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1、9C2010M12JISUANJI YU XIANDA IHUA9184cI|: 1006-2475( 2010) 12-0056-03l: 2010-08-16:SE863( 2006AA703405F);y81S( 2009J05141);y8OS/9( JA09040)Te:( 1979-),3,ye,y=Sv;S/=,pV,Z_:m)9j$bm)ES6(福建师范大学物理与光电信息科技学院, 福建福州 350108)K1:为克服目标被短时间遮挡的跟踪问题,在基于图像信息的跟踪算法中增加轨迹约束条件, 构成基于图像处理和轨迹预测的目标跟踪算法b首先分别介绍基于图像信息的目标跟踪算法和常见的

2、轨迹预测方法, 然后介绍基于图像处理和轨迹预测的目标跟踪算法b实验结果表明, 基于图像处理和轨迹预测的目标跟踪算法能够有效地克服目标被遮挡时的跟踪问题b1oM:目标跟踪; 轨迹预测; 图像匹配; 图像处理; 自适应滤波ms|: TP301 DSM: A do:i 10. 3969 / .j issn. 1006-2475. 2010. 12. 016Object Tracking Using Image Processing and Trace PredictionCA I Rong-tai( School of Physics, Optics, E lectronic Science and

3、 Technology, Fu jian Norm alUn iversity, Fuzhou 350108, China)Abstract: To solve the problem of short tim e occlus ions in visual tracking, the paper adds trace inform ation on im age inform ationin visual ob ject track ing, wh ich lead to a visual tracking algorithm based on im age processing and t

4、race prediction. The visualtracking algorithm based on image processing is presented first, the trace pred iction m ethods are introduced later, and the visualtracking algorithm based on im age process ing and trace pred iction is proposed at last. Experim ental results show that the proposedalgorit

5、hm can solve the occlusion prob lem in visual track ing perfectly.Keywords: ob ject tracking; trace prediction; im age match ing; im age processing; adaptive filter0 S6/SbmES6E,5SQ$,63g?S$HESEM,iSQCHSbLTV46E,f.los+SARm+S_ J.0S/v, 2010, 37 ( 2 ):366-384. 11r,.6jd J.;,1995, 3( 5): 44-52. 12 S imon H a

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