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1、英语作文范文背诵Unit 1假如你是王朋,你在美国的笔友杰克(Jack)来信告诉你说他总是觉得很疲惫,导致上课不能集中精力听讲。请你根据下面的英文提示词,给他写封回信,向他提一些建议,信的开头和结尾已给出。英文提示词:should, help, exercise, keep healthy, sleep, try 要求:1. 英文提示词供选用;2. 70词左右,已给出部分不计入总词数。 Dear Jack, I am sorry to hear that you often feel tired. Let me give you some advice. First you should ea

2、t breakfast every morning. Eating breakfast can help you study well. Then you should do more exercise after school. Doing exercise can make you keep healthy. It is also very important to sleep eight or nine hours a night. Good sleep can make you feel good and study well in the day. Try to have a hea

3、lthy lifestyle and then you can study well. Yours, Wang Peng 你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥;(2)书写认真,句子通顺;(3)词数:80词左右。Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now

4、he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesnt sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldnt use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.I think if he has a g

5、ood rest, he will feel well soon.Unit2 假如上周日你参加了学校组织的志愿者活动。请写一篇短文介绍一下你们的活动,并谈谈你的感受。提示:参考词汇: rubbish n. 垃圾 Childrens Hospital 儿童医院要求:(1) 语句通顺,表达正确;(2) 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;(3) 70词左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)。 Last Sunday, I took part in the volunteer work that my school organized. _Last Sunday, I took part in the

6、volunteer work that my school organized. On Sunday morning, we went to the park and cleaned up the rubbish in it. Then we watered the flowers and trees there. The clean park, beautiful flowers and trees made us happy. In the afternoon, we went to the Childrens Hospital to cheer sick kids up. We read

7、 books, told stories and sang for them. They became very happy. When I got home, I felt tired but happy.Unit3你们外教想知道班里同学做家务的情况,作为班长你为此进行了一次调查。请你根据下表中的调查内容,给外教介绍一下调查结果,并谈谈你的观点。90词左右,可适当发挥。The number of the studentsChoresLikes or dislikesReason20clean the roominteresting10do the dishesboring5wash clot

8、hesrelaxing, easy3There are 38 students in our class. Most of us do chores at home. 20 students clean their rooms every day. They think it is very interesting. They make their beds, sweep the floor and so on. 10 students have to do the dishes after dinner every day. They hate doing it. They think it

9、s so boring. 5 students dont mind washing clothes. They think its relaxing and easy. Only 3 students dont do any chores. Their parents do all the chores. I think its bad for them.企业一般可在支付平台上备案多个用于税费电子支付的账号,法人卡用户可通过点击“修改可操作账号”,将这些银行账号的操作权限给予指定的操作员卡用户,并设定最大可操作金额。County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, comprehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work3


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