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1、 正保远程教育(美国纽交所上市公司代码:DL)The Travels of Ibn BattutaI left Tangier,my birthplace,the 13th of June 1325 with the intention of making the pilgrimage to Mecca to leave all my friends both female and male,to abandon my home as birds abandon their nests. So begins an old manuscript in a library in Paristhe

2、travel journal of Ibn Battuta.Almost two centuries before Columbus,this young Moroccan set off for Mecca,returning home three decades later as one of historys great travelers. Driven by curiosity,he journeyed to remote comers of the Islamic world,traveling through 44 modem countries,three times as f

3、ar as Marco Polo. Little celebrated in the West2,his name is well known among Arabs. In his hometown of Tangier,a square,a hotel,a cafe,a ferry boat,and even a hamburger are named after him.Ibn Battuta stayed in Mecca as a student for several years,but the urge to travel soon took over. In one adven

4、ture,he traveled to India seeking profitable employment with the Sultan of Delhi.3 On the way,he described his group being attacked in the open country by 80 men on foot,and two horsemen:we fought killing one of their horsemen and about twelve of the foot soldiers 。I was hit by an arrow and my horse

5、 by another,but God in his grace preserved me We carried the heads of the slain to the castle of Abu Bak,har and suspended them from the wall. In Delhi,the sultan gave him the position of judge,based on his prior study at Mecca. But the sultan had an unpredictable character,and Ibn Battuta looked fo

6、r an opportunity to leave. When the sultan offered to finance a trip to China,he agreed. Ibn Battuta set off in three ships,but misfortune struck while he was still on the shore. A sudden storm grounded and broke up two ships,scattering treasure and drowning many people and horses. As he watched,the

7、 third ship,with all his belongings and slaves一one carrying his childwas carried out to sea and never heard from again.After a lifetime of incredible adventures,Ibn Battuta was finally ordered by the Sultan of Morocco to return home to share his wisdom with the world. Fortunately,he consented and wr

8、ote a book that has been translated into numerous languages,allowing people everywhere to read about his unparalleled journeys.词汇:pilgrimage n.朝圣,远游ferry n.渡船sultan n,苏丹(伊斯兰教国王,某些伊斯兰国家统治者的称号)slain:slay的过去分词slay v.杀死,杀戮unparalleled adj.无比的,空前的finance v.给提供资金scatter vt. 撒播,驱散; vi.消散consent vi.同意,赞成注释:

9、1. with the intention of making the pilgrimage打算去朝圣2. Little celebrated in the West, 虽然在西方社会不怎么知名,3. seeking profitable employment with the Sultan of Delhi. 在德里的苏丹王那里谋到了一份收入颇丰的工作。练习:1.What is the passage mainly about?A) Visitors to Mecca.B) The adventures of Ibn Battuta.C) Ibn Battutas character.D)

10、Asian countries of the 14th century.2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to set off for in line 5?A) left to go to.B) discussed.C) arrived at.D) decided upon.3.The Sultan of Delhi gave Ibn Battuta a position of judge because ? .A) the sultan needed a translator.B) Ibn Battuta had been a ju

11、dge before.C) Ibn Battuta had studied in Mecca.D) Ibn Battuta had traveled to many countries.4.Which of the following would the writer of this passage most likely agree with?A) Ibn Battutas journeys were very common for people of that time.B) Ibn Battutas stories are probably not true.C) Ibn Battuta

12、s journey was less important than Marco Polos.D) Ibn Battuta should be better known in the West today.5.Why did Ibn Battuta finally return to his home?A) He was tired of traveling.B) He didnt have any more money.C) He feared the Sultan of Delhi.D) The Sultan of Morocco asked him to return.答案与题解:1.B根

13、据i文的内容以及标题(The Travels of Ibn Battuta),我们可以很快排除选项A、C和D.所以答案为B(The adventures of Ibn Battuta)。2.A从第一行我们知道伊本白图泰的家乡是丹吉尔,所以第五行中set off词组后提到的麦加必然是伊本白图泰要去的城市,想必他是离开家乡前往麦加。因此,对比四个选项之后,我们不难发现正确答案为A( left to go to)。3.C在第三段第七行中,我们可以发现本题的答案:因为有在麦加的学习经历,德里的苏丹王给伊本白图泰安排了法官的工作。因此,对比四个选项之后,我们不难发现正确答案为C (Ibn Battuta

14、 had studied in Mecca) .4.D选项A的意思是:在他那个时代的人看来,伊本白图泰的经历很普通。结合本文内容我们知道该选项必然是错误的,故排除A.选项B的意思是:伊本白图泰的游历故事可能是虚构的。根据本文的内容我们可以知道伊本白图泰在历史上确有其人,他的游历经历也是真实的,甚至他的游历故事还被写成了书流传后世,所以该选项不对,故排除B.选项C的意思是:伊本白图泰的游历没有马可波罗的游历重要。根据本文,我们知道伊本白图泰的经历虽然在西方社会不如马可波罗那么有名,但他的故事在阿拉伯世界是家喻户晓。文中并没有出现对比他们俩的信息,所以我们不能武断地说谁的游历就一定比另一位的重要,




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