2019版高考英语大一轮复习 结构法记词-16

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1、结构法记词-16,01,02,高考词汇精讲,occupy串记,vt.占用;占领,n.占领;职业,ocean串记,n.海洋,n.大洋洲,off串记,adv./prep.离开,adj.近海的,离岸的,operate串记,v.操作;开刀,n.操作;手术,n.接线员,oppose串记,vt.反对,adj.相反的 prep.在 对面,order串记,n.命令;秩序,adj.普通的,adj.非凡的,organ串记,n.器官,v.组织,n.组织,origin串记,n.起源,来源,adj.原本的;原创的,other串记,adj.别的pron.别的,adv.以别的方式 conj.否则,out串记,adj.在外a

2、dv.出去;灭掉,n.结果,adv.在户外,adj.外向的;喜欢外出的,out串记,n.出游,adj.坦率的,adj.杰出的,pain串记,n.痛;痛苦,adj.痛苦的,owe串记,vt.欠,亏欠,adj.自己的 vt.拥有,n.所有制,ox串记,n.公牛,n.氧气,n.氢气,ox串记,n.氧化物,n.二氧化物,pack串记,vt.包装,打包n.小包,n.(中、小)包,n.小包,pair串记,n.一双,一副,vt.修理,paper串记,n.纸;报纸;文件,n.文书工作,part串记,n.部分 vt.分开,adj.部分的;片面的,vi.参加,part串记,adj.特别的,adv.部分地,n.伙伴

3、,伴侣,part串记,adj.兼职的,adj.分开的 adv.隔开,n.一套公寓房,patience串记,n.耐心,adj.耐心的 n.病人,I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式,1_ vt.占用;占领 2_ v.操作;开刀 3_ n.操作;手术 4_ adj.相反的prep.在对面 5_ n.命令;秩序 6_ adj.普通的 7_ v.组织 8_ n.组织 9_ n.起源,来源,10_ adj.原本的;原创的 11_ adj.别的pron.别的 12_ adv.以别的方式conj.否则 13_ adj.外向的;喜欢外出的 14_ adj.杰出的 15_ n.痛;痛苦 16_ adj.痛苦的 17

4、_ vt.修理 18_ vi.参加,occupy operate operation opposite order ordinary organize(organise) organization origin,original other otherwise outgoing outstanding pain painful repair participate,I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式,19_ adj.特别的 20_ n.伙伴,伴侣 21_ adj.兼职的 22_ n.耐心 23_ adj.耐心的n.病人,particular partner part-time patience

5、patient,II. 写出单词的正确含义,1occupation n_ 2Oceania n_ 3offshore adj. _ 4oppose vt. _ 5extraordinary adj. _ 6organ n_ 7outcome n_ 8outing n_ 9outspoken adj. _,10owe vt. _ 11oxygen n_ 12hydrogen n_ 13oxide n_ 14dioxide n_ 15package n_ 16packet n_ 17paperwork n_ 18partial adj. _,占领;职业 大洋洲 近海的;离岸的 反对 非凡的 器官

6、结果 出游 坦率的,欠,亏欠 氧气 氢气 氧化物 二氧化物 (中、小)包 小包 文书工作 部分的;片面的,II. 写出单词的正确含义,19partly adv. _ 20apart adj./adv. _ 21apartment n_,部分地 分开的;隔开 一套公寓房,III.根据语境写出所给单词的正确形式,1Besides,I dont think the guide is competent enough because he had no good knowledge of the scenery spots,let alone vivid _(introduce) 2In my _(j

7、udge),it is a wise choice. 3Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date _(invent)of the 21st century. 4Any behaviour that is repeated enough times will _(eventual) become a habit and happen automatically.,introduction,judgment,inventions,eventually,IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空,1This machine is very easy _(o

8、perate)Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes. 2Many residents opposed _(tear)down the old buildings. 3My son broke his friends bike and I had to pay to get it _(repair) 4The wind _(part)the smoke just enough for him to catch sight of Sibson.,to operate,tearing,repaired,parted,V. 选词填空,1. Helen

9、 _ business matters,so we didnt want to bother her. 2Recently Ayumi Hamasaki and his family have decided to _ and move to another place. 3I would like to know how Americans celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving Day,what food they eat,and what activities they _ during these festivals. 4I _ not _ my cl

10、othes while my wife minds what I wear.,was occupied with,pack up,participate in,be particular about,pack up,participate in,be occupied with,am,particular about,VI. 单句写作,1一方面,我会组织一些英语活动帮助我们学生提高英语方面的兴趣。(organize some English activities) 2否则的话,我们迟早会为我们的自私付出代价。(otherwise) 3另外,我性格外向且待人热心。(outgoing),On one hand,I will organize some English activities to help us students arouse their interest in English.,Otherwise well have to answer for our selfishness sooner or later.,Whats more,Im outgoing and warm-hearted.,



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