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1、 期末考试复习资料(二) 必修一词汇复习Module 1 Book 11. Compared with my _ (以前的) school, my new school is larger and better.2. The boy made a good _(印象) on me with his excellent English.3. Read the _(说明) on the bottle carefully before you take the medicine.4. I had a good _ (理解) of the text. I didnt have any problems

2、.5. Her clear _ (描述) helped the police to find the thief quickly.6. The student was very _ (失望)because he didnt pass the exam.7. They said good bye to me and _ (消失) in the crowd soon.8. With his _ (鼓励), I feel very confident in myself.9. After much practice, he could finally pronounce the words with

3、 _ (流利).10. I agree with your words, but I dont feel like your _ (态度).11. With new _(科技), we can put out better products at lower price.12. His _ (行为)shows that he doesnt like it at all.13. I need an _ (助手) to help me with the documents.14. There are serious _ (制度) in the company.15. You can get a l

4、ot of _ (信息) in the handbook.16. Dont be afraid of making mistakes, but _(改正) is necessary.17. They were very _ (热情) and gave us a warm welcome.18. Not knowing the answer, I felt very _ (尴尬) to stand before the class.19. Good _(方法) can save you much time.20. Do you know the _(网站) of our school?Modul

5、e 2 book 11. He seems never to run out of strength. He is always _(精力充沛).2. The man _ (承认) stealing some money from his workmates.3. Dont be _(紧张). Its just a little cold and you will be fine soon.4. Be _(耐心). Just wait a few more minutes.5. On the one hand, Mr Chen is kind to us. On the other hand,

6、 he is very _ (严格) with us.6. I went another way to _ (避免) meeting him.7. Receiving his call, I came over _(立即). I couldnt waste even a minute.8. Their training is _(科学). They have made much progress.9. Thanks to their good _(组织), we had a very good time during the trip.10. I _ (完全) forgot his telep

7、hone number.11. Will you learn _ (文学) or science at college?12. We are asked to write a _ (总结) when we finish the military train.13. You must be _(玩笑). It cant be true.14. Good _(纪律) is very important in self-learning class.15. Do you know the _ (关系) between them? Are they sisters or just friends?16

8、. What is the _ (话题) of the English corner? What will we talk about?17. He _(尊重) his Jacks opinion on most subjects.18. The baby is really _(聪明). He learns quickly.19. Is tonights meal a _ (正式的) dinner or just a gathering(小聚)?20. They had _ (类似的) experience and became friends。Modul3 book 11. Its a l

9、ong _ (距离) from my home to the station. We have to start early.2. Compared with other kinds of planes, _ (直升机) dont need long tracks to take off or land.3. _ (骆驼) are known as boats in the desert.4. She often shows off her _ (钻石) necklace.5. I was awoke by a sound at _(半夜).6. Beautiful _(风景) in the

10、mountain attracts many tourist every year.7. He bought many _ (纪念品) as gifts to his friends back home when he travelled Europe.8. He is an _(专家) in this field. You can ask his for advice.9. Reporters came to _ (采访) him after he was announced the winner of Nobel prize.10. After the long walk, I was _

11、(疲惫). I couldnt even move my legs.11. We will be on the third _ (跑道) in the relay race.12. That _(事件) ended their friendship.13. Their baby is 3 years old. They will send her to the _ (幼儿园) to play with other children.14. He _(射杀) the dog so that it could hurt no one anymore.15. I often have sports

12、in the _(体育馆).16. He usually watch _(卡通) to relax himself.17. There will be a _(马戏) performance in the cinema tonight.18. I will go _ (商业中心) to buy a smart phone this afternoon.19. He was _ (害怕) to see a snake in the grass.20. He made a lot of money and bought a new _ (公寓).Module 41) Fire broke out

13、in a _(四邻) street but was soon put out2) We want to make science more relevant, interesting and _(有吸引力) to high school students3) _(不幸运地是), he missed the last bus last night4) There are many _(旅客) who visit the place of interest in my hometown every year5) Although being a very famous star, she is _(接近)6) Millions are _(饿死) next year as a result of drought(干旱)7) It is much easier to understand a text if you already know s



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