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1、初中英语教案学校班级Class7.8Grade_7_日期2011 -5授课教师课题Unit 10 Title: Where did you go on vacation?复备区域备课标与教材知识点(语音、词汇、语法等方面)单词:museum exam really rainy were delicious expensive cheap water corner make made feel walk balk decide wall palace square classmate discuss report词组:summer camp, think of ,the Great Wall ,

2、句子:where did you go on vacation?Where did Tina go on vacation?How was your weekend?It was pretty good.Did you go to the park?单词的记忆是本单元的一个重点和难点重点、难点(知识、技能两个方面)单词:museum exam really rainy were delicious expensive cheap water corner make made feel walk balk decide wall palace square classmate discuss r

3、eport词组:summer camp, think of ,the Great Wall ,句子:where did you go on vacation?Where did Tina go on vacation?How was your weekend?It was pretty good.Did you go to the park?单词的记忆是本单元的一个重点和难点,需要老师在讲解的时候帮助学生理解记忆这些单词和句子。分析知识点与知识系统的关系第9单元刚学习了一般过去时态,本单元是对这个事态的进一步学习,同时过去时态也是英语学习总一个非常重要的时态之一。分析确立重难点的依据The d

4、iffences between Chinese.and western cultures. 备学情学生已具备的知识与技能第9单元中,学生已经对一般过去时态有了出不得认识和了解,本单元是对这一事态的进一步学习与应用。学生的学习兴趣(对教师、教学法的兴趣)利用刚过去的五一长假,身边的人做过的事情,比如爬山,去公园,拜访亲戚朋友等等,来引入本单元的重点。学生对与身边的事情会有很大的兴趣。学生的差异性不同层次的学生对于一般过去时态的掌握程度不同,因此在学习时,对于不同层次的学生要定不同的目标。备教学目标知识与技能目标(分层)1st.they can read and write words and

5、the sentence ,and use more words to make new sentences and dialogues 2nd. They can speak ,read and write them correctly 3rd. they can speak,read correctly ,frequently过程与方法目标让学生学会动词的过去时态情感态度目标让学生学会表达自己过去做过的事情,以及如何询问别人曾经做过的事情。创新支点给学生展示一些老师五一长假做过的事情的照片,先引起学生的兴趣,引入动词的过去时态。备教学方法与媒体Methods: report, role p

6、lay, listening and speakingMulti-media: PPT, tape教学流程Step 1. Warm-up2 Talk about the past activities: A: How was your weekend? B: It was great. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I A: How was his/her weekend? B: It was awful. A: What did he/she do last weekend? B: He/she Ask and answer more activit

7、ies. Step 2. Learn the new vocabulary words 1. Teacher asks one student to read the new words. And see if he or she can read the new words correctly. 2. Practice reading the new words: repeat after the teacher; read together/in parts/one by one. Then read and remember the words. 3. Explain some word

8、s: go to a summer camp; a Central Park; have a math exam Step 3. Presentation 1. Show a picture of New York City. Ask “Where did you go on vacation last summer?” Present students to say: “I went to New York City.” Then ask more students to answer the question. Their answers may be varied. (summer ca

9、mp; went to the beach; visited museums.) 2. Ask some students to ask and answer the questions in pairs. A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I went to the beach. Practice asking and answering the conversation. Step 4. 1a Look and match 1. The teacher reads the instructions to the students. 2. Student

10、s read the activities in the box first. Teacher can get one student to explain them in Chinese. Then get students to complete by themselves. 3. Check up the answers. Step 5. 1b Listening practice 1.The teacher reads the instructions to the students. 2. Get the students to read the names in the box a

11、fter teacher. 3. Tell students to look at the pictures and say what the person did in each picture. For example: She went to the mountains. 4. Tell students they will hear three conversations. People talk about what they did on vacations. Then play the recording. Students listen the first time. Stud

12、ents only listen. 5. Play the recording again and try to fill in the blanks with the numbers. 6. Check up the answers.Play the recording, let the students repeat after the recording. Then practice reading the conversation. Step 6. 1cPair work 1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students.

13、 2. The students practice reading the conversation below inactivity1c. 3. Make their own conversations with the activities in activity 1a. Ask “Where did Brad/Sally/Tom go on vacation? ”Then work it in class. Step 7. 2a Listening practice 1. Get students to read the names and the activities in the b

14、ox. Tell students: they will hear three conversations about three peoples vacations. Match the people with the activities. 2. Play the recording the first time, students only listen. 3. Replay the recording and try to match. 4. Check up the answers. Step 8. 2b Listening practice 1. Students look at

15、the chart and read the names and the activities. Say, listen to the conversations and check “Yes, I did.” Or “No, I didnt.” 2. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. 3. Play the recording again. Students try to fill the blanks. 4. Check up the answers. 5. Get the students to repeat after the recording. Step 9. 2cGroup work 1. The teacher explains the instructions to the students. Students read the example in the speech bubbles. 2. Work in groups to role play the conversation. You can talk about the activit



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