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1、2011 年广西翻译大赛初赛卷年广西翻译大赛初赛卷 Part I Passage Translation (60%) Direction: Translate the following passage into Chinese How to Get out of Jury Duty The mailman delivers good news and bad news. Topping the “bad news” list for many people who live in Los Angeles is a jury summons. This document tells you t

2、hat you must respond by mail or phone for possible service on a jury. Many people feel that jury duty is a boring chore and would prefer not doing it. In fact, court clerks say that the most common question they hear is: Why do I have to serve? The official response is: Jury duty is a responsibility

3、 that all qualified citizens must share. If you are a citizen, if you can read and understand English, if youre over 18 years old, and if youre not a felon, you are eligible for jury duty. If you ignore the summons, you might be fined up to $1,500. A jury trial might last one day or one month. If yo

4、u work for the government, this is no problem, because the government will pay you your regular salary while you are on jury duty. However, if you are self-employed, you lose your regular income for that time period. Instead of your regular income, you get $15 a DAY for sitting on a jury. This is an

5、other reason people try to avoid jury duty. Jack got the bad news yesterday. Even though he was retired and sat around all day watching reruns of old movies, he told his wife Polly he wasnt going to be a juror. He hated jury duty and he was not going to let the courts interfere with his retirement.

6、“So how do you think you are going to get out of it?” Polly asked, both amused and irritated. “Are you going to claim that youre dead? Or are you going to tell them youve moved out of the country?” “No, both of those involve too much paperwork. Ive got a better idea. Its a medical excuse. It says he

7、re that if you have a physical disability, you can be dismissed.” “Whats your disability? Your bad back doesnt allow you to sit in a chair watching reruns all day?” “No. Something better than that. Ive got gas. Itll offend the other jurors and everyone else in the courtroom. Theyll have to open all

8、the windows or issue gas masks.” “But theres one problem. You dont have gas.” “But I know how to create it. Ill eat a lot of peanuts and fruit the morning that I go to court. As soon as they get a whiff of my problem, theyll tell me to go home and stay home.” “Thats a brilliant idea!” Polly said, as

9、 she rolled her eyes. At least it would get him out of the house for one day, she thought. Part II Sentence Translation 40% Translate the following sentences into English (8% each) 1.作为教师,你的第一要务就是掌握清晰、准确表达自己的能力和引用恰当的事例来解释你的想法。 2.过去十年中国进入一个经济高速发展时期,人民的生活水平得到大幅度提高,以致小汽车也成了日常消费品。 3.有句老话叫“有志者事竟成” ,但我认为这

10、句老话现在应该改成“有智者事竟成” 。 4.历经两个月的治疗后,病人有了明显的好转迹象,或许三周后可以出院了。 5.今天的成功是昨天积累的结果,明天的成功取决于今天的努力,而专心的工作与良好的态度是成功的密码。 参考译文:参考译文: 如何才不必去当陪审员 邮差时常送来好消息或者坏消息。对于许多居住在洛杉矶的人来说,排在“坏消息”榜首就是陪审员的传票。这 份文件要求你必须以邮件或电话回复参与陪审员工作。 许多人觉得陪审团义务实在是件乏味、 避之不及的烦琐事情。 事实上,法院工作人员说他们最常听到的问题是: 干嘛要我陪审? 正式的回答是: 陪审是每个合格公民必 须承担的义务。 如果你是一位公民,看

11、得懂、听得懂英语,如果年满 18 岁,而且与当事人无干系,你就有资格当陪审员。如 果你不回应传票,可能会被罚款高达 1500 美元。 陪审员审理工作可能持续一天或一个月。如果你在政府里工作, 这就不成问题,因为政府会因你参与陪审而照发工资给你。但是,如果你是私营业主,那段时间你可能失去正常的 收入。取而代之的是, 你陪审一天 15 美元。 这就是人们尽可能躲避参与陪审的另一原因。 杰克昨天收到这样的坏消息。尽管他已退休,整天坐着看重播的老电影,他还是告诉他的妻子波利说他不打算 去陪审员。他讨厌陪审工作, 他不想让法院干扰他的退休生活。 波利既好笑又好气地问道“你认为你怎么才能摆 脱这件事呢?”

12、“你打算说你已经死了吗?或者打算告诉他们你已经移居国外?” “不, 这两个问题牵涉太繁琐的文件啦。我有更好地主意。 找个医学借口。 传票上说如果身有残疾,可以免 责。” “你有什么毛病呢?腰痛使你坐不了椅子整天看重播的电视吗?” “我有比这个更好的借口。 我有屁。 放屁会恼怒其他陪审员和在法庭上的其他人,他们不得不打开的所有窗 口,或戴上防毒面具。” “但问题是你怎么放屁呢?” “我知道怎么做。 上法院的那天早上我会吃许多花生和水果。当他们闻到我的屁时,就会告诉我回家呆着。” “这真是一个绝妙的主意!”波利眼珠一转说道, 心想他至少离开这个家一天。 1. As a teacher, your

13、prime task is to master the skills of clearly and accurately expressing yourself, and properly citing examples to illustrate your ideas. 2. The past decade has seen fast development in China and the living standard of the people has been remarkably improved. Now even cars have become daily commoditi

14、es for the people. 3. There is an old saying that “Where there is a will, there is a way”. But I believe nowadays the old saying should be changed into “Where there is intelligence, there is a way” 4. After two months of treatment, the patient show marked signs of improvement, and he may probably be

15、 discharged in three weeks. 5. Todays success is the results of the accumulation of yesterday, and the success of tomorrow depends on the hard work of today. However, the code to success is wholehearted work and good attitude to work. 2010 年广西翻译大赛初赛卷年广西翻译大赛初赛卷 Love Your Life However mean you life is

16、, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you think. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults in paradise. Love you life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of a shabby house as brightly as from a rich mans mansion; the snow melts before its d



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