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1、Module FiveFind out the phrases of the text1.在26岁时2.7个中的6个3.列个 的名单4.和一起5.即便,即使6.决心做某事7.推出一种新品牌的运动服8.实现他们的运动梦想9.和竞争10由组成11.正当其时12.在增长13.比 有优势,超出14.每十秒15.赚钱16.从.退下来17.的数量18.很可能II.Key sentences of the text1.LiNings name was on it,_ _footballer Pele and boxer Muhammad Ali.The mother together with her 6

2、children_(be) standing on the road,begging.2.Li Ning retired with the feeling_he had failed.思考that引出的从句类型3.但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成绩4.He decided to_a new _of sportswear,_ _globalgiants like Nike and Adidas.5.The bright red_ _ _ _the first two letters._(主动语态)6.Li Nings sports clothes_ _ the market_ _ _

3、_ _7.They _a major_ _their betterknown rivals.8.His dream was_ _ a school for gymnasts.But Li Nings goal when he retired_ _ _ _ _.(仿造句子)My hope is_ _ _ _ (我的希望是上大学)His goal is _ _ _ _ _. (他的目标是获得诺贝尔奖)9.The chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.(翻译汉语)10.The nu

4、mber of young people with money to spend was on the increase-and sport had never been so popular. (翻译汉语)III.Language pointsadvantage优势,有利条件1.比某人有做某事的优势have the advantage over sb of doing sth2.利用take advantage of 1)他有比别人懂外语的优势.She _ _ _ _ _ _ _foreign language2)我希望这座图书馆能被充分利用.I hope that the library

5、_ fully _ _ _.3)Some studts took advantage of the lunch hour to finish their homework(翻译汉语)He has _ _ _me in Englishwhile I gain _ _ _him in maths.(他在英语上超过我,而我在数学上占优势)请写出强调句的结构:_1.It was _ _ _ _made his teacher angry.(是他的晚到使他的老师生气)2.It is_ _ _ _in the street yesterday_ I met an old friend.(正是昨天当我在街上

6、行走的时候我碰到一位老友)3.It was I_met your sister in the street.(是我在接上遇到了你的妹妹)4.It was _ _ _ _in November _I looked at the result of my work.(那是在11月的一个晚上我看了我的工作成果)5._ _ _ _you came to school late.(是什么使你上学迟到)Chance可能性,可数名词,常有于下列句型: (The)chances are (that)There is a chance that1.The chances are that the guest t

7、eam will win .翻译汉语:2._ _ _ _that I will see him these days.(这几天我有可能见到他)3._ _ _ the new machine will arrive tomorrow. (机器有可能明天到)竞争(v)_(n)_(adj)_与某人竞争compete against/with sb在某方面竞争compete in sth为而竞争compete for sth1.My handwriting can not compete_his.我的书法不及他的2.They are making efforts to compete_other co

8、untries_world market. 他们正努力与其它国家竞争国际市场3.He at last got a chance _ _ _ e Olympics他终于获得了参加奥运会比赛的机会。IV.Exercises:1._ _ _ that one smoker _four will _ _ smoking. 有可能四个人当中有一个人死于吸烟.2. A library _ _ five thousand books _ given to the country. 一座图书馆连同五千册书被送给了国家。3.He _ _ _ _ people he wanted to visit.(他把要拜访的

9、人列了个名单)4.He _ _ _ climb the highest mountain(他决心要爬上最高的山)5.Five children _ _the race.(五个孩子参加了赛跑)6_ _ _the books about women in China_ _ _ _在中国有关妇女的书的数量在增长7.The number of people invited_fifty,but a number of them_absent for different reasons. A.were,was B.was,was C.was,were D.were,were8.Though_of the

10、doctors to be sent thereis only 2,_of them have come to apply for it. A.a number,the number B.the number,a number C.a number,number D.the number,the numberAnswersI phrases1 At the age of 26, 2. six out of seven 3. make a list of 4. together with5. even though 6. be determined to do sth. 7. launch a

11、new brand of sportwear8.achieve their sporting ambitions 9. compete with 10. be made up of11.at the right time 12.on the increase 13. have an advantage over14. every tem seconds 15. make money 16. retire . from17.the number of 18. the chances are thatIII.Language points1. has an advantage over other

12、s understanding2).Is taken advantage of3)An advantage over an advantage over请写出强调句的结构:_1. his coming late/ his late arrival late2. when I was walking that3.who4. on the night that5. why is it that1. there is a chance 2. the chances are3. there is a chance 4. the chances are1. 1. with 2. with for 3.to compete inIV.Exercises:1. the chances are in die from2. together with was3. made a list of 4. was determined to 5. competed in6. the number of is on the increase7. c 8 c


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