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1、FS-LDM培训材料(DAY3),NCR数据仓库事业部 2005-03,2,FINANCE,ASSET,PARTY,Not all relationships are shown,LOCATION,A geographical area, physical or electronic address.,An individual or group of individuals.,EVENT,Financial or non-financial event which may involve contact with the customer.,INTERNAL ORGANIZATION,A u

2、nit of business within the financial institution or insurance company.,AGREEMENT,An arrangement between the customer and financial institution or insurance company for a product.,PRODUCT,Any marketable product or service including terms and conditions.,CAMPAIGN,A strategy, plan or promotional event

3、for the purpose of acquiring retaining, or expanding usage by customers.,CHANNEL,The vehicle by which a customer interacts with the Financial institution/insurance company.,The internal accounting of the business,Things that Parties have an interest in and has value,FS-LDM (第一级),3,议程安排,Event Channel

4、 Campaign Finance Summary,4,议程安排,Event Channel Campaign Finance Summary,5,FINANCE,ASSET,PARTY,Not all relationships are shown,LOCATION,A geographical area, physical or electronic address.,An individual or group of individuals.,EVENT,Financial or non-financial event which may involve contact with the

5、 customer.,INTERNAL ORGANIZATION,A unit of business within the financial institution or insurance company.,AGREEMENT,An arrangement between the customer and financial institution or insurance company for a product.,PRODUCT,Any marketable product or service including terms and conditions.,CAMPAIGN,A

6、strategy, plan or promotional event for the purpose of acquiring retaining, or expanding usage by customers.,CHANNEL,The vehicle by which a customer interacts with the Financial institution/insurance company.,The internal accounting of the business,Things that Parties have an interest in and has val

7、ue,FS-LDM (第一级),6,EVENT主题,事件是银行与客户或潜在客户之间的联系或交易活动,它记录了详细的行为和交易数据,包括存取款、收费、计息、咨询投诉、查询、市场调查、网上交易等。 可能需要也可能不需要银行与客户的直接接触;可能与帐户相关,也可能与帐户无关;可能与资金相关,也可能与资金无关。 通过事件可以帮助了解哪些客户使用哪些渠道做哪种交易事件,交易金额多少、什么时间、在什么地点、与金融机构的哪位员工或部门打交道。,7,Event (including Claims) Something that happened that is of interest.,Examples: D

8、eposit, Withdrawal, Credit/debit card charge, Interest and fee charges, Complaint/Inquiry, Address Change, Balance Inquiry, Campaign solicitation/response, Internet page view, Brokerage buy/sell, Premium Payment, Payment Request (claim) Major Features: Financial and non-financial events Customer or

9、financial institution initiated Information about insurance claims and relationship to parties and policies. Automatic transactions (e.g. interest/fee charges) Events grouped into sessions - e.g internet session Event-related currency code - multi-currency environment Activity classifications May tr

10、igger journal vouchers (debit and credit) Related to Channel, Parties, other Events, Ledger, Campaign, and Agreements,8,EVENT主题-关键实体和关系,事件 事件活动种类 事件关系 事件成本 事件分类 事件产品关系,事件地区关系 信用卡-购买、授权、结算 催收和还款事件,9,EVENT主题- 概貌,账户事件,事件,金融事件,联系事件,账户组事件,互不排斥!,10,EVENT主题-事件,事件实体记录了银行的所有交互活动。 这些事件可能与金钱相关,也可能与金钱无关。可能与帐户相关

11、,也可能与帐户无关。 事件属性中保留业务系统的交易码Transaction Id。 事件包含存款、取款、查询、付款、利息入帐等交易,属性Event Activity Type Cd区别不同种类的事件活动。 与事件相关的当事人记录在EVENT PARTY中,一个事件可能与多个当事人相关,包括引发事件的客户、联系客户的员工、处理事件的金融机构、购买事件的商户、提供电话服务的呼叫中心。 客户与金融机构联系的渠道信息记录在CONTACT EVENT。,11,EVENT主题-事件活动种类,事件,活动种类交易类型,活动类型交易码,12,EVENT主题-事件组,EVENT GROUP记录了对于金融机构来说具

12、有某种特定含义的事件,如一个客户在同一台ATM上连续进行的查询余额、存款、转帐交易,以上三个交易将称为一个session而被包含进相同的EVENT GROUP。金融机构可为不同的目的对事件进行多种方式的分组。 EVENT GROUP ASSOC实体将事件和事件组进行关联,一个事件可能和很多事件组关联,一个事件组包含多个事件。,事件,事件组,事件和事件组关系,事件关系,13,EVENT主题信用卡购买/授权/结算,实例:假设持卡人帐户行和商户行是同一家银行。 客户使用信用卡在商户购物,商户请求银行授权。 假如授权被银行批准,则商户允许客户购买。 日终,商户向银行送出所有信用卡购物的结算请求。 银行

13、结算信用卡回单并向商户支付款项。 以上例子引发的事件如下表:,14,EVENT主题信用卡购买/授权/结算,15,EVENT主题信用卡购买/授权/结算,16,PARTY、ACCOUNT、EVENT的关系,事件,当事人,事件和当事人,协议和当事人,协议,17,议程安排,Event Channel Campaign Finance Summary,18,FINANCE,ASSET,PARTY,Not all relationships are shown,LOCATION,A geographical area, physical or electronic address.,An individu

14、al or group of individuals.,EVENT,Financial or non-financial event which may involve contact with the customer.,INTERNAL ORGANIZATION,A unit of business within the financial institution or insurance company.,AGREEMENT,An arrangement between the customer and financial institution or insurance company

15、 for a product.,PRODUCT,Any marketable product or service including terms and conditions.,CAMPAIGN,A strategy, plan or promotional event for the purpose of acquiring retaining, or expanding usage by customers.,CHANNEL,The vehicle by which a customer interacts with the Financial institution/insurance

16、 company.,The internal accounting of the business,Things that Parties have an interest in and has value,FS-LDM (第一级),19,CHANNEL主题,用户通过渠道向金融机构获取关金融机构或金融机构产品信息以及使用金融产品。金融机构通过渠道向用户销售产品或提供服务。 渠道与当事人、产品、帐号等其他实体存在各种关系。 渠道分为若干渠道类型。,20,Channel A vehicle for interaction with the financial institution,Examples: ATM, Branch workstation, Telephone, Web site/internet address, Call center, Voice Response Unit, Point of Sale te


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