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1、Good lenses, bad frames 人不可貌相Describing someone who gives a bad first impression but is actually a good person. Someone who doesnt appear to be competent, yet is extremely capable at what he/she does. 形容一个给人的第一印象极差、但本质很好的人,或者指表面看不出来,实则深藏不露的高手。例句:Dr. Bruce is a spaz, but hes one of the best doctors I

2、 know. You wouldnt know it by looking at him.good lenses, bad frames. Mid-day crisis 午间危机When one is in a desperate need for a siestabecause they become extremely tired in the afternoon and coffee isnt cutting it any longer. 指急需午睡以补充体力的情况,这种时候通常咖啡已经不管用了。例句:After that wild night of drinking, I had th

3、e worst mid-day crisis ever.Clock Out With My CockOut 下班 high 去喽To call it a day at work so you can go party. 下班之后去派对狂欢(clock out 即打卡下班,也可以说 punch out)例句:-Hey, dude, you coming to happy hour? -Hells yeah! Its time to clock out with my cock out! Nearsighted Date “近视”相亲As opposed to a blind date, wher

4、e you have no idea what the other person looks like, a nearsighted date is one where youve seen a photo or chatted via web before meeting in person. 与 blind date(事先一无所知的相亲)相对,指在相亲前看过对方的照片或者网聊过。This can often lead to disappointment if one person or the other has supplied misleading documentation. 如果对

5、方没有给你真实照片或提供了虚假信息,nearsighted date 一样有见光死的可能。例句:Thats the last nearsighted date I ever go on.her profile picture must have been 5 years, 3 hair colors and 2 kids ago.(这个见光死死得彻底啊 )Happy Late Year 拜个晚年When people are still saying Happy New Year, even though its already a week after the new year. 年后一个星

6、期,拜年的时候就不是 new year 了,是 late year。例句:-Happy new year! What s up?-More like happy late year. it was new years 5 days ago. 工作压死人 Work avalancheWhen there is so much work piled on your desk, movement from under it is nearly impossible. 桌上一堆东西要处理,想脱身而出,不可能。例句:Hey, pour me a drink! I worked up quite a th

7、irst digging out from my work avalanche to get to happy hour. 节后抑郁症 Postsantum depression The incredible letdown some folks experience when they realize Christmas is over (typical Monday after Christmas office discussion)意识到圣诞节已经过去时人们心中的失落感。(节后第一个工作日办公室里的高频用语)例句:-Why is Michelle ragging it with me?-

8、Its not just you, shes got a bad case of postsantum depression. Christmas tight 节后缩水The period of time after Christmas and New Years where the clothes you wore priorto the holidays that fit well, all of a sudden are a little tighter than they should be. 圣诞节和新年之后,你发现你节前穿正好的衣服,居然有些紧了。例句:I got this new

9、 dress shirt for Christmas. I went to wear it with my favorite work pants, but they are a little Christmas tight now. 富二代 rich second generation or affluent second generation例句:The rapidly expanding affluent 2nd generation is seeking to define their identity and quality of life via luxuries。rich sec

10、ond generation 就是如今的“富二代” ,而 poor second generation(贫二代)则是从 rich second generation 衍生出的字眼。顾名思义,rich second generation 出生自富裕的 nouveau riche(新兴富裕)家庭,他们身着 brand-name clothes(名牌服饰),开着luxury cars(豪华轿车 ),很多人认为这些 rich second generation 纯属是在 flaunt their wealth(炫富) 。“富二代” 与“贫二代”争议颇多拓展阅读:The simultaneous eme

11、rgence of the rich second generation andpoor second generation has triggered a heated debate in theChinese media。同时涌现出的“富二代”与“ 贫二代” 在中国媒体间引发了热议。While the lavishing of gifts by the countrys nouveau riche ontheir children is seen as beyond reproach, the sharp contrast theypresent with the poor student

12、s, who have never seen 10100-yuan-notes at one time, is arousing concern over the yawningwealth gap。虽说这些新兴富裕阶层给自己孩子送奢华的礼物无可厚非,但是他们跟那些从来没有同时见过十张 100 元钱的贫困学生们形成的强烈对比,正在引起越来越多人对不断加大的贫富差距的关注。“富二代”的由来:“富二代” 指的是我国改革开放以来最早一代民营企业家“富一代”们的子女,如今他们靠继承家产,拥有丰厚财富。该词最早出现在鲁豫有约。该栏目对“富二代” 的定义是:80 年代出生,继承过亿家产,他们被称为富二代。

13、水荒 water scarcity3 月 22 日是第 18 个世界水日。从这一天开始为期一周的时间,将是第 23 届“ 中国水周”。人类目前能够利用的淡水资源只占全球水资源总量的 0.26%,其中 70%以上被冻结在南极和北极的冰盖中,加上难以利用的高山冰川和永冻积雪,有 87%的淡水资源难以被人类利用。联合国称,到 2025 年,30%的国家将面临“水荒” 。请看新华社的报道:The General Assembly designated the first World Water Day in 1993, and on March 22 every year since, the foc

14、us has been on a different aspect of freshwater sustainability, including sanitation and water scarcity.联合国大会在 1993 年确定了首个世界水日,自此之后,每年 3 月 22 日被定为世界水日。世界水日的主题集中在淡水资源可持续利用的不同方面,包括水资源清洁状况以及水荒。文中的 water scarcity 就是指“水荒”,也称为 water shortage(水资源缺乏)。地球上的水资源主要分为 freshwater(淡水)和 salt water(咸水)两大类。其中,无法直接食用的

15、salt water 占绝大多数。我们平时所喝的则是经过处理的 safe drinking water(安全饮用水)。为了节约用水,很多农田还使用了 drip irrigation(滴灌技术)。平时口渴了,人们喜欢喝 mineral water(矿泉水),soda water(汽水),或者 iced water(冰水)。身体不舒服的时候可以灌个 hot-water bottle(热水袋)。到了雨季,如果海河达到了 high-water mark(高水位线),就要注意防洪了。蜗居 dwelling narrowness“高房价”“住房难”受到社会关注,也牵动温家宝总理的心。2 月 27 日与网民

16、在线交流时,温家宝坦言,自己也知道所谓“蜗居” 的滋味。蜗居,即“居住在狭小的空间 ”,作名词用时则指“狭小的居住空间”。这个词在由小说改编的同名电视剧横扫 2009 年电视荧屏的同时也一夜窜红,变得人尽皆知。蜗居的英文怎么表达呢,电视剧的名字翻译成“Dwelling narrowness”。在日常表达中可以说“ dwelling in a narrow space” 。用作名字的时侯,蜗居译为“pigeonhole”似乎更贴切一些。“房屋拆迁”请看中国日报的报道:In a letter to the National Peoples Congress (NPC) Standing Committee on monday, scholars said the current Housing Demolition and RelocationManagement Regulation is a breach of the countrys constitution


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