英语人教版三年级上册unit 2 . look at me

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《英语人教版三年级上册unit 2 . look at me》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语人教版三年级上册unit 2 . look at me(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2.Look at mePart A. Lets learn. Lets do. Lets draw. Lets sing.【教学目标】1、能听说、认读head, eye, face, ear, nose, mouth,并能用英语介绍自己身体的这几个部位。2、初步了解表示接触的指示用语,能听懂、并能按指令作出相应动作。3、激发学生的学习兴趣,培养听说习惯和能力。【教学重点】关于头部的单词head, eye, face, ear, nose, mouth的学习 。【教学难点】1、eye, face 两个单词容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型,相互检查。2、mouth 一词的尾音发音

2、较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型。【教具准备】1、教师自制多媒体课件。2、教师准备畅言语音智能点读机、点读笔、点读书。3、教师准备一个贴有条形码的玩偶。【教学过程】Step 1、热身/复习 (Warm-up/Revision)1、 daily talkT:Hello!/Hi!/Good morning!/Good afternoon!/T: Hello! Im Mrs He. /Whats your name?T: Nice to meet you.T: Goodbye./Bye./See you.2、 Lets singHelloT:Lets sing this song together

3、.(教师播放歌曲flash)T:From this song,we remember Sarah, John and Mike. Now, please look at this picture. Can you tell me whos this? You can use this sentence “This is”(板书)For example: This is Sarah.(学生看图介绍人物)Step 2、呈现新课 (Presentation)1、T:Look! This is Mike. Listen carefully!(点读“This is my head.”) 出示head单词

4、,板书,带读。由此点读教学eye, nose, mouth,ear, face,让学生初步了解单词,注意eye,face,mouth的发音纠正。2、T:Read after me.(教师根据板书带读单词和句子。)3、T:Today,we have a new friend. Lets welcome!(音乐响,出示玩具熊)Listen!What will he say?点读玩具熊:Hello!My name is Teddy Bear. Look at me.Follow me, please.教师点击玩具熊head,eye,ear,nose,mouth,face,学生跟读。4、T:Can y

5、ou introduce yourself about your head?Your nose?Your eye?Your ear?Your mouth?And your face?One by one, please.(给予表扬)Step 3、趣味操练 (Practice)1、T:Now,lets have a rest. Shall we play a game? Follow me.(摸摸手,说touch,带领玩Touch your nose的游戏。)2、Lets do. T:Listen to the tempo. Lets do the actions.(Do it again!)T

6、:Now,play the game in your group.(分小组玩,教师参与其中。)T:Well, I will choose one student come here. He says, you do.(选一名学生上台发指令带领大家一起做,给予表扬。)3、Lets draw. T:Look at this picture. Whats missing? (学生说出缺少的五官。)T:Now, lets have a contest. I will choose four boys and four girls. Come to the blackboard. Listen to t

7、he tape and draw the pictures. Which group draw it quickly and beautfully, which group is the winner.(分两组竞赛)4、Lets sing. T:Now,lets sing a song. And the Teddy Bear will dance for us. Listen, what will he say?(点读玩具熊,做动作) T:Lets sing it together.(播放flash,师生边唱边做动作。)Step 4、课堂评价 (Assessment) 做练习册第二单元相应部分的练习。Step 5、扩展性活动(Add-activities)1、听录音,跟读所学内容。2、向家人或朋友展示本节课所学内容。3、和家人一起玩“Touch your nose”的游戏。【教学板书】Unit 2. Look at MeheadeyeThis is my earnosemouthface


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