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1、如何种植西红柿 - 有机番茄园艺Everyone knows that homegrown tomatoes taste an order of magnitude better than ones that come from the grocery stores shelves.大家都知道,自产自销西红柿的味道幅度比那些杂货店的货架上更好。 They are fresher, juicer, sweeter and just plain delicious.他们是新鲜的,榨汁机,更甜,只是简单的美味。 Tomatoes grown for supermarkets are bred for

2、 their firmness, hardiness, ability to withstand travel and even color.超市种植的西红柿培育他们的坚定性,抗寒性,能够承受旅行和色泽均匀。 That also makes them bland, mealy and not very tasty.这也使得他们平淡,粉状和不好吃。 So, consider growing tomatoes on your own; there are plenty of varieties to choose from and you can grow them until they are

3、perfectly ripe and delicious.因此,可以考虑自己的种植西红柿 ,有大量可供选择的品种,你可以成长,直到他们完全成熟可口。 Tomato Garden Essentials 番茄花园要领 Sunshine 阳光 More than anything, tomatoes need sun.比什么,西红柿需要太阳。 Full sun, for that matter and no less than 8-hours per day.充足的阳光,为此事每天不低于8小时。 If your garden plot receives less than ideal amounts

4、 of sunshine (and the warmth it provides) you can still grow beautiful tomatoes, but will have to improve conditions for them to thrive.如果你的花园小区接收不到理想的日照量(和它提供的温暖),你仍然可以长出美丽的西红柿,但将有改善条件,为他们茁壮成长。 Spread black plastic around your plants. 黑色塑料传遍你的植物。 This will help the soil soak up heat and control wee

5、ds and many insects, too.这将有助于土壤吸收热量和控制杂草和许多昆虫,太。 Mulching will also conserve soil moisture , which can prevent tomato problems (blossom end rot, cracking) associated with uneven watering.地膜覆盖也将保护土壤水分 ,可以防止番茄的问题(开花结束腐烂,开裂)不均匀浇水有关。 Tip: Some growers prefer to use red tomato mulch , which may have the

6、 added benefit of reducing the number of days to maturity and improving tomato yields.提示:有些种植者喜欢用红色的番茄地膜 ,减少至到期日的天数和提高番茄产量可能有额外的好处。 Row covers , draped over tomato plants can trap heat and some moisture - creating a mini-greenhouse effect. 行盖 ,身披超过番茄植株可以捕获热量和一些水分-创建迷你温室效应。 There are many different k

7、inds of row covers, but choose a gauzy material that will protect plants from cold and let rain through.有许多不同种类的行盖,但选择一个淡淡的材料,以保护植物从寒冷,让雨水通过。 Make sure to check often to be sure your plants are not overheating.确保经常检查,以确保你的植物是不是过热。 A fence or barrier behind your plants will reflect sunlight back onto

8、 them.一个篱笆或你的植物背后的屏障将阳光反射到他们。 For best results, use something shiny or bright - a white sheet hung between two posts or an old door painted white will get the job done.为了达到最佳效果,请使用有光泽或明亮的东西 - 白床单挂两个职位之间的或旧的门涂上白色会得到完成任务。 If it is heat, more than sunlight that you are trying to increase, paint your fe

9、nce or barrier a dark color.如果它是热,多阳光,你正在试图增加,粉刷围栏或屏障深色。 Do you live in an area with high temperatures?你住在一个面积高温? If so, you may need to cool your plants.如果是这样,你可能需要冷却你的植物。 Tomatoes drop their flowers, fail to color-up and pretty much stop growing when temperatures consistently climb above 90 F. To

10、protect plants from too much heat consider shading the plants.西红柿放弃自己的花,不色,几乎停止生长时,温度始终高于90F爬为了防止过多的热量植物,考虑遮阳植物。 Be careful not to just drape something over them, as this will create more heat.小心,不要只是披了他们的东西,因为这将创造更多的热量。 Shade the side of the plants being hit with the sun and make sure there is plen

11、ty of air circulation.遮阳侧面被击中太阳的植物,并确保有足够的空气流通。 Soil 土壤 Tomatoes are not super fussy about what type of soil they are grown in. As with most garden vegetables, they do well in well-drained, fertile loam with a pH of 5.8 to 7.0.西红柿是对他们最田园蔬菜生长的什么类型的土壤不超挑剔,他们在排水良好,肥沃的壤土与pH值5.8至7.0。 Mix several inches o

12、f organic compost or aged animal manure into the upper 4-8 inches of soil before planting.播种前混入土壤上4-8英寸几英寸的有机肥料或老年动物粪便。 If a soil pH meter shows the pH is above 6.0, apply elemental sulfur - if it is below 6.0, add oyster shell lime.如果土壤pH计显示pH值在6.0以上,适用于元素硫-如果它是低于6.0,添加牡蛎壳石灰。 Space 空间 How much spac

13、e youll need per plant depends on the tomato variety you are growing and whether or not your plants are staked or caged.你需要多大的空间增长的番茄品种单株取决于你的植物是否是押或笼。 Proper spacing will assure that your plants receive plenty of sunlight and good air circulation, which will prevent many plant diseases from develop

14、ing.适当的间距,将保证您的植物得到充足的阳光和良好的空气流通,这将阻止来自发展中国家的许多植物病害。 When its time to plant, refer to the seed packet or seedling directions for specific spacing requirements.当它是植物,是指特定的间距要求的种子包或幼苗方向。 Some general guidelines are:一些一般性的指导方针是: Space staked tomatoes and indeterminates 1.5 to 3-feet apart (determinates

15、 grow more compact and can be spaced planted 2-feet apart) 空间放样西红柿和indeterminates相距1.5至3英尺(因素研究变得更加紧凑和可以间隔种植相距2英尺) Plant unstaked/uncaged plants 6-feet apart 的植物unstaked /开锁厂相距6英尺 Tomatoes with a 2-foot diameter cage can be planted 4-feet apart一个直径为2英尺的笼西红柿可以种植相距4英尺 Allow at least 3-feet between row

16、s of tomatoes 允许至少3英尺之间的西红柿行 Where to Plant 哪里植物 Traditionally, it has been recommended that plants in the same family (in this case the Solanaceae Family) should not be planted near each other or in the same ground as the previous year.传统上,它已建议在同一家庭(在这种情况下, 茄科 )植物,不应互相靠近或在地面比去年同期种植。 (For tomatoes, this would include eggplants, peppers and potatoes, in addition to other varieties of tomatoes.) While members of the sa


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