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1、Unit One The Communication Ways Between TradersTask 1 Writing a Business Letter in EnglishI. Plan the layout according to the following particulars:China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Branch1001 Huangpu Road, shanghai, ChinaE-mail: shanghai yahoo. com. cn T

2、el No:86-21- Fax No: 86-21-March 23,2006 Biddle, Sawyer & Co., Ltd 125 Fitzory Street, London, SW825DY, England Mr. H. A. Donnan, Import Department Dear Sirs, 100% Cotton Bed SheetsWe are interested in your goods and would like to have details of your prices and termsIt would be helpful if you could

3、 supply samplesYours faithfully, HuangHua. Choose the best answer1. G 2. D 3. F 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. E . Translate the following job titles: 1.副总经理2. 销售代表3. 销售员4. 总经理5. 厂长 6. 采购人员7. 地区经理8. 销售部经理9. 职员/接待员10. 首席执行官11.董事会. Write out the entire words of the abbreviations of street addresses1.street 2.road

4、3.avenue 4.city 5.square 6.lane 7. apartment 8. post office box 9. drive 10. north 11.southwestTask 2 Telegram & TelexI. Read the following Telex messages and translate into Chinese:1. 请报给有效期为5天的500公吨荷兰产硫酸铵成本加保险加运费最低上海到岸价,并注明最早装运期。2.现报给1000罗长城牌铅笔, 每罗10英镑成本加运费伦敦价,并给于2%的数量折扣,假如订货超过3000罗,折扣为3%,如果超过6000

5、罗,我们将电报答复。3. 你方25日电悉。我们接受你方的10公吨牛皮纸八月份装运的要求。其它商品也适用。4. 你方18日电悉。自行车确认,缝纫机再谈。5. 请电传缝纫机许可证条件,我们正等待你岗的信用证。 6. 第5089定单必须在12月31日之前开立有关信用证,否则,我们将取消定单并保留索赔权。7. 我们正焦急地等待着信用证3986的修改通知书,以便能够在10月31日前装运。请电复。 8. 第7806号销售合同项下的5680号信用证请用电报分别展延装运期至4月15日有效期至4月30日。. Read the following Telex messages and translate them

6、 into Chinese:1.请立即告知设计货号,否则装运将延迟。2.我方9月6日电,报价如立刻接受依然有效。今后价格必将上涨,请立即接受。3.定单106号项下桌子620张,“幸福”轮无舱位,拟装“王子”轮,7月中旬航你港。4.你10日电悉。因录像机比此地市价高出约5%, 用户对此不感兴趣。如能降价10%,可望交易。市场呆滞,望按我方建议价格重新报盘。5.我方已空邮你们皮鞋样品,皮包样品随到。接样后请告知你方客户之反应、你方评价、价格意向及业务前景。致谢。6我564号报价单,2%佣金不能接受,甚憾。建议改为1.5%,星期五中午复到有效。7.你方8日电悉。谢谢。请注意,为了避免今后的改证,信用

7、证条款必须与销售条款相符。致意。8.贵方5月10日电传悉。很遗憾,由于你方所需原色布无现货,目前无法向你方报价。但一俟供货恢复,我们将予以办理。致候。Task 3 Fax & Electronic Mail (E-mail)1. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a fax.FROM: Dennis Smith DATE: May 15, 2007TO: Miss Wu xiFAX: 027-RE: Establishing Business Relationships PAGE: 1 of 1D

8、ear Sirs,Being one of the largest importers of Chinese Arts & Crafts in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with you.At present, we are interested in your products, details as per our Inquiry Note No.618 attached, and shall be glad to receive your keenest quotation as soon

9、 as possibleXXX2. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in an e-mail.From: Richarddong To: BrownSent: Saturday, May 18, 2007, 2:01:01 PMSubject: Shipping DocumentsDear Sirs,We are sending you under separate cover a full set of non-negotiable copies of shipping documents per

10、s.s PEACE.We hope that you will find everything in good order.Unit 2 Establishing business relationsChoose the best answer.1.A 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A .Complete the sentences with the correct expressions of the following given words:1. take the pleasure of have pleasure have the plea

11、sure2. supply in short supply the supply 3 in our line in line of 4 be assured assure of 5 interested of interest are interested 6 enclosed Enclosed enclosing. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of given words:enquiry competitive establishment compliance desire extension.Translate the following se

12、ntences 1.纽约史密司有限公司向我们介绍,贵公司是家具业的主要进口商 2.我们的产品不仅美观耐用而且规格齐全。3.我们的产品物美价廉。它们是同类产品中卖得最好的。4.我们专门出口中国工艺品, 希望与贵方开展这方面业务。5.我们在广交会上看到贵方展示的玩具,并对第123号商品感兴趣。6. Your letter of September 2, 2001 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business ac

13、tivities.7. In compliance with your request, we are sending you a range of cut samples of our cotton piece goods. We hope they will arrive in time and be found to your satisfaction.8. To give you a general idea of the products we handle we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing specifications an

14、d means of packing.9. Your letter dated 15th Feb. has been passed on to our Shanghai Office for attention and reply, as the goods you inquired for fall within the scope of their business activities. 10. To give you a general idea of our export, we are sending you under separate cover a catalogue tog

15、ether with a range of pamphlets for your reference.Translate the following letter into English:Dear Sirs, RE: TABLECLOTH We have your name and address from the Commercial Office of Chinese Embassy in Pakistan. We take this opportunity to write to you with a view to set up friendly business relations with you. We are a state-owned compan


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