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1、1讲义七 Text ALeisure and LeadershipI.课文简介title: leisure: free time, spare time, freedom from work 休闲lead v.领导 a.领导的 n.领导;铅第一部分:现代人越来越重视休闲活动与生活质量。Paras.1-2 As far as quality of life is concerned, leisure plays an important role in life.第二部分:不同的人对休闲时间的利用不一样,主要取决于他们的工作性质和生活方式。Paras.3-6 The specific use o

2、f leisure varies from person to person.第三部分:我们需要从社会中获得各种兴趣。大众在积极利用休闲方面需要指引和领导。Paras.7-9 We acquire interests in a variety of things and subjects from our society.第四部分:休闲有可能影响我们的工作。Para.10 Leisure will in return encourage academic work.(说明:研究表明,在就业工作中的劳动者不能发挥任何创造性,而玩乐的作用之一,就是帮助人们表达在就业工作中被压抑的潜在性,重新找回自

3、我。在今后我国将会出现娱乐指数,出现休闲支出的年增长率,这可能成为国家经济发达与否的一个隐性指标。 )II.词汇精讲:1.attach :vt.固定住,系;附加;把(重点)放在She attached a chain to the dogs collar.她把链条拴在狗的项圈上。Passengers should attach labels to their bags before boarding the airplane.旅客在登机前必须在提包上拴上标签。2.possession: n.有,拥有,pl. 财产(总称,不强调每件东西的价值) 对比 belongings n. 派生词:poss

4、ess v.拥有,有He lost most of his possessions during the war. 战争期间他丢失了大部分财产。 Hes had possession of the house for ten years. 他拥有这所房产已有十年。3.desirable :a.称心的,合意的,理想的 派生词:desire v.希望,愿望用法:用在 It is desirable that 句型中,that 从句里谓语动词要用(should) +动词原形。It is desirable that he should attend the meeting. 他参加会议是最理想的了。

5、We desire your early reply to this inquiry. 我们期待对这个询问早日回复。lie v.躺 过去式和过去分词:lay, lain 现在分词:lying 撒谎 liedlay v.放置 过去式和过去分词:laid, laid4.acquire: vt.获得,得到 同义词 obtain v.I acquired a little Spanish while I was in Peru. 我在秘鲁时学到了一点西班牙语。 区别:acquire 与 require require v.需要,需求5.positive:a. 明确的,确实的;积极的 反义词:negat

6、ive a.消极的,否定的active a.积极的 反义词:passive a.消极的He gave positive instructions.他给了明确的指示。He always adopts a positive attitude when correcting students mistakes.他在纠正学生的错误时总是采取积极的态度。2Motivate 作“激励,鼓励”讲时, 同义词:encourage v.激励,鼓励6.relevant : a. 贴切的,中肯的,与有关的派生词:relevance n.相关; irrelevant adj.不相关的,不贴切的用法:be releva

7、nt to 与相关Any relevant information should be given to the police.任何有关信息都应交给警察。词组: 1.be concerned with:关于,关切,关注Her job is something concerned with computers 她的工作与电脑有关。Your parents are concerned with your health.你父母总是很关心你的健康。相关词组:be concerned about 关心,担心2.to attach importance to 认为很重要3.to take to: 养成.的

8、习惯;开始喜欢 She was so depressed she took to drugs. 她极度沮丧以至染上了吸毒的习惯。Shes taken to tennis like a duck to water. 她开始喜欢上网球,而且如鱼得水。相关词汇:take up 从事,占据;take over 接管,接任;take on 具有,承担,呈现4.to putto use 使用;利用 to put to good use 充分利用5.on the part of :就而言I have done nothing wrong on my part.我什么也没做错。on ones part of

9、在某人这一方面6.to set as objective:把 作为目标The company tries to set the improvement of quality as their objective.这个公司把提高质量作为他们的目标。III.课文精讲【课文难点分析】第一部分:Paras.12观察与研究结果显示,生活在高度发达的工业社会中的人们越来越关心休闲的机会和休闲时做什么。这种关心体现在人们对带工资休假的重视上和面向大众的娱乐休闲业的迅猛发展上。1. Observations and research findings indicate that people in advan

10、ced industrial societies are increasingly concerned with opportunities for leisure and what they can do in their leisure time.这是一个主从复合句。在宾语从句中又有两个宾语:opportunities for leisure and what they can do in their leisure time.Observation (n.) observe (v.)indicate vt.指出,表明。 带有两个并列宾语从句,分别由 that 和 what 引导。2.Th

11、e importance people attach to paid holidays and the rapid development of service for mass entertainment and recreation are signs of this increasing concern.此句主语较长分为两个部分,即:The importance people attach to paid holidays paid holidays意为 “带薪假期”(人们对带薪休假的重视)和the rapid development of services for mass enter

12、tainment and recreation(大众娱乐服务的快速发展) 。其中 people attach to paid holidays是定语修饰 importance。 人们赋予带薪休假的重要性和大众娱乐服务的快速发展是日益关注这一问题的标志。3.The term quality of life is difficult to define. It covers a very wide scope such as living environment, health, employment, food, family life, friends, education, material

13、 possessions, 3leisure and recreation, and so on. Generally speaking, the quality of life, especial as seen by the individual, is meaningful in terms of the degree to which these various areas of life are available or provide satisfaction to the individual.“生活质量”一语不好下定义,因为它的涵盖面太广,如生活环境、健康、职业、食物、家庭生活

14、、友谊、教育、物质财产、休闲和消遣等等。一般地说,生活质量,特别是在个人看来,其意义是由在多大程度上这些不同的生活领域可以被个人享受或可以使个人满意来衡量的。especially as seen by the individual是定语从句,其中的关系代词 as 作主语,相当于which is,谓语动词中省去了 is。意思是特别是在个人看来(个人所认为的生活质量)词组 in terms of的意思是“根据,按照;在方面,就而言”。例如:In terms of education, every person should have opportunity.词组 to degree 到程度例如:W

15、ere all involved in this matter, but to different degrees.我们都与此事有牵连,但程度不一样。The number of terrorist attacks has increased to a frightening degree.恐怖袭击的次数上升到一个令人恐惧的程度。第二部分:Paras.3-6As activity carried out as one thinks fit during ones spare time leisure has the following functions: relaxation, recreat

16、ion and entertainment, and personal development. The importance of these varies according to the nature of ones job and ones life-style. Thus, people who need to exert much energy in their work will find relaxation most desirable in leisure. Those with a better education and in professional occupations may tend more to seek recreation and personal development (e.g., cultivation of skills and hobbies) in leisu


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