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1、Unit 3 .Could you please clean your room ?导学案(老师寄语:Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today .今日事今日毕)单元目标:1.学会使用教材词汇表中的黑体单词。 (重点)2. Sentences: Peter, could you please take out the trash?3. Grammar: 情态动词could 表示有礼貌的请求许可或提出要求的用法(难点)。教学难点:情态动词could 表示有礼貌的请求许可或提出要求的用法。情感目标:主动地帮助家人做杂务;学会照顾自己;培养自己

2、的独立意识。第1-2课时 (Section A 1a-2d)【内容标准】 Make polite requests; Ask for permission【教学目标】1.掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇rubbish fold sweep floor mess2.重点短语sweep the floor, work on, finish doing, take out the rubbish3.听懂“请求做家务活动”的相关话题及文章;学会有礼貌地提出请求和请求准许【学习过程】一、创设情境,激情导入A: What chores does he do every day? B: He every day

3、. (ppt.配合展示) 二、自主学习,自我提高自主学习本课内容完成下列练习1.My mother told me to_(打扫) the floor every day.2. Dont put your answer on the chair._(折叠) it and put it on the bed.3. Jack, can you help me c_ the living room?4. Lets t_out the rubbish and put it in the trash bin.短语1._洗餐具2._ 倒垃圾3.fold the clothes_4. sweep the f

4、loor _5.make your/the bed _6._打扫客厅7._没问题8._ 出去吃饭9.stay out late _10.go to the movies _11.get a ride _12.work on_13._做完某事14._ 干净又整洁语法探讨:1)Could you please + v. ? 以Could 引导的疑问句,表示有礼貌地提出肯定式: Yes, sure. 否定式: Sorry, I cant. Step3、Before listening1. 交流、检测课前准备的情况,写出你的问题。2. 学生看课本1a,小组核对答案。Step4、While listen

5、ingActivity 1听录音完成1b,小组核对答案 What kinds of chores do Peter and his mother do?2. 读2a中的句子,听录音,完成2a.3. Listen 2b again. Activity 2.listening (2a 2b) 4. 听录音并跟读,注意模仿语音语调。观察与思考:对话中以Could 引导的疑问句,表示_。如果接受对方的邀请我们可以回答_.如果拒绝对方的邀请,一般不直接说_,而应该说_以示礼貌.Step5、After listening 1. 表演对话。【助学点拨】:1. take out 带出去,取出take out

6、“把带出去” 2. work on 从事,忙于3.help out with sth 给予帮助e4. any minute随时 马上5. Two hours of TV is enough for you.eg. Ten years is a long time.三、合作探究1.小组合作演练1c中的对话。2.听力理解,完成1b,2a,2b,核对答案。3.知识点探讨,在课文中标出知识点出处,并总结重点知识,并和全班交流。1).Could you please? could aux.表示委婉语气,礼貌地提出请求“请你可以吗?” 肯定回答:Certainly./Of course./With ple

7、asure/No problem.否定:Sorry,I cant./Sorry,Im afraid I cant.3).rubbish un.垃圾 flod v. 折叠 unfold 展开 sweep pt.swept 打扫 floor n.地板, 4).help out 帮忙 help sb.out帮助某人解决难题 help out with sth.帮忙处理某事【观察】主谓一致One and a half hours is enough. 一个半小时足够了。谓语动词与主语要在人称和数上保持一致。六、巩固提高。I. 用所给动词的适当形式填空1.The boy needs _(sweep) t

8、he floor after school.2.Two years_(be) a long time for me.3.Could you please _(fold) your clothes after dinner, Mary?4.When he finished _(read) the book, his eyes were already full of tears.5.My brothers is to wash the_(dish) in a restaurant.第3课时 (Section A 3a-4d)Task1.小组合作完成3a,3b中的任务。Task2.利用导学案中的知

9、识点拨,小组合作挖掘文知识点,并在学案上标明重难点。1.认识词类的转化,了解 clean的用法,填入合适词性词意的的番号。肯定回答:Sure./ Of course./ No problem./ Id love to. Step2、Listen to the tape ,then answer the questions :Why was Nancys mom angry with her ? Did they solve the problem ? How ?预习3a,完成练习3b,展示。3.预习3a,完成练习3c,展示。4.再小组讨论,找出知识点。5.集体释疑。Step3、【助学点拨】so

10、lve vt. solved, solving解决;解答,解释solve a problem解决问题(1)asas as +adj(原级)+as as +adv(原级)+as (1)neither conj. 也不 pron. 两者都不,neither用作代词,表示“两者都不,双方均不”。Neither of them knows English.2)neither用作连词,常用短语为neither.nor.,表示“既不也不”。neither和nor后面接同一词性的单词或短语。 6.(1)in surprise 吃惊地1)surprised 形容词,意思是“感到惊讶的”。常用结构:be sur

11、prised at sth 对某事感到惊讶be surprised to do sth 做某事而感到惊讶be surprised + that从句 因.而惊讶二、自主学习,自我提高Task1快速阅读3a,回答所提问题。(出示PPT)Task2在文中找出下列短语,并在书中作上记号。1.welcome sb. _2._放学回家e home from work_4._ 扔下5. sit down _e over _7.take sb. for a walk _8._一直;总是9._ 整日/夜10._做家务11.shout back 12.walk away _13._分担家务14._一个舒适的家15

12、._ 惊讶地三、合作探究、共同提高Task1.小组合作完成3a,3b中的任务。Task2.利用导学案中的知识点拨,小组合作挖掘文知识点,并在学案上标明重难点。四、成果展示,课堂小结1.小黑板展示交流成果(3b,3c答案) 2.小老师代表交流文中知识点。五、学生质疑,共同解答1.点拨the minute 用法。2.复习asas 用法 3.归纳总结neither 用法【反馈提高】:一用所给词的适当形式填空。I really hate_(listen)to the loud music.Neither of his parents_(like)doing chores.Jim spent five

13、hours in finishing_(draw)the picture.The kids saw the robot throw the ball into the box in_(surprised).Toms mother is very busy, so he needs_(help)out around the house.根据汉语意思,把下列句子补充完整。那个男孩扔下书包就从教室里跑了出去。The boy_ _his bag and ran out of the classroom.你能带小狗出去散步吗?Could you please_the dog_ _ _?杰姆总是看电视,在家从不帮助做家务。 Jim watches YV_ _ _and never helps out around the house.他划伤了左脚,他尽量不让它沾水。He cut his left foot and hes trying not to_


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