《牛津小学英语》5b unit 4 an english friend(part a)

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1、牛津小学英语5B Unit 4 An English friend(Part A)一、教案背景与教材分析本课的教学内容是牛津小学英语(译林版)5B Unit 4 An English friend中的A版块Read and say。该部分通过Wang Bing给他的英国朋友发电子邮件,Gao Shan向Wang Bing 询问他的英国朋友的情境来介绍朋友,要求学生能在一定的情境下正确使用动词和副词搭配的词组。让学生在尽可能真实的情境中去主动了解、认识他人,提高实际运用语言的能力。二、教学课题牛津小学英语(译林版)5B Unit 4 An English friend三、教学方法1通过任务型教学

2、法、活动教学法,让学生更加主动地学习语言,感受阅读的乐趣。2创设真实的教学情境,让学生在真实的环境中学习语言,运用语言。四、教学目标1知识目标:(1) 能听、说、读、写单词an e-mail, busy, a town, usually, well。(2) 能初步掌握与理解句型Does? Yes, does./No, doesnt. What doesusually do? He/She usually(3) 能掌握Read and say 的内容并解决相关问题。2能力目标:(1) 能正确朗读课文,并完成相关练习。(2) 能完成课堂小练笔: A Chinese friend。3情感目标培养学生

3、主动了解、关心朋友的情感态度。五、教学过程Step 1: Warming-up1. 师生相互问候后,教师用多媒体出示转盘道具,对学生说:I have a good friend, You can ask me some questions about her first, Ill tell you about my friend. OK? 当转盘转动的时候,学生根据转盘上的内容向教师提问:Is she tall(fat)? Is she hair long? Are her eyes big? How old is she? Where does she live? What subject

4、does she teach at school? Does she like dancing? What can she do?教师根据学生的提问一一回答,最后呈现朋友的照片。设计意图在这个环节中,教师利用多媒体快捷的优势设计了一个转盘道具,当转盘转动的时候,学生根据转盘上的句型提示,询问教师朋友的信息,这样,在上课伊始,充分调动学生的感观系统,眼到、耳到、口到、心到,既复习有关描写人物特征的句型,又调动学生提问的积极性。2. 教师询问学生:Do you have a good friend? And introduce your good friend to us, please. 个别学

5、生介绍如下:I have a good friend. His name is Gao Liang. He is tall. He lives in Huaian. He likes playing chesses. He plays chesses with his father on Sundays. 教师根据学生的回答和其它同学做如下互动:T: Does he live in Nang Jing?S: No, he doesnt.T: Where does he live?S: He lives in Huanan.T: Oh, I see. Does he play chesses o

6、n Sundays?S: Yes, he does.T: Does he play well?(教师竖起大拇指)S: Yes, he does.教师竖起大拇指做动作同时多媒体呈现Chant如下Well, well, I sing well. Well, well, She dances well. Well, well, He swims well.师生朗读后做如下对话:T: What does the word well mean?S: 好。T: Good. Does your friend speak English?S1: Yes, he does.T: Does he speak we

7、ll?S1: Yes, he does.教师快速地和其它同学用Does.? Yes, he/she does.句型做问题练习,当有学生回答No, he/she doesnt.时,多媒体呈现句型What does he/she usually do? 的中英文,学习单词usually后引导学生回答。设计意图在这个环节中,教师根据学生的回答进行提问,有机地结合旧知识,渗透新句型,引导学生用学过的第三人称单数动词形式进行回答,用新旧知识结合的方式学习,降低学生学习的难度。3教师呈现人物活动的背影图,让学生用What does he/she usually do? He/she 来猜测人物的活动情况,

