xx外国语学校go for it! 八年级上期英语阶段性测试听力材料及答案

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《xx外国语学校go for it! 八年级上期英语阶段性测试听力材料及答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《xx外国语学校go for it! 八年级上期英语阶段性测试听力材料及答案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、XX外国语学校Go for it! 八年级上期英语阶段性测试听力材料及答案听力材料及答案一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每题念两遍。1. Where did you go on vacation last summer?2. How often do you exercise?3. Which singer do you think is the best?4. Whats the best movie theater?5. How do you like Nellys performance?6. Which program do you think is more educati

2、onal?二、听句子,选择与你听到的句子内容相符的图片,每题念两遍。7. I like watching Mr. Bean. He is the funniest person I know.8. I ride bicycles to school twice a week to exercise.9. Id like to go to Hong Kong and visit Disneyland.10. Miss Black, I want to ask for a leave. My mother was ill in hospital.三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每题念两

3、遍。11. W: Hello, Sam! Why are you so late today?M: Oh, my bike is broken, so I have to run to school.Question: How did Sam go to school today?12. W: What kind of friends do you want to make?M: I want to make friends with people who are out going and creative.Question: What kind of friends does the ma

4、n want to make with?13. W: I want to have a big dinner with my old friends. Which is the best restaurant in town? M: Its hard to say. Millers has the most delicious food, but Green Vegetables cooks the healthiest food. And dont forget Blue Moon. Its the cleanest. W: I choose the one with the healthi

5、est food. Question: Which restaurant will the woman go?14. W: I play tennis three times a week. What about you?M: Me? I never play it. But my sister plays it as often as you.Question: How often does the mans sister play tennis?15. W: Whats your favorite TV show?M: Animal world of course. What about

6、you? W: Me, too!Question: Are talk shows the womens the favorite TV program?16. W: Nice weather, isnt it?M: Yes, it is. But it is going to rain soon. W: Really, but the radio says it is going to be sunny for a week.Question: What does the man think the weather will be like?17. M: Julie, I heard you

7、have a sister. W: Right. Shes two years younger than me. M: Do you look similar? W: Not really. She is tall and thin, but you see, Im heavy and short. But we both have long hair. Q; Do they both have short hair?18. M: Mary, what are you doing next Saturday?W: Well, we are going hiking in the mountai

8、ns. Can you join us?M: Im sorry, I have to study for my physics test.W: Oh, what a pity!Q: Can the boy go hiking next Saturday? 19. M: Whats wrong? You look so tired.W: Oh, my grandmother is ill in hospital. I walk eight miles to the subway station and I take the train to the hospital. Its ten miles

9、 from the station to the hospital.Q; How far is it from the subway station to the hospital?20. W: I plan to watch Little Daddy tonight. M: Come on, I dont like the actor, Wen Zhang. But his son is very lovely. W: Wen Zhang is funny. Maybe you will like him after seeing Little Daddy. M: I really want

10、 to see it night, but I want to see CCTV News, too. W: They are not at the same time! So you can Q: What will the woman see tonight?四听短文,选择正确答案,短文念三遍。 (每小题1分;计5分) Hello, boys and girls! This is school radio station. Do you like travelling? Would you like to travel with us this summer vacation? Trave

11、lling is popular with people for a long time. Many of todays young travellers are trying to have an unusual vacation. Hiking may be a good choice. If you dont want to spend your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sit on the beach, you may want to try hiking. Hiking is a great way to travel. You will g

12、et close to nature and take exercise at the same time. Hiking is easy to do and doesnt have to be very expensive. You can hike close to home or travel to other places. What you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack. You can hike in the mountains, in a forest or along a river.

13、 You can also go for a hike in the city.Our price is low: 300 yuan a person for a 4-day trip in Chengdu! And half the price for children below 10.A 卷 听力答案:1-5 ABBCA 6-10 CDBAC 11-15 ABBCC 16-20 ABAAB21-25 CCAAC单选部分26-30 CBCAB 31-35 ACCBC 36-40 CAACB 41-45 BABBA 46-50 BCDAB 51-55 AACCA 56-60 CCBBA 61

14、- 65 CBACB 66-70 ACBCA 71-75 BBBAA 76-80 ACABC 81-85 ACCACB卷:一、 适当形式填空:1. seriously 2.creating 3.to listen4.surprised 5.sharing 6.less7.herself 8.(the)most successfully 9.action 10.planned二、完成对话:1.Long 2.fullbusy e 4.kind 5.AlthougThough 6.keep7.Twice 8.wanthopeexpectwish 9.waiting 10.worry三、短文填空答案1

15、.was,2. creator, 3.us, 4.even, 5.more, 6.As,7. only, 8. interesting, 9.around,10. differently四、 A. 文本还原:DABFC B.任务型阅读:1. she was seven.2. when Im relaxing 3. talented (in music)4. she is famous or not 5. herselfC.10排10答案:JDBAC IEHGF五、作文:书信格式1,熊猫2,火锅2,川剧2,对成都看法1,请他介绍马来西亚文化1,邀请1.不同的学习内容,预习作业也有差异。概念型内容可采用阅读理解的方法进行预习,计算型的内容可采用尝试练习的方法进行预习,空间图形内容可采用实验操作的方法进行预习。County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe,


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