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1、U13 Were trying to save the earth 西安高新第三中学 张雅雯教材依据:人教版新课标 九年级全一册 第十三单元 Section A 3a一、 设计思路1、 指导思想坚持英语的“工具性”和“人文性”的统一,以发展学生的综合语言运用能力为目标,重视培养学生积极的学习态度和情感,通过这篇文章,增强学生的环保意识。充分体现“以人文本”的科学发展观,充分尊重学生学习的自主能动性,既面向全体学生,又关注并体现学生的个体差异。以学校“四步十二法”为教学指导方法,先学后导、以学定教、引领探究、总结升华。2、教学目标:Language aims:Important words: S

2、hark fin, cruel, harmful, chain, the food chain, such as, so farImportant sentences: Many have heard of shark fin soupThis is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environmentThe numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 yearsAbility aims:Grasp the ability

3、 of reading passage, try to pick up the important information we need, pay attention to the conjunction3、重点难点:重点短语及句型现在完成时态连词的用法二、教学准备1、分析教材3a-3c是本单元第一部分的阅读任务,3a的阅读是一篇倡议书,其中介绍了人类捕捉鲨鱼获取鱼翅,破坏生态平衡的情况,文章的内容紧扣单元话题,呼吁人们保护鲨鱼,渗透了对学生的情感教育,3a的阅读任务是要求学生阅读文章,根据文章内容填写表格,目的是考查学生对文章细节的掌握,3b要求学生选择正确的连词补充句子,引导学生关注连词

4、的使用。2、 教学资源准备制作有关阅读课“save the sharks”的ppt,并准备视频一:鲨鱼鳍的掠夺,视频二:没有买卖就没有杀害三、教学过程Lets check the self-learning(检查学生自主学习部分学习成果,对文章重点短语的学习)StepLead-in(5 min)T: how is the weather today? Why couldnt we go to school last week? Maybe the environmental problems are one of the biggest challenges for us, right? No

5、w, I have a video, listen to me carefully, after watching it, tell me what your feeling is(观看视频之前要发出相对应的指令,让学生带着问题去观看) Play the video(一段关于人类如何攫取鲨鱼鳍的视频,残忍的画面易引起学生的共鸣)S: After watching it ,my feeling is(及时加分,强化鼓励)StepNew class1 AskT:today we will learn some information and news about sharks. Turn to p

6、age 99. Whats the title of the passage?2 Fast-readingNow I will give you three minutes to read the passage loudly, after reading it ,I have four questions to ask you(pay attention to my requirement, 3min and read it loudly)3 AnswerT: Now, look at my computer, there are four questions, discuss in you

7、r group (1 min)Questions: what do people do after catching the sharks? What is the result of a shark without a fin? Do you think that sharks are endangered? Why? Two environmental groups against “fining” (Individual Competition)(个人抢答,及时加分强化)4 Intensive-reading T: three students teach us some knowled

8、ge (发挥学生的自主能动性,以学生教学生)Before teaching, try to translate the passage (one paragraph by one paragraph)During the translation, answer my questionsQuestions: where shark fin soup is popular? number of sharks caught and traded every year how much the numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen in the las

9、t 20 to 30 years? What does the two environmental groups suggest to?5 Evaluate studentsAsk one student to evaluate the teaching(生生互评,更能了解学生理解掌握情况和程度) 6 Group-discussingGive students three minutes to have group-discussingT: if you have any problem, you can ask teachers and group members(以组内帮扶的办法去巩固知识

10、点的学习)Step ExercisesLets do some exercises about important words, important phrases and grammar focusStep ConclusionNow, I have an ad, I promise you saw it before(播放“没有买卖,就没有杀害”的广告,升华文章主题)Imagine you will be rich in the future, you have the chance to eat the shark fin soup, do you want to eat it, why

11、?Step HomeworkDo exercises related to the key knowledge板书设计U13 Were trying to save the earth 3a save the sharks1 after watching the video, tell me what not onlyyour feeling is?2 have you ever eaten the shark fin soup? So far 四、教学反思阅读课是学生比较容易接受的一种课程类型,九册书中阅读文章篇幅较长,知识点较多,所以让学生最大限度内掌握到知识点的同时,我更注重培养他们阅读




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