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1、子昂实验小学英语入学测试(五年级)一 补全单词,没空一个字母(10分)1she was a d ncer(舞蹈演员)many years ago.2 Ive got an mail(电子邮件)from lingling.3 can I have your library c d(卡片),please?4Its sy(简单的)with a computer.5.Lingling,look at your bag.Its br ken.(坏的,破的)6.Where did you go for your h l days?(假日)7.The m ssage(信息)will go to Dads c

2、omputer at work.8.Is circle A the s me as circle B?(相同的)9.The act rs(男演员)told lots of jokes.10.Dads going to put an ther(另一个)bed in my room.二选择填空。(30分)( )1.There werent televisions.A. a B. any C. some( )2.Many years ago,we have a radio.A. not B. dont C. didnt( )3.She fish and chips yesterday.A. had

3、B. has C. have( )4.I want an ecard Mum.A. make, for B. to make, for C. to make, at( )5.Shanghai is the east of China.A. In B. an C. to( )6.Lets send an email to Dad. A. Thank you B. Thats all right C. Thats a good idea!( )7.Thank you your email.A. Of B. for C. at( )8.I be home at seven oclock.A. did

4、 B. am C. will( )9.Ive got two letters English.A. with B. in C. an( )10.The women mens clothes last night.A. wear B. wore C. wears( )11.Last week we went to a theatre.A. childrens B. childrens C. childrenss( )12.We are going to see you three weeks.A. for B. in C. of( )13. are you going to go? Hangzh

5、ouA. What B. Where C. When( )14.Mum bought new chopsticks you.A. of B. for C. on( )15.Dad read a book Chinese history.A. In B. to C. about三完成对话,把它的编号写在横线上。(10)Hello, xiaofang.Hello, leilei.(1) this Summer?I am going to travel(旅行).(2) ?I am going to learn drawing pictures. Where are you going to trav

6、el?(3) Great, why do you go there?(4) .He lives there and we are good friends.I miss him, too. Please give my regard(祝福)to him.Ok, no problem.(没问题)Thank you, See you soon.(5) A. I am going to go to America.B. What about youC. What are you going to doD. See you soon.E. Because I want to look at Tom.四

7、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Dear Mum and Dad:Im in New York now, I arrived yesterday. Grandma and cousin Simon met me at the airport. It was very exciting .We went in a yellow taxi to their flat. New York is very beautiful. There are lots of tall buildings and lots of cars and people. Grandma made Chinese

8、food for me .But I want to try American food. I want to find out about America. I will write again soon.FromDaming .( )1.Daming arrived in America yesterday.( )2.They met Daming at the station.( )3.Daming ate American food that day.( )4.New York is a beautiful city.( )5.They went to Simons home by bus.



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