新高考英语必备--- 精校word版跟踪检测·强化提升 语法精讲突破系列 一

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《新高考英语必备--- 精校word版跟踪检测·强化提升 语法精讲突破系列 一》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新高考英语必备--- 精校word版跟踪检测·强化提升 语法精讲突破系列 一(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新高考英语必备-跟踪检测强化提升【对点语境练】. 单句语法填空1. Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience. 2. Dont try to make _ (friend) with managers, but be respectful. 3. You are going to do much better than before if you have a good education; you are going to be happier than before on co

2、ndition that you have _ education that enables you to do what you have to do in life. 4. (2018广州模拟)William Wu, manager of Universum, said that banking remains_ attractive industry for young Chinese. 5. (2018衡阳模拟) Recent _ (study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks r

3、egularly. 6. At meal times it is a good idea to give a child a small part and let him come back for _ second helping rather than give him as much as he is likely to eat all at once. 7. (2018安阳模拟)The festival is set to show respect, _ (appreciate) and love towards friends and relatives. 8. (2018衡水模拟)

4、 Both apply the same technology but with differentspecifications, creating problems for companies designing compatible(兼容的) products as _ result. 9. Very few of the fifty pence pieces and pound _ (coin) I have given him have found their way there. 10. Luckily, one of his _ (employ) was working there

5、. 答案:1. an ;an 2. friends 3. the 4. an 5. studies 6. a 7. appreciation 8. a 9. coins 10. employees . 单句改错1. (2018石家庄模拟)Im writing to inform you of good piece of news. 世纪金榜导学号79060204 ( )2. The blog serves as open platform where you can do lots of things. ( )3. (2018重庆模拟) It is such great hotel that

6、I would recommend it to any friend of mine who is going to Beijing. ( )4. What we have learned from the trip is to help, understand and share with others. In word, we have got quite a lot from it. ( )5. They may be too young to tell right from wrong without the guidance of their parents. Some may ta

7、ke illegal activity. ( )6. But my fathers dead changed me. My life became poorer, but my mother tried her best to give me what I wanted even though it was too difficult for her. 世纪金榜导学号79060205( )7. After we walked along the bank for forty minute, we reached the Happy Valley. ( )8. It is necessary t

8、hat one should eat various kind of healthy food such as fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits. ( )9. (2018大庆模拟)By the way, after the contest, I am to drop in at your universities to visit you. ( )答案:1.在good前加a2.在open前加an3.在such后加a4.在In后加a5. activityactivities6. deaddeath7.minuteminutes8. kindkinds9. uni

9、versitiesuniversity【综合语篇练】. 语法填空世纪金榜导学号79060206阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Spicy food is enjoyed around the world. In some countries, spicy food is even fed to young children to help adapt 1. (they) taste buds (味蕾)to the delicious heat. 2. (eat) spicy food will open up a whole new world 3. thos

10、e who havent eaten anything spicy. However, some work 4. (require) to handle the hot food. You should eat slowly. Devouring (狼吞虎咽)an entire plate of peppers in a meal will not do you any favors when you try to adapt to spicy food. Doing so will more likely keep you away from spicy food altogether. I

11、nstead, add just a bit of spice to each meal over 5. long period of time. Be patient. Dont feel 6. (discourage) if your taste buds dont seem to adjust to the heat. Keep a glass of milk nearby. Milk is a classic reliever of heat thanks to casein(酪蛋白). 7. you feel hot or need relief 8. (occasional), t

12、ake a few sips of milk. Dairy, such as yogurt or sour cream, 9. (work) similarly to milk and can make for a great side item in many spicy 10. (dish). 【文章大意】辣的食物很受人欢迎, 但是有的人却不能接受, 本文介绍了一些方法帮助人们去适应辣的食物。1. 【解析】their。根据前文children可知需用形容词性物主代词修饰taste buds。2. 【解析】Eating。在句中作主语, 故用动名词形式。3. 【解析】to。根据语境, 吃辣的食

13、物将会打开一个全新的世界给那些从没吃过辣的东西的人。4. 【解析】is required。根据语境, 需要做一些工作去应对吃辣的食物。work与require之间为动宾关系, 故应用被动语态。5. 【解析】 a。修饰名词period, 表示“一段时间”, 故用不定冠词。6. 【解析】discouraged。连系动词feel后应用形容词作表语, 且表示人的内心感受, 应用discouraged。7. 【解析】If/When。根据语境, 如果你觉得辣, 或者是偶尔需要舒缓, 喝几口牛奶。8. 【解析】occasionally。修饰动词need应用副词形式。9. 【解析】works。主语为dairy

14、, 故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。10. 【解析】 dishes。dish为可数名词, 且此处被many所修饰, 故应用复数形式。. 短文改错Having good manners are very important. People enjoy being with those which are pleasant. Here are some simple ways in having good manners. First, look people in the eye when I speak to them. If you look people in the eye, they

15、will know clearly that you are talking to them. You should also pay attention to their words when speaking to. Second, you should always thank people rides, meals, and some other thing. Third, you should be sure to use politely vocabulary, which will show others that you are respectful. Think careful before you speak. For the instance, if you want to say something that may hurt other people, think again. 答案:


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