 4 minutes. Youll be there in about 10 minutes. A :Thanks a lot. B :Youre welcome.,E,C,F,G,A,


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