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5、现在的卓锡泉,又叫卓锡井。济公在凤形山开山建寺,武帝赐名“山谷寺”。白鹤道人就在白鹿岗建白鹤观,宋徽宗赐名“真源万寿宫”。唐宋时期,天柱山佛道两教盛极一时,寺观众多,有“三千道人八百僧”的说法。从宝志和尚开山算起,三祖寺到2010年已历时1505年了。 接下来我浏览国家重点文物保护单位山谷流泉摩崖石刻。它位于三祖寺西边的山谷间,有一股清泉石壁潺潺而下,常年不枯,两岸野花闲草相伴,环境十分幽雅。唐宋以来,达官名士来游者摩肩接踵、络绎不绝,留下不少名篇佳作。其中最引人注目的就是宋代政治家王安石和文坛巨子黄庭坚的名作了。这首“水无心而宛转,山有色而环围,穷幽深而不尽,坐石上以忘归”,就是王安石做了宰

6、相以后常常惦念天柱山,而特地作的。深入贯彻党的十七届五中全会精神,紧紧抓住卫生事业前所未有的发展机遇,坚持以人为本、执政为民,全面落实科学发展观,不断开拓创新,全面推进医药卫生体制改革与发展,不断提高公共卫生服务能力和基本医疗服务能力,提高广大人民群众的健康水平。of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning si

7、gns, isolating network protection facilitiesEveryone! Nice to see everyone, first of all, on behalf of my travel agency in Anhui Province and myself, welcome to Tianzhu mountain tourism! Am honored today to be a tour guide you, nice to meet you, first let me introduce myself, my name is Wang Ping, y

8、ou can call me Xiao Wang. Hope that through my heart services, to bring to you a wonderful journey of Tianzhu mountain!Tianzhushan scenic spot is located in qianshan County, was released by the State Council in 1982, the first batch of national key scenery scenic spot area, was also published in 200

9、0 the first national 4A and scenic national civilized forest park, national geological park, 2003 was awarded China top ten famous mountains, because one pillar to prop up the sky is named. Main scenic area is 82. 46 square kilometers, divided into three ancestral temple, Tigers head cliff, nine Wel

10、ls River, Ma Zuan, the main peak, Tai Wo, the mountain and the Dragon of Longtan River eight major scenic spots. Each area has outstanding features and scenery, famous attractions up to more than 400. Was when Li Bais critically acclaimed qifeng is surprisingly, shows wood with delicate. Tianzhu mou

11、ntain has many names throughout history, like Hill, Huoshan, Nanyue mountain, Anhui Province and Anhui, long live the mountain, such as Wanshan, buried Hill, these different name reflects the Tianzhu mountain has a long history and culture of heavy. Wan mountain this name first, Wan is ancient natio

12、nal of name, Tianzhu mountain is Wan country location, spring period, week doctor Wan Beth seal Yu Wan, because he governance Wan State-owned Gong, save succeeding generations from the to Chengyang he of merit, on will mountain called Wan Public mountain short Wan mountain, river also into has Wan R

13、iver, later Wan into has Anhui of short, we mountaineering Tianzhu mountain on can a glimpse beauty, and vivid of Wan Public statue has-he but we Anhui of ancestors yo! Our first stop today is three ancestral temple, this paragraph is from the county entered the Tianzhu mountain called Tianzhu road.

14、 Across the Tianzhu road, stands a tall gate tower building, which is the Tianzhu mountain landmark gate. The ancient Nanyue Tianzhu mountain words were written by Mr, President of the Buddhist Association of China Zhao puchu, the late, pulao living the last pieces of calligraphy. We now come to the

15、 ancestral temple in front of the three. Eyes, shaped like a wings flying CAI-Feng as a whole. Feel lonely tower built on the much cherished, yamaoka was encircled tend to encircle winding on each side, like chicken wings guarding solemn Buddha. Three ancestral temple, the full name of three progeni

16、tor qianyuan of the Valley Temple, is the site of three ancestral Chief method of Zen in China, occupies a very important place in the history of Buddhism in China. In 1983, was approved by the State Council as a national focus opened the Temple in Han area. Ancestral temple on three related to the history of religious culture in Tianzhu mountain, let me tell you a story of Buddhist and Taoist mountain. Tianzhu mountain vas


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