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1、Unit7 重点词组:扫院子clean the yard,洗碗do/wash the dishes,把音乐关小turn down the music 一点也不介意Not at all立刻,马上 right away=in a minute 起床get up穿上另一条(裤子)put on another pair 在开会at a meeting=have a meeting站在地铁门口stand in the subway door 贴海报make some posters, 变得生气的 get mad/angry/ annoyed 排队wait in line,某事发生在某人身上sth hap

2、pen to sb 插队cut in line,尽量(不)做某事try(not) to do sth 卖光 sell out把你的声音压低点keep your voice down. 熄灭put out 掉垃圾 drop litter 把.捡起来 pick.up, 单词礼貌的 不礼貌的 带来 或许,大概 亚洲的 允许,准许 咳嗽小心的,谨慎的,task, waitress, clothing, solution, annoy, annoyed,annoying,sneeze, smoke, break the rule, uncomfortable, public, cigarette, 语法

3、1. Would you mind doing sth,与Would you mind not doing sth, 以及如何回答。(真题回放4,5)2.turn down/on/off/up/around五个词组之间的区别。(真题回放2)(株洲中考P48-IV)3表请求的几种方法,以及如何回答.(1)。Would you mind doing sth(2)。Wouldyou do sth?(真题回放6)(3).Could you please+V Could I ? (夯实基础3)(4)。would like to do sth?(夯实基础13)4. This new computer _.

4、 I will take it back to the store._A. is wrong B. cant work C. doesnt work_Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf重点词组:代替instead of 太私人化too personal, 不够特别not speciaL enough 不够创意 not creative enough 多幸运的一个家伙!What a lucky guy! 弄顿特别餐 make a special meal 太. . . 而不能. . . tooto. 容易照顾/服伺easy to take care of一个六

5、岁大的小孩 a six-year-old child 整天睡觉 sleep all day有足够的时间做某事 have enough time to do sth 一位好伙伴a good company入睡 fall(fell) asleep, 使某人高兴make sb happy/pleased大肚子猪 potbellied pig分发,赠送give away, 宁愿. . . 而不是. . .rather than太多的钱too much money, 和. . . 交朋友make friends with 太多的礼物 too many presents相集,相册 photo album

6、这几天,近来,现在these days鼓励某人去做某事encourage sb to do sth 取得进步make progress 对.感兴趣 take an interest in=be interested in 听说hear of =hear about记完后试试下列题目:(夯实基础10,12,16)单词 suggest, suggestion, dictionary, camera, calendar, receive=get, spider,givegave, mousemice, hamster, turtle, childchildren, trendy, perfect,r

7、abbit,named= called, cost, choose, open, later,bench,Sweden, enter, nearly, cleary,present=gift, singsang, native speaker, winner, modest, spokesperson, besides语法1提建议的多种方法, 以及如何回答.(1)。Why dont you +V(真题回放11) (夯实基础11)(2) Why not +V (真题回放3,10,12) (3)。Lets +V(4)。How/What about doing sth? (真题回放8)( 5 ) .

8、Youd better(not) +V (真题回放9)(夯实基础15)2. too. . .to. . . 与 so.that. . . 之间的转换(夯实基础7)3.cost. spend与 pay for,take之间的区别 (株洲中考P47-IV)4. rather than前后的动词在形式上要保持一致5besides 与 except的区别. (夯实基础4)6. instead与instead of的区别,7. enough放在形容词后,enough放在名词前(真题回放7) ,(夯实基础9)_Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?重

9、点词组:1.太空博物馆space museum 2. 娱乐公园amusement park 3. 水上公园water park 4. 玩得愉快have a great time 5. 我也不/没 Me neither 6. 大多数most of 7. 交换生 exchange student 8. 主题公园a theme park 9.全世界around /all over the world 10.一直all the time 11. 兜风take a ride 12. 在船上on board 13. 行驶不同的路线take different routes 14.结束end up 15.

10、一个讲英语的国家an English-speaking country 16. 一名导游a tour guide 17. 飞机上的一名乘务员a flight attendant 18.比如,例如such as 19.开始做某事start doing sth./start to do sth.20.帮助做help sb (to) do 21. 度假take a holiday 22. 四分之三three quarters 23.醒来wake up 24.在晚上at night 25.在白天期间 during the daytime 26. 一年到头,终年all year round 27上课,听

11、课take lessons 28。曾经去过have/has been to 29. 已去了某地have/has gone to 30。靠近,接近close to 单词Disneyland,Micky Mouse, Donald Duck , character, attraction, roller coaster, film, Disney cruise, island, especially, discover, requirement, southeast, wonderful, population, simply, fear, brave, excellent, Indian, Ni

12、ght Safari, dark, natural, fox, environment, temprature, equator, whenever, spring, autumn, season, awake,重点句子1-Have you ever been to an amusement park? 你曾经去过游乐场吗? -Yes, I have. I went there last year.是的,我去年去了那儿。 -No, I havent. I have never been to an amusement park. 不,我从来没去过。2. -Ive never been to a

13、 water park. 我从来没去过水上公园。 -Me neither.=Neither have I我也没去过。3. I want to understand English language movies . 我想看懂英语电影。 I want to study in an English-speakingcountry. 我想在一个讲英语的国家习。5. It is fun to learn another language。学习另外的一种语言是有趣的。(It 是形式主语,to learn another language是真正的主语。)6. It was because I could speak English that I got the job正因为我会讲英语,我才拥有了这份工作。 (这是强调的句式 =I got the job because I could speak English) 语法1.现在完成时:(真题回放1,2),,(夯实基础1,2,16)_2. 当前后者情况相同时,且是肯定句。用 So +be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语Eg: She likes Comedies. So do I. He is 14 years old. So am I,(夯实基础13)_3当前后者情况相同时,且是否定句,



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