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1、Topic 3SectionAThe main activities are 1 and 2a.本课活动重点是1和2a。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.Learn some names of food and drinks:beer,wine,curry2.Learn to order and offer food and drinks:(1)Heres the menu.(2)May I take your order?(3)Id like to try Beijing roast duck.(4)Anything else?(5)May I have th

2、e bill?(6)Thank you for coming.3.Learn some expressions about the food festival:(1)Ladies and gentlemen,happy weekend!(2)Lets wish the food festival a big success!(3)Welcome to our food festival.(4)Enjoy yourselves!.Teaching aids 教具小黑板/图片(食物类)/卡片/录音机/录音带或多媒体课件.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1

3、Review第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)1.(师生互动复习旧的食物、饮料及就餐表达法。)(1)T:What did you have/eat this morning?(随机问几个学生。)S1:I had porridge.S2:I ate some noodles.S3:I had an egg and a glass of milk.(2)T:Lets make a small menu,OK? Work in groups.(请同学们分组讨论学过的食物和饮料的单词,引导归纳。)Menufood:egg, rice, nooldes, hamburger, dumpling, beef,

4、 pizza, porridge, cake, chicken, fish,pie,cookie,drink,coffee,water,apple juice,milk,tea(3)T:Very good!/Perfect!/Great!/Well done, everyone!(教师检查各组菜单作品,及时给予肯定,鼓励,调动积极性。)Now we have some menus here. Maybe some of you want to make an order. Who wants to have a try?(找准备比较充分的两个小组来表演短对话“Eating out”, 复习:)

5、“May I take your order?”“What would you like to eat?”“Welcome.”“Help yourself.”“Any more?”(4)(老师加入后一组。)S1:Welcome. May I take your order?S2:Let me see. Id like some dumplings.T:Id like Beijing roast duck,vegetable soup. And Id like some drinks, a bottle of Tsingtao beer, and a glass of wine.S1:OK.(画

6、线词在图片下注汉语,英语呈现。)(待学生送上食物后,老师呈现新句型。)T:May I have the bill?(老师掏钱。)Here you are.(学生也许会不知所措。)T:You may say, “Thank you for coming!”(表演结束,老师将菜单及上新呈现句词巩固一下。)2.T:Look at the poster for the festival on Page 59.(用Michael设计的广告引出美食节开幕式,即1。)Answer my questions:(请个别或全班回答。)T:What are Michael and his friends going

7、 to do to raise money?Ss:They are going to organize a food festival.T:When and where are they going to have it?Ss:2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 15, on the playground of Ren-ai International School.T:What do they do that for?Ss:They want to help Daniel raise money to build a village school in N

8、igeria.T:What is Daniel?Ss:An Olympic champion wrestler.T:Whats his favorite food?Ss:Fried chicken.T:Lets wish the food festival a big success.(引导学生重复几遍。上句写卡片上,下注汉语。)T:But you know how the food festival goes?Lets listen to the tape,and answer these questions.Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)1.(设置并出示

9、小黑板上的听力任务,让学生带任务听录音。)Whats the date?Whats the weather like?What are they doing?What delicious food can you hear?(听录音,回答问题。英汉对照板书以下关键内容。)ladies and gentlemen/Happy weekend!The sun is shining brightly./kindhearted(读图后回答问题。)Look at the picture, please.What can you see in the picture?What do they feel?W

10、hats he/she saying?Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)1.(录音跟读。)T:Follow the tape/Listen and repeat.2.Practise in pairs.(学生两人一组分角色对话。)3.(练习2分钟,请几组同学模仿主持人发言。不看书表演,但可以看板书,可以用自己的话,不拘泥于原文。)T:Come to the front and act the dialogs out.(引导学生对表演者给予评价,及时总结鼓励,然后转入2a。)Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1.Look, liste

11、n and say.(老师引导学生读图,回答问题。)T:Who can you see in the picture?Ss:Waiter, waitress andT:Mrs. and Mr.Yang. They are .What are they doing?Ss:They are ordering food and drinks.T:What would they like to have? Please listen carefully and find them out.(老师放录音,板书关键句词。)Welcome to our food festival.Heres the men

12、u.May I take your order?What kind of drink would you like?How delicious!It smells nice and tastes nice,too.May I have the bill?Thank you for coming!2.Read the conversation and check the answer.3.(让学生独立完成2b。)T:Now,read the conversation again and fill in the blanks.4.(让学生分组练习2a对话,完成2c Group work分角色练习。

13、)T:Practice the conversation with your partners.5.(分六人一组串演1和2a对话,要用真实姓名改编,为final project 的完成做好准备。)T:Now make your own conversation, using your own names. Act out the conversation.(小范围或23组观摩评价。)Step 5 Project第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)(方案一:)1.(每组抽一名同学扮侍者,带上菜单随机到其他组服务,并将点菜结果记录下来。)A:May I take your order?/What

14、 would you like to have?B:Let me see. Id likeC:Id like(表格采用表1或表2,基础较差写不了菜名的可采用表2,打勾即可。)表1:NameFoodDrink表2:Namericechickenpizzateacoffeejuicebeefroast duckvegetable soupbeerwinewater2.(最后随机抽几名同学向大家或向老师或向“厨师”汇报:)S1:A would like B would likeC would likeS2:(如果时间允许,可以请几组完成较好的,到前面表演整个就餐过程。)(方案二:)(分56人一组,用

15、自己的话表演小型美食节,串演全部对话。)(请若干组到前面表演。)3.Homework: (1)进一步完善菜单将所有学过的food and drink的单词全部收集齐,并稍加分类。 (2)写一段就餐的对话,5个来回以上。 (3)写一段晚会或餐会等活动开幕致词。(选做。)Section BThe main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1.Learn the names of foods and drinks: bean,mushroom,steak,salad,pancake, soft drinks,


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