冀教版(三起)四下《Lesson 30 My Favourite School Work》ppt课件

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1、,Lesson30 My Favourite School Work,Chinese,English,math,science,art,music,P.E.,Whats your favourite subject ?,Chinese,English,P.E.,math science art music,Whats your favourite subject? My favourit subject is Chinese English scince math P.E. art music,What do you like to do ?,play ping-pong,play baske

2、tball,play games,draw pictures.,I like to,write stories.,I like to,work in the lab.,lab,I like to,play sports.,I like to,count,sing some songs,练习短语 我说短语全体学生做动作 我出示图片单词,点同学到讲台上做动作,别的同学猜短语。,听录音,跟读,看看书中的同伴们有什么爱好。,听,朗读课文,并和同桌做对话练习。,前后4人一组,互相了解对方最喜欢的功课或学校活动。 向全班做汇报表演。,小小图书管理员。 如果你是我们班的图书管理员,要为图书角选购一批拓展知识

3、的新书,你需要先做一个民意调查,按照同学喜欢的多少进行采购。用 Whats your favourite school work? I like to ./My favourite subject is I like to/ My favourite school work is to,回忆课文,完成下列句子。,-Jenny:I like to drow pictures .Art is my favourite subject. -Kim:I like art too.I also like English .I like to write stories. -Danny:My favourite subject is science .I like to work in the lab. -Steven:You like science ,but I like P.E.I like to play sports.,作业1:做一张英文课程表,作业2:向你的朋友们做调查,了解他们都喜欢什么功课或学校活动。,Whats your favourite school work ? My favourite school work is. / I like to .,本课结束 谢 谢!,


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