英语人教版三年级上册unit5 a let's learn

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1、Unit 5 Lets eat!Part A Lets learn & Lets do 石美小学 伦换如知识目标:1、能听懂、会说句型:Im hungry. Have some 2、能听、说、认读单词:bread、 juice 、egg、 milk能力目标:1、能够在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用句型Have some为别人提供食物或请别人吃东西。并能运用句型:Im hungry.表达个人肚子饿的感受。 2、能够运用phonic拼读简单的单词。教学步骤:Step 1: Warming up1、 师生互相问候。T : Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good m

2、orning.2、 Sing a song : Have your food(二年级下册)T: Boys and girls, before we learn the new lesson. Lets sing a song please. Have your food设计意图:通过课前交流复习已学知识,较好地拉近师生之间的距离;而歌曲既能复习相关食物的单词及Have some.句型,也能充分调动学生的情绪,为学生创造一个轻松愉快的课堂,让学生快速进入英语学习状态。Step 2:Presentation(一) 学习句型:Im hungry.T: Well done! Boys and girl

3、s, look! Snow White have found many food. Would you like some ?What would you like? (PPT展示桌面上摆放着各种各样的食物。)S1: Id like some hot dogs. S2: Id like some bread.S3:.T: Oh. They are hungry. Hungry, can you do the action? ( PPT播放肚子饿的声音。)Ss: Yes.T & Ss : Hungry, hungry. Im hungry. (师生一起边读边做。)Are you hungry,S

4、1?S1: Yes, Im hungry. T:Have some bread. (奖励学生一张bread的食物卡片。)【大概运用以上方式提问3个学生左右。】 设计意图: 让学生在轻松愉快的行动中输入语言,让他们在做中学,在表演中学,从而激发他们的学习兴趣,培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力.(二) 学习新词:breadT:Boys and girls, shh Listen!Sleepy:Im hungry. Id like some bread. (播放Sleepy说话。)(说话播放结束后Sleepy及bread消失。)T:Wheres sleepy? Sleepy has gone away

5、. And whats missing?S1: Bread.S2:T: Whats missing? Bread. (PPT再出现面包。)T&Ss:bread bread b r e a d (板书)b/b/ r/r/ br/br/ ea/e/ d/d/ /br/-/e/-/d/ bread (PPT展示单词组合)(师生配上动作,运用phonics拼读。分小组读、个别读等方式练习。) T:Boys and girls, just now, sleepy eats the bread. Eat, can you do the action?Ss: Eat eat (边读边配上动作)T:Eat s

6、ome bread. Eat some bread. Ss: Eat some bread. Eat some bread. T: Id like some bread. What would you like, S1?S1: Id like some bread.T: Here you are. Have some bread. What would you like, S2?S2: Id like some bread.Ss: Here you are. Have some bread. (引导全班回答并配上动作,为后面的lets do做铺垫,埋下伏笔。)【备注:其它的3种食物也以类似的方

7、式进行教学。】T: Boys and girls, Im hungry, too. 同学们,我也肚子饿了。你们能请老师吃点东西吗?S1:Have some bread, please.T: No, thanks. Id like some eggs.S1: Here you are. Have some eggs.T: Thank you.(模拟以上对话,提问2个学生左右。)T:Boys and girls , please open your book, P49. Now lets read together.设计意图:以小矮人偷吃食物为主线,引出食物单词。此活动具有神秘感,加强学生的学习兴

8、趣。通过师生的对话问答,也较好地复习第一课时内容,加强学生对单词的运用。(由于小学生对于新鲜的事总是很好奇,所以我故意用神秘的语气来吸引学生的注意,同时也充分调动学生参与课堂的积极性.)Step 3:Lets doT: Now, Lets listen to the chant and do. First time, just listen.Can you read and do the action? Lets try. (大概练习2次)设计意图:Lets do 的内容在新词引入时已讲授,此环节主要整合起来配上动作加强巩固。小学段学生活泼好动,所以TPR 活动会深受儿童喜爱,节奏和动作能刺激

9、大脑皮层,激活记忆,同时也活跃了课堂气氛!Step 4:Practice 1、 Find the food cards.T: Boys and girls, just now, the dwarfs eat some food. Snow White wants to put away the food. So she puts the food into the boxes. And she also wants to make the food card on it. Can you help her?Ss: Yes.T: Look! If you see the right food c

10、ard, please stand up and say loudly. OK? (课件展示四个盒子,盒子里分别放有四种食物,让学生找出正确的单词标签,因此引出以下游戏。)A game :如:在装有面包的盒子下,教师陆续点击出现gread、fread 、bread 等词(包括个别假词)。学生边找边读bread单词,当出现bread时学生站起来并大声的读出来。之后再把一个个刚才出现过的单词运用phonics进行拼读。最后再请一个学生上前在黑板上挑选单词贴到货架对应的图片下。】设计意图:白雪公主为了不让小矮人再偷吃,把食物放进盒子里,还想在盒子上贴上食物标签。此活动能加强巩固学生对单词的音、形、义

11、练习,且显得更有意义,而不仅于机械操练;其次通过游戏获取食物卡片,不但能调动学生的兴趣,也能激活课堂的气氛。最后也能充分运用phonics训练单词的拼读,灌输学习的方法。2、 Listen and number. (练习1)T:Boys and girls, we have helped Snow White make the food cards. You are so clever. This time, Lets do some exercises, OK? -“ Listen and number”.Ss: Yes.T: Now take out this paper. Listen

12、and do. 3、 Listen and match.(练习2)T:Exercise 2. Listen and match.设计意图:以上练习把单词融入语篇对话中,不但能检查学生对单词的掌握情况,同时也能渗透学生对单词的交际运用。Step 4:SummaryT: Today we learn(have learned) 4 kinds of food. What are they?Ss: .T: The foods are all for breakfast in western countries. These years, we also have them in China. And

13、 in China, we also have some noodles、rice, and others for breakfast, just like these. (PPT展示一些英式早餐和中式早餐的食物图。)设计意图:总结内容,比较中西方早餐的异同,渗透中西饮食文化的教育。Step 5:Which group is the winner? T:Boys and girls, Lets see which group is No.1. Look! Each group has many food cards, please count them in your group, and t

14、hen write down the number. Finish this form. (让各组的同学数数自己组内获得食物单词的数量,并登记下来,然后汇报。) 设计意图:1、加强学生对单词“形”的认识 Step 6:HomeworkT: Boys and girls, after class, please tell your parents what you have learned today. And make a breakfast menu with your parents. Thats todays homework. Goodbye, class.板书设计:Unit5 Lets eat!Lets learn & Lets do b r e a d m i l k e g g j u i c e


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