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1、1,Part II Types of poetry,I. Narrative poetry 叙事诗 - telling a story - giving a verbal representation of a sequence of connected events and propels characters through a plot - narrator,2,1. Epic 史诗 - recounting in a continuous narrative the life and action of a heroic or mythological person or group

2、of persons - Homer: Iliad and Odyssey Virgil: Aeneid Dante: Divine Comedy Anglo-Saxon legend: Beowulf Milton: Paradise Lost,3,2. Ballad 歌谣 - a narrative poem of folk song which tells a story in simple colloquial language, usually in four-line stanzas with the second and fourth lines rhymed - the bor

3、der area between England and Scotland - the Middle ages - common people, oral tradition - traditional ballad: Robin Hood Ballads - literary ballad: Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,4,3. Romance 传奇 - primarily medieval fiction in verse or prose dealing with adventures of chivalry and love -

4、 French origin - feudal system - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Le Morte dArthur,5,II. Lyric poetry 抒情诗,- taking its name from songs sung by individuals or a chorus accompanied by the lyre - possibly the oldest: the Song of Solomon and the Psalms - Francesco Petrarch Italian sonnet - love as the

5、most important subject matter - different from narrative poems:,6,1. Sonnet 十四行诗 - a fourteen-line poem, written in iambic pentameter ( lines with ten syllables, with accents falling on every second syllable) - Petrarch in Italy - England: Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard - Spenserian sonnet: - Shakespear

6、ean sonnet: abab, cdcd, efef, gg,7,2. Ode 颂诗 - a form of lyric poem in which the poet highly celebrates a person, a thing or an event - length, stanza forms, style and purpose - Shelley: Ode to the West Wind Keats: Ode to Autumn,8,3. Song 歌 - a short lyric poem intended to be set to music in either

7、vocal performance or with accompaniment of musical instruments - Ben Jonson: Song: to Celia,9,4. Elegy 挽诗;挽歌;哀歌 - elegiac (Greek and Roman) - written in couplets consisting of a hexameter line followed by a pentameter line - usually a reflective poem of lamentation or regret, with no set metrical fo

8、rm, generally of melancholy tone, often on death - Thomas Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,10,5. Dirge 挽歌 - originally a religious service in honor of the dead - now any song of mourning, shorter and less formal than an elegy, and often represented as a text meant to be sung aloud - Willi

9、am Shakespeare: Full Fathom Five (from Act I, Scene II, The Tempest),11,6. Aubade 晨曲 - a morning serenade (F.) - a poem about the coming of dawn, or a piece of music meant to be sung or played by a lover outdoors lamenting parting at daybreak - John Donn: The Sun Rising Robert Browning: Parting at M

10、orning,12,7. Pastoral 田园诗 - an artistic composition dealing with the life of shepherds or with a simple, rural existence - usually idealizing shepherds lives in order to create an image of peaceful and uncorrupted existence - describing the simplicity, charm and serenity attributed to country - plac

11、ing kindly, rural people in nature-centered activities - William Wordsworth: Michael: A Pastoral Poem,13,III. Dramatic poetry 戏剧诗 - any verse written for the stage - using the discourse of the characters involved to tell a story or portray a situation - presenting the voice of an imaginary character

12、 (or characters) speaking directly, without any additional narration by the author - dramatic monologue by Robert Browning: My Last Duchess,14,IV. Other types of poetry,1. Descriptive poetry - devoted to the portray of external objects or scenes - giving expression to the poets thoughts and feelings

13、 aroused by the various scenes and objects in the natural world - often didactic - William Wordsworth: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge,15,2. Reflective poetry - treating of reflections and thoughts of the author - expressing a mere reflection, or more serious thought - expounding human life, the re

14、lationships of man with the world by means of various methods of other types of poetry,16,3. Didactic poetry - to instruct or to persuade, to teach - Alexander Pope: An Essay on Criticism,17,4. Satirical poetry - exhibiting or examining human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings - by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, or other methods to bring about improvement - Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock George Gordon Byron: Don Juan,18,5. nature poems love poems animal poems death poems friendship poems ,



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