Translating exercises

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《Translating exercises》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Translating exercises(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Week One 爱护绿化,请勿雕刻 (Keep off the Grass). No Carving on the Trees安全出口,保持通畅 emergency exit: keep it clear.-Fire Escape. Keep Clear. 安全环境齐手抓,各行各业乐安康 work for a Safe Environment 巴黎春天 Printemps Paris半成品 semi-processed product/food包裹收寄电子秤 Parcel Scale 保留 reserved/reservation 保证干净舒适-Cleanliness and Comfort

2、 Guaranteed保质期 Expriy (Date); (for food or drugs)Best used before本电梯进行维修。我们为在维修期间无法接受你深表遗憾。This elevator is under repair. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. Week Two 本柜台兑换零钞和残破币-Counter for Exchanging Damaged Notes and Small Changes本柜台售出物品概不退换-Non-refundable别往火炕里跳/注意来往车辆(交通安全) -Look o

3、ut for coming traffic!宾至如归-A Home Away from Home不适合 3 岁以下儿童用,内含细小部件,慎防小孩吞食-Choking Hazard: Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.不收小费 No tips(公益广告) 不要为了你的美丽伤害我-no picking残疾人厕所-Accessible Toilet残疾人入口-for Disabled/Wheelchair Accessible残疾人专用- Wheelchair Accessible; Disabled Only残疾人客房 Room for the

4、 DisabledWeek Three 产品宣传区 product promotion section超期图书每册每天罚款 0。1 元-library Charges 0.1 dollar per day for each overdue book炒货 Roasted Seeds and Nuts干货-dry goods车入区-Drive-in Area车位- Parking space; parking stall小型车位- Parking lot for small vehicles大型车位- Parking lot for large vehicles车站周边示意图- Map of su

5、rrounding area; location map旅游地图/风景名胜导游图 tourist mapWeek Four陈云故居暨青蒲革命历史博物馆- Former residence of Chenyun and Qingpu Museum of revolutionary history 成人票-general fare 成人用品店-Adult Store 成人年卡 18 周岁以上-Annual Card (for adults aged 18 and above)池塘水深,严禁游泳-Deep Water。 Swimming Forbidden!出纳处-cashier/Teller厨卫-

6、kitchen and bathroom facilities 创一流服务,迎四海佳宾-Best service for all our guests创优秀旅游城市,为名城争光-lets make a best tourist city Week five 磁卡入口-card slot交通卡余额 96-card balance请刷卡进入 145-swipe card to enter此处禁止停放自行车,丢失后果自负-no bicycle parking此处严禁钓鱼-no fishing here此处有炸药,注意安全-Danger! Explosive! 此门故障/乘客请走其他车门 -use o

7、ther doors此水域无安全保障,请勿下水游泳,以免发生意外! -danger! no swimming here.存包处-baggage storage/ checkroom大堂经理-lobby manager Week Six 大型车位-parking lot for large vehicles 代客泊车-valet parking service带包的顾客请到正门存包处存包-leave your luggage at the front desk带来不便敬请谅解- sorry for the inconvenience待消毒 to be sterilized消毒中 in steri

8、lization 当日可取 instant service-same day service 干洗服务,当日可取 Dry clearing (same day pickup)快修相机 camera repair.立等可取 instant repair Week seven 当心不要遗忘携带物品-dont forget your belongings.当心滑跌/小心滑倒/小心跌滑/当心脚下/ 小心坠落-watch your step小心脚下滑 Slippery. Watch your step.注意防滑 caution! Wet floor!当心夹手 watch your hands小心碰头/当

9、心碰头-mind your head小心落水: -waterside. be careful.小心落物-Danger! Falling objects!(厕所)导盲犬不限- guide dogs allowed (厕所)只有导盲犬可进入 no dogs except guide dogs 导医-patient guideWeek eight 道路拥挤,注意安全-Heavy Traffic. Drive Carefully. 等候出租车,请在另一面-wait on the other side for taxi低于 1。2 米的儿童禁止游玩- children above 1.2 meter o

10、nly 高于 1 米的的儿童需要每人一票-Children above 1 meter must pay full fare通往 2 楼和 3 楼的电梯只在周一和周五的 7:00-2:00 开放-To 2F/3F; 7: 00-2:00 pm only (Mon.-Fri.)现役军人、70 岁以上老人、离休干部、残疾人凭相关有效证件入场-Valid ID admission for servicemen, seniors above 70, retired veteran carders, and the disabled地球是我家,绿化靠大家-keep our earth green 地下停

11、车场收费处-Basement Parking Fare Collection 第二食品商店-No. 2 Food Store 第一出口-Exit 1第一医药连锁店-No 1 Pharmacy Chain StoreWeek 9 电话预约- Call for Reservation动物喂养处-Animal Feeding 东南亚调味品- Southeastern Asian condiments副食调料-Non-staple Food & Seasoning 度量转换计算器-measurement converter对外联络与发展处- Office of Foreign Liaison & Development儿童购票标尺-height mark for child fares发扬社会主义的人道主义精神-carry out socialist humanitarianism 发展是硬道理-development is of overriding importance 访客禁停-no parking for visitors


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