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1、N Enterprise du documentContractor doc. NRev. Page MS-C003-10028 0B 1 of 5Concreting Method Statement on the Floor混凝土楼板浇筑方法PROJET KONIAMBOKONIAMBO PROJECTRequisition Number: 319000-00300-CN-C003-001Purchase Order Number: C003Equipment / Item Tag:Equipment / Item Description: MET-PLANT WORKS KNS Proj

2、ects Document Number: 319000-00300-MS-C003-10028StampDocument Category:Comment given in this document does not relieve vendor of his/her responsibility for the correct engineering design and fabrication. This equipment or product shall be made as per the codes, requisition, specification, project pr

3、ocedures, and international standards.0A 28-MAR-2011 H.Y.HE E.J.CHEN IFRRev. DateDD-MMM-YYYY Written By(name) Check By (name) Approved By(name) StatusPROJET KONIAMBOlUsine du NordNouvelle-CaldonieDOCUMENT NO.319000-00300-MS-C003-10028REV. 0BPAGE 2 OF 5Procedure document coverPLEASE REMOVE IF DOCUMEN

4、T REV IS NOT 0A OR ABOVEREVISION HISTORYRev. No Revision Date Revision DetailsPROJET KONIAMBOlUsine du NordNouvelle-CaldonieDOCUMENT NO.319000-00300-MS-C003-10028REV. 0BPAGE 3 OF 5Procedure document cover1、砼到 现场时司机 应出具运输单据,单据上面应包括合同号、名称及地点、序列号、日期、车号、砼标号、水泥种类、水泥含量、水灰比、骨料来源、骨料最大粒径、粗细骨料重量、添加剂种类名称含量、砼试块

5、数量、砼出厂温度等。现场施工监督必须严格检查。As the concrete is transported to the site, the driver shall supply the transport bill which contains the Contract number, Name and location of batch plant, Serial number for ticket, Date, Plate number (or ID) of delivery truck, Mix identification and concrete design strength,

6、 Type of cement, Cement content, Water/cement ratio, Source of aggregate, Maximum size of aggregate, Weight of fine and coarse aggregates, Type, name and amount of admixtures, Quantity of concrete in meters, Time loaded, Temperature of concrete at time of loading etc.the supervisor must check strict

7、ly.2、具体混凝土罐 车 配备数量,要求满足现场混凝土浇筑速度,并保证现场不压车。现场混凝土浇筑是采用混凝土地泵。Specific quantity of concrete truck is required to meet concrete pouring speed in site, and the concrete is poured by concrete pump.3、混凝土 浇筑前,根据点 焊测设的标高点打混凝土控制点。测量放线人员要随时检查标高情况,确保标高符合设计要求。Marking will be tack welded to surveyed elevation befo

8、re formal concrete pouring. The elevation will be checked and inspected by surveyors at any time to assure drawings requirements are met.4、在浇筑 砼前,对 模板内的杂物和钢筋上的油污等应清理干净;对模板的缝隙和孔洞应予堵严;模板应浇水湿润,但不得有积水。浇注过程中要经常检查保护层垫块是否脱落和损坏。 Prior to concreting, debris inside the formwork and grease on the rebar shall b

9、e cleared; spaces between the formwork and holes herein shall be sealed. And Formwork shall be moistured by water but without any dropsy. During concreting, protective liner shall be inspected to check whether it is damaged. Meanwhile, all the equipments, ducting, piping, and E&I must be protected f

10、rom unnecessary contamination. 5、混凝土 浇筑时采用分 层自然流淌连续浇筑法,从一头浇筑严格控制浇筑间隙,间隙时间不大于 2.5 小时。在混凝土出料口采用橡胶软管进行浇筑,下料点应分散布置。混凝土浇筑时必须注意,混凝土管出口不得正对模板,防止出现粘模现象。Concrete will be poured continuously layer by layer, flown spontaneously from one initial PROJET KONIAMBOlUsine du NordNouvelle-CaldonieDOCUMENT NO.319000-0

11、0300-MS-C003-10028REV. 0BPAGE 4 OF 5Procedure document coverplace, the timing intervals no more than 2.5 hours. Rubber soft hose will be used in the discharge hole,and pouring spots should be spread around. When pouring, the outlet hole of pipe shall not face the formwork directly, for stripping eas

12、ily. 6、在浇筑混凝土同时,开始振捣。振动棒与混凝土表面振捣时棒要快插慢拔,振捣过程中棒要略微上下抽动,每点振捣应视混凝土表面呈水平不再显著下沉、不再出现气泡、表面泛出灰浆为准,时间约 2030 秒。振捣棒插棒间距500600mm,振捣必须密实,不得漏振、超振。Start vibrating as soon as pouring concrete .The vibrating rod shall be inserted quickly & vertically and drawn slowly while vibrating on the concrete surface, and sli

13、ghtly pulled up and down in the whole process. Vibrating time 20-30s for each point, spacing 500-600mm, the concrete must be dense and solid while vibrating.7、在振动 棒振动完后,用平板振 捣密实,大杠刮平,木抹子搓平, 首次收粗面。不要加水。It shall be vibrating tampered, spread by harrow to the marked level. Surface shall be leveled by w

14、ood trowel and finished by steel trowel after vibrating. For first surface finishing, adding water shall not be allowed. 8. 在粗面收完后,立即用塑料薄膜全覆盖。2 至 3 小时之后,用手测试混凝土的硬度。硬度合理,移开塑料薄膜,完成收精面。As soon as trowel finish, cover with plastic film immediately. After 2-3 hours, form test must be carried out by hand

15、to check hardness of the concrete. Remove the plastic film and perform the finish for smooth surface. 9. 浇筑后,至少 7 天浇水养护。养护期间应确保麻布连续润湿。Curing time shall be minimum 7 days; and the rags shall be continuously monitored and shall be kept moisture all the time during such period.10、随时解决坍落度 过大或过小问题,现场 决不允

16、许随便加水,如发现坍落度不适合时,应及时和搅拌站联系后进行调整,必要时要做退货处理。 Slump constant deviation shall be adjusted at any time, and it is prohibited to add water at site. Where the slump value is not suitable, immediately contacting with the concrete batching plant and concrete may be rejected if found not acceptable.11、在浇筑完混凝土后,用水冲洗 泵管时 ,用水箱接水,禁止将污水直接冲



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