天津市大港区中考英语一轮复习 完型填空点拨

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1、welcome,中考英语完形填空 点 拨,完型填空点拨,完型填空是对一篇语意完整的短文有目的的挖出一些空白,让我们在重新理解短文的基础上,综合运用所学知识和常识,对每个空格的被选项做出合理的分析判断,从中选出最佳答案. 中考对完型填空的考查主要集中在以下两个方面: 1、首先是测试我们对篇章的理解能力。 2、其次测试我们使用词汇和语法结构的能力。,一:命题特点,技巧一:浏览全文,抓准主旨 答题时,不要急于看选项、找答案,应先通篇浏览短文,掌握文中时间、地点、人物及事件发展的脉络情节。 抓住了文章的主旨大意后,围绕大意去阅读、预测、推理、判断,往往会收到事半功倍的效果。抓住了主旨,一些干扰性强,容

2、易使人犯想当然错误的选项也就会迎刃而解。,二:解题技巧,注意:要充分利用首句的标示作用 第一句往往可能是全篇的关键句,首句一般不设空,它有概括和预示全文大意的作用,是据以判断文章体裁并预测全文主旨、大意的突口, 常含有解题和理解文章的有用信息。(when,where,who,what,how),例如: Tracy is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing was something she learned by herself. 撇开选项不谈,单从这一首句,我们可以捕捉到哪些信息呢?: (1)她的身份是作家 (2)国籍是美

3、籍华人 (3)很出名 (4)从时态看她还活着 可以推测: 有可能这篇文章是介绍 Tracy 及其作品的文章,对她和作品的介绍可能是这篇文章的主要内容。 七个单词就给我们提供了这么多的信息,就给我们向下阅读提供了心理准备,并且有了良好的开端。,技巧二: 看清( ),找准定位词 1)Some parts of the water are very shallow(浅的). But in some places it is very. A. deep B. high C. cold D. dangerous 根据转折连词but的提示,所填入的词应与shallow相反。 2)Mrs Smith ask

4、edquestions and she didnt scold us either. A. no B. certain C. many D. more and是一个并列连词;either为副词,用在否定句或否定词后加强语气,由此可以确定所填的词也应是一个否定意义的词,上下文,充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。,注意上下文的内在联系,是做好完型填空的保证,而断章取义,就题论题,忽视前后文的信息提示是我们常犯的错误。 信息提示有时出现在前文,有时出现在后文,有时出现在本空所在的句子,这些都需要我们在做题时边读边思考,边读边储存信息,边读边注意前后联系,这也是第一遍通览全文

5、的主要作用。,1) In England, people often talk about the _ because you can experience four seasons in a day. A.time B.food C.weather D.book 2).One day when he was _ by the windows of a restaurant and having lunch, he heard a voice “Look out!” A.seeing B.buying C.working D.sitting,实战演练,技巧三: 通顺逻辑,寻求( ) 例如: N

6、early three-quarters of the earth is covered_water. A.on B.with C.in D.by,固定搭配,注意固定搭配,包括动词与介词的搭配、形容词与介词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。,One day Mr. Brown had to _1_ to English to give a report to a few top people there, but an important officer came to the airport _2_ the last moment, and Mr. Browns seat was gi

7、ven to him, so he _3_ able to fly to the city to give his report. 1.A.fly B.by plane C.flew D.flying 2.A.in B.at C.on D.by 3.A.cant B.wasnt C.wont D.didnt,实战演练,技巧四:了解( ),确定相关知识 1). Everyone has seen the Olympic Games at some time. and everyone know that _ started the Games. But most people dont know

8、 the real story. A. Greeks B. French C. Americans D. English 2).The earth is one of the suns _ , and the moon is our satellite. A. stars B. planets C. satellites D. planet,生活常识,1). Light travels very fast. It moves at 300,000 kilometers in a _ . A. minute B. hour C. second D. day 2). Australia is _1

9、_ the south of the world .June ,July and August are the winter months. Summer is in December , _2_ and February. The north of the country is _3_ than the south . 1.A.in B.on C.to D.near 2.A.November B.January C.March D.October 3.A.colder B.cooler C.hotter D.warmer,看!我更棒!,技巧五: 明确( ),排除阅读障碍 1).He used

10、 to have a _ of coin-collection, but he has given it up. A. custom B. habit C. hobby D.like 2.The wounded soldier was unconscious(昏迷的) but still _ when taken to the hospital. A.living B.alive C.live D.lively,词义辨析,A lady sent a long story to a famous editor. After 1 weeks the editor 2 the story to he

11、r. The lady was angry. She wrote back to the editor. 1. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 2. A. gave B. came back C. handed D. returned,看我的!,技巧六: 运用( ),理清句子结构 Some parents are greatly worried_their children fail to do well in their studies. A.about B.with C.when D.since 1 hungry,people sometimes

12、 would kill the animals in the forest for fuel; 2 when cold,they might cut down trees for fuel. 3 ,strong laws were passed to protect the forests and the animals. 1.a.If b.When c.Once d.After 2.a.and b.but c.or d.yet 3.a.Besides b.In addition c.So d.However,语法知识,1. The sun gives us light . Ikeeps us

13、 1 . It makes thing 2 . Plants ,animals and people need the sun. We cant live 3 the sun. 1.A.warmful B.warmly C.warming D.warm 2.A.grow B.to grow C.growing D.are grown 3.A.with B.in C. without D.have 2. Millions of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun. They look small only _1_ they

14、are much farther away. A.when B.because C.if D.for,试试看,解题技巧(小结),技巧一: 浏览全文,抓准主旨 技巧二:看清上下文,找准定位词 技巧三:通顺逻辑,寻求固定搭配 技巧四:了解生活常识,确定相关知识 技巧五:明确词义辨析,排除阅读障碍 技巧六:运用语法知识,理清句子结构,1、 多掌握一些固定搭配,包括固定短语和习惯语法等,如: be good at, be interested in, make progress, at least, take care of, have a population of, get on well wit

15、h,give sb sth, ask sb to do sth, be / get used to spenddoing, sothat等等。 2、 词语辨析,表面上是语境中词语的语意选择,其实是考 词汇的运用能力.如:speak/say/tell/talk, spend/pay/take/cost 等。 3、 熟练的语法知识,主要包括从句的引导词、主谓一致、 名词或代词的格或数、不定式,情态动词、动词时态和语态等。熟练的语法知识不但可以有助于快速理解文章的句子结构和大意,对解题也很有帮助。 4、前后语境,注意培养结合全文结构和中心思想,根据常 识和上下文提供的信息进行理解、分析和推理的能力;,三:复习重点,小测试(2008年衡阳市中考题) Are you the only child in the family?If so,you are the most important one in your_1_. Parents are the closest people to you _2_ the world.But a lot



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