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1、浙 江 省 硕 士 学 位 论 文论文题目:论我国对抗式侦查程序的构建授予学位学科专业:诉讼法学学科专业代码:研究方向:刑事诉讼法学省编号:S158论我国对抗式侦查程序的构建摘要侦查程序在整个刑事诉讼中具有重要的地位,有学者指出:“整个刑事诉讼程序犹如一座大厦,而侦查程序则如同这座大厦的地基”。从一定意义上说,真正决定中国犯罪嫌疑人和被告人命运的程序不是审判程序,而是侦查程序。可见,侦查程序在我国刑事诉讼活动中具有重要的地位。然而长期以来,侦查程序在我国法学界一直受到不应有的忽略,真正从理论上展开系统研究的论著甚为少见。因此,我国侦查程序中存在的诸多弊端一直没有被解决,亟待完善。从我国目前的司



4、建我国对抗式侦查程序应遵循的原则。这一章就构建我国对抗式侦查程序应遵循的原则进行了论述,以期为具体的程序构建提供指导。包括有效侦查与程序控制动态平衡原则,诉讼关照原则,统一规划分步推进原则。第四章,构建我国对抗式侦查程序的若干设想。这一章是本文的重点内容,提出了构建我国对抗式侦查程序的若干设想,包括赋予犯罪嫌疑人默示沉默权;建立控辩双向的调查取证制度;建立强制措施的适用标准;建立侦查法官制度四个方面。第五章,对抗式侦查程序相关配套制度的建立与完善。包括完善侦查程序违法制裁机制,完善律师执业权利的配套保障机制等内容。关键词:人权保障;对抗式;侦查程序;构建THE CONSTRUCTION OF

5、ADVERSARIAL INVESTIGATION PROCEDUREABSTRACTInvestigation procedure has an important role in the entire criminal investigation,some scholars point out:“The whole Criminal Procedure as a building, and investigation procedures are just like the foundation of the building.” In a sense, it is the investi

6、gation procedure but not the trial program that determines the fate of the criminal suspects and defendants in China. So, it is true that the investigation procedure has an important role in the entire criminal investigation. However, it is a long time that the investigation procedure has been undul

7、y ignored in Chinas legal circles, and the theoretical system works on this is actually very rare. Therefore, many shortcomings have to be resolved in the investigation procedure in china, which needs improvement.From the perspective of the current judicial practice, Investigating agency which has s

8、o enormous power of investigation is lack of the necessary, reasonable, effective Constraints. It also results the status of the prosecution and the defense unbalanced:the rights of the defense have too many restrictions and low defense. The rights of the criminal suspects can not be effectively gua

9、ranteed and so on. The feature of adversarial investigation procedure is the antagonism of procedure,which is representatives of the United Kingdom and the United States. It not only strengthens the suspects status and capacity of the action lawsuit but also emphasizes both the detective agencies an

10、d suspects status of equality and Antagonism. The accused have Corresponding rights with the prosecution, they also implement the defence force that ensure the accused exercise of rights effectively, then introduce neutral third party to establish the supervisory and disciplinary mechanisms. By mean

11、s of comparative analysis, we can find that we should perform an adversarial transformation of Investigative Procedure to solve the problem of Investigative Procedure enhance the civilization of Investigative Procedure, by the theory of adversarial Investigative Procedure, then on the basis of resea

12、rching and analyzing deeply the problems of Chinas present Investigative Procedure by the requisition of “adversarial”. By the way of this researchs ideas, the author carries out the conduct research and comparative analysis, then the author finishes this paper. The logical structure is as follows:C

13、hapter One, the interpretation of the theory to adversarial investigation procedure, which includes the definition of content to Investigative Procedure, the value of Investigative Procedure, the relationship between Investigative Procedure and the Detective Model, the concept and characteristics of

14、 adversarial investigation procedure, the theory basis of adversarial investigation procedure, and so on.Chapter Two, the problems and the reasons for them of Chinas present Investigative ProcedureThis chapter firstly figures out the problems of Investigative Procedure, including this four aspects:

15、the lack of effective supervision due to the excessive concentration of power investigation, the non-protection of the human rights of criminal suspects, imbalance in the status of both parties, the lawyers limits of the scope of participation and the role in the investigation stage. Then the paper

16、gives an analysis of the problems to make sure the adversarial transformation of Chinas investigation procedure more targeted.Chapter Three, the principles should followed of Chinas adversarial investigation procedure. This chapter discusses the principles should followed of Chinas adversarial investigation procedure, in order to provide guidance to construction of specific procedures. It incl



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