8、每组派一位学生猜,猜中的学生进行奖励五角星贴纸。设计意图通过多媒体呈现人物活动的背影图这个游戏环节,进一步巩固本课的重难点句型What does he/she usually do? He/she,在派发奖励五角星贴纸的过程中,让学生体验快乐,收获自信,在游戏中想象与运用所学知识,为接下来的语篇学习打好基础。Step 2: Presentation and Practice1多媒体呈现语篇的插图,教师对学生说:Boys and girls, they are our friends, Wang Bing and Gao shan. Look, there is a computer on th

9、e desk. Is Wang Bing surfing the Interent or writing an e-mail? 多媒体呈现词组surf the Interent, write an E-mail, 学习词组后教师说What is WangBing doing? Read carefully and answer the question. 学生带着问题朗读语篇的引言部分。引言部分内容如下:Wang Bing is writing an E-mail to his English friend in the computer room. Gao Shan comes in. He

10、 wants to play table tennis with Wang Bing.学生自由朗读完引言部分,教师提问What is Wang Bing doing?全班学生异口同声回答:Wang Bing is writing an E-mail to his English friend in the computer room. 教师给予表扬,并让学生齐读引言部分内容。设计意图多媒体呈现语篇插图,介绍本课人物Wang Bing和Gao Shan,并根据插图中的电脑引出词组surf the Interent和write an E-mail,然后再让学生带着问题自由朗读引言部分,初步训练学生

11、独立阅读的习惯。2教师出示对话部分的插图对学生说:Wang Bing is writing an E-mail to his English friend. Do you ask some questions about his English Friend? 学生纷纷提出许多问题,如:What is his friends name? How old is he? Where does he live? Whats his hobbies? What subjects does he study at school? Does he swim well? What does he usual

12、ly do?等等。教师说I want to know about his friend. Read the test by youselves. 学生自由朗读语篇对话部分后,师生进行如下对话:T: You know Wang Bings English friend, Now introduce him to me, please.S1: Wang Bings English friends name is Tom.S2: Tom lives in the small town near London.S3: Tom studies English, Maths, Science and Ar

13、t.S4: Tom doesnt study Chinese.S5: Tom usually plays football on Sundays.S6: Tom plays football well and he swims well, too. 设计意图教师呈现对话插图,在阅读对话之前,教师让学生对Wang Bing的英国朋友提出一些问题,学生纷纷提出了许多关于他的问题,再自由朗读语篇的对话部分,通过独立的阅读,了解Wang Bing的英国朋友Tom的信息,之后再向教师介绍,将对话内容的主要信息进行输出.3. 教师给予充分肯定后出示判断练习,如果是否定回答,教师则提出问题,让学生说出正确答

14、案。判断练习如下:(1) Wang Bings English friend is Tom. (2) Tom lives in London. (3) Tom studies Chinese. (4) Tom usually plays football on Sundays. (5) He swims well.设计意图学生做判断练习,对于否定回答,教师则提出问题,如第(2)个判断题是错误的,则教师问Where does he live? 学生给出正确答案He live in a small town near London. 这样,判断练习又是问题练习,是对对话的提炼,让学生加深对对话内容

15、的记忆与理解。Step 3: Producion学生齐读课文后,分角色朗读课文;之后教师呈现以下填空练习,让学生根据对话内容进行填空书写。_ is Wang Bings English friend. He lives in a small _ near London. He studies _, Maths, Science and Art, but he doesnt study _ . He usually plays _ on Sundays. He plays _ . He swims _ , too .学生以小组为单位进行讨论并完成练习,然后学生自主选择反馈方式,可以小组选一位代表,或每人说一句,并奖励五角星帖纸。设计意图通过不同形式的朗读课文,加深对课文的理解,然后学生脱离课本,通过小组合作讨论与记忆对话内容,完成填空练习,既考查了学生对对话内容的理解,又培养了学生团结协作的能力。Step 4: Extension教师创设写作情景:Wang Bing向他的英国朋友介绍他的中国朋友Gao Shan,请学生以Wang Bing的名义写一篇介绍Gao Shan的课堂小练习。 设计意图拓展环节将英语学习与学生实际相联系,从课堂内容


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