
上传人:xins****2008 文档编号:103271506 上传时间:2019-10-06 格式:DOC 页数:241 大小:1.32MB
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1、第一集This is the first quiet Ive had all night. 这是我今晚享受到的第一份宁静Well, hi there. You must be Sookie. 你好,你一定是苏琪了I had to create a vampire 我必须创造一个吸血鬼for the one I destroyed to save you. 来弥补为救你而杀死的那个What the-? 什么.Have you ever with Maryann? 你跟玛丽安做过吗Oh, you must be high. 你肯定是大麻抽多了We are forming an elite army

2、 我们正在组建一支精英部队called the Soldiers of the Sun. 叫做太阳卫士And Jason, we need you. Amen. 杰森,我们需要你,阿门Im here because of the V right? 你抓我是因为我倒卖吸血鬼的血,对吧Any buyers in the Dallas area? Yes. 达拉斯有买家吗,有And if you think you can get back at me by luring Tara- 如果你以为可以靠诱惑泰拉来报复我.Get back at you? This is my bar 报复你,这是我的酒

3、馆there are my people this is my town! 我的朋友,我的镇子I wanna thank you for saving Sookies life. 谢谢你救了苏琪的命Theres a way she can repay me. 我会给她机会还这个人情的The sheriff of Area 9 in Texas has gone missing 德州第九区的治安官失踪了which is where Sookie comes in. 苏琪的任务是协助找到他Ill infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun. 我会潜入太阳会Gabe!

4、Get off no! Let go! 盖博,放开我,让我走Let her go! Newlin! 放开她,纽林Enough! 够了Go home. Its over now. 回家吧,一切都结束了Two thousand years is enough. 两千年,我已经活够了Its insanity. 这太荒谬了Our existence is insanity. 我们的存在本身就是荒谬的What the hells happening on my turf? 我的地盘到底他妈的发生了什么She says God is coming. 她说神要显灵了Everybodys waiting so

5、 they can catch Sam. 所以大家都等着抓山姆and take him over to Maryann. 献给玛丽安Tara let Sookie in. 泰拉,让苏琪进去Its all coming from Maryann. What is she? 这都是因为玛丽安,她是何方神圣And more importantly how do we kill her? 更重要的是,怎么才能杀死她What are you? 你是什么人I need to know how to kill a maenad. 我想知道怎么才能杀死酒神女祭司She believes if she find

6、s the perfect vessel 她认定如果能找到一个完美的容器sacrifices and devours part of him 献祭并吃掉对方身体的某部分her mad god will appear. 她的酒神就会显灵My Lord. 主人You stay away from Sookie 你离苏琪远一点or I will tell the Queen 否则我就告诉女王that you are forcing humans to sell vampire blood. 你逼迫人类帮你卖吸血鬼的血He does not know that you are supplying it

7、. 他不知道我卖的血是你提供的He better not. 他最好不知道I will take care of Bill Compton. 我会处理好比尔康普顿的Please, Sookie. I need your help. 求你了,苏琪,我需要你的帮助You have to let me in. 你得让我进入你的内心I murdered innocent people. Put the knife down? 我杀了无辜的人,你先把匕首放下Its the murder weapon. 这是凶器Get the hell out of here. Go on. 赶紧跑,快跑No! 不Mrs

8、Merlotte 马洛特夫人I wanna find the people you adopted me from. 我想找到我的亲生父母You dont wanna know them. Theyre bad people. 你不会想和他们相认的,他们是坏人Jessica! 杰西卡Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? 我能有这份荣幸,娶你为妻吗I need minute to clean myself up. 我需要冷静一下Yes. Bill Compton, I will marry you. 我愿意,比尔康普顿,我愿意嫁给你Bill?

9、 比尔Bill! 比尔Bill! 比尔Bill! 比尔Madame. 女士My boyfriend, hes gone. Someone took him. 我男朋友不见了,他被人抓走了A kidnapping? 你是说绑架Did you see anyone or anything? 你看见什么人或者东西了吗Hoyt. 霍伊特Sookie Stackhouse. 苏琪斯塔克豪斯That that hot little number you was with 这是刚才在那家田鸡餐馆at that frog restaurant? 跟你一起的小辣妹吧Oh, if she was hot, how

10、 come you didnt nab her too? 她要真那么辣,你干嘛不一起绑来Not telling you anything. 我什么都不会说的So thats a yes. 就是承认咯Sayonara, Sookie. 永别了苏琪No! 不要Who the hell are you? 你们他妈的到底是谁How about you just call us the Fuck You Crew. 你可以叫我们搞死你小队So he proposes to you and you said what again? 他向你求婚,你怎么说来的That I needed a minute to

11、 think. 我说我要考虑一下Mm-hm. 好的Arent you gonna stop her 你怎么不制止她from trampling all over the crime scene? 让她别破坏犯罪现场了Why arent you taking this seriously, Kenya? 你怎么这么不当回事,肯雅My boyfriends been kidnapped. 我男朋友被人绑架了It is Deputy Jones. 是琼斯副警长And Id appreciate you addressing me as such. 希望你能用这个称呼Now how long were

12、 you in the bathroom? 你在洗手间待了多久No more than a minute or two. 也就一两分钟Was it one minute or two? 到底是一分钟还是两分钟What difference does it make 这有什么区别吗when every second you spend questioning me 你再浪费时间在这些愚蠢的问题上these bastards are getting further away? 那帮混蛋早跑的没影了What if there were no bastards? 要是压根没有绑架这回事呢What if

13、 while you were in the bathroom 要是你在洗手间的for a minute or two 那一两分钟时间里your vampire friend realized 你的吸血鬼朋友意识到he didnt want to be humiliated anymore and took off? 他不想再坐等难堪,所以走掉了呢How do you explain the turned-over tables inside? 那你怎么解释里面乱七八糟的桌子Because to me that looks like evidence of a struggle. 在我看来,那

14、显然是挣扎过的痕迹To me it looks like a man lost his temper. 在我看来,那是男人情绪失控的结果With good reason. 你能怪他吗Come on. 拜托Just file a missing persons report for me. 帮我报失踪吧Please? 求你了Forty-eight hours thats the rule. 按规定, 48小时内不算失踪You want a lift back to town or not? 要不要搭车回家Merci beaucoup. 非常感谢Merci beaucoup for nothing

15、. 屁都没说就谢谢Because then-Then I just walked outside and- 当时我就走了出去Oh, I ran outside and then he was laying there. 不,是跑出去,然后看见他躺在那儿And I heard Tara coming up behind me 后来我听见泰拉从后面跑过来and I didnt want her to see that. 我不想让她看见这一幕I turned around and tried to stop her 所以我就转过身拦住她but she busted on through. 但她推开我跑过去了And she threw herself on him and it was just so sad. 她一下子扑到他身上,真是痛不欲生Hey, coz. 喂,堂哥I know what youre going through. 我知道你经历着怎样的痛苦That first kill 第一次杀人its got a way of making you feel like thats



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