2019版高考英语大一轮复习 结构法记词-13

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1、结构法记词-13,01,02,高考词汇精讲,incident串记,n.小事件,n.巧合,independence串记,n.独立,adj.独立的,injure串记,vt.(事故)使受伤,n.(事故)受伤,install串记,v.安装,n.安装,institute串记,n.学院;研究所,n.团体;公共机构,n.宪法,n.替代者,替代物,sure串记,adj.肯定的,有把握的,vt.为 保险,n.保险,sure串记,vt.向 保证,v.保障,确保,introduce串记,v.介绍,引进,n.介绍,conduct串记,v.引导;指挥,n.(车上)售票员,乘务员;指挥,educate串记,v.教育,n.

2、教育,n.教育家,vt.减少,judge串记,n.法官;裁判 v.判断,n.判断,just串记,adj.正义的adv.刚刚;就,n.正义,n.偏见,invent串记,v.发明,n.发明,n.事件,invent串记,adv.最终地,vt.预防,n.预防,invite串记,vt.邀请,n.邀请,journal串记,n.日报,杂志,n.记者,n.杂志,joy串记,n.欢乐,喜乐,v.享受,喜爱,adj.有乐趣的,language串记,n.语言,adj.双语的,late串记,adj.迟的,晚的adv.很迟,adj.后者(的),lay串记,v.放置,铺放;生(蛋),n.中转;接力赛,vt.耽误,延误,l

3、iberate串记,vt.解放,n.解放,n.自由,liberate串记,n.图书馆,n.图书管理员,I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式,1_ vi.依靠 2_ n.独立 3_ adj.独立的 4_ v.介绍,引进 5_ n.介绍 6_ v.教育 7_ n.教育 8_ vt.减少 9_ n.法官;裁判v.判断,10_ v.发明 11_ n.发明 12_ vt.预防 13_ vt.邀请 14_ n.邀请 15_ n.欢乐,喜乐 16_ v.享受,喜爱 17_ adj.有乐趣的 18_ v.放置,铺放;生(蛋),depend independence independent introduce in

4、troduction educate education reduce judge,invent invention prevent invite invitation joy enjoy enjoyable lay,II. 写出单词的正确含义,1incident n_ 2coincidence n_ 3injure vt. _ 4injury n_ 5install v_ 6institute n_ 7institution n_ 8constitution n_ 9substitute n_,10insure vt. _ 11insurance n_ 12assure vt. _ 13en

5、sure v_ 14conduct v_ 15conductor n_ 16judg(e)ment n_ 17justice n_ 18prejudice n_,小事件 巧合 (事故)使受伤 (事故)受伤 安装 学院;研究所 团体;公共机构 宪法 替代人,替代物,为 保险 保险 向 保证 保障;确保 引导;指挥 (车上)售票员,乘务员;指挥 判断 正义 偏见,II. 写出单词的正确含义,19event n_ 20eventually adv. _ 21prevention n_ 22bilingual adj. _ 23latter adj. _ 24relay n_ 25delay vt.

6、_ 26liberate vt. _ 27liberation n_,28liberty n_ 29library n_ 30librarian n_,事件 最终地 预防 双语的 后者(的) 中转;接力赛 耽误,延误 解放 解放,自由 图书馆 图书管理员,III.根据语境写出所给单词的正确形式,1Besides,I dont think the guide is competent enough because he had no good knowledge of the scenery spots,let alone vivid _(introduce) 2In my _(judge),i

7、t is a wise choice. 3Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date _(invent)of the 21st century. 4Any behaviour that is repeated enough times will _(eventual) become a habit and happen automatically.,introduction,judgment,inventions,eventually,IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空,1We _(substitute)a red ball for a blu

8、e one to decorate the room. 2The chairperson _(conduct)the meeting,which was a total failure. 3The new president _(educate)well,so he can do well in this kind of job. 4Roger turned down the _(invite) to speak at the science conference.,substituted,conducted,is educated,invitation,V. 选词填空,1. _ form t

9、he habit of turning off the electric facilities whenever we finish our work. 2_ my husband and I have the same birthday. 3_ what he said just now, he must be an honest man. 4He seems to be giving the impression that he didnt _ in Paris. On the contrary,he had a wonderful time.,Make sure to,By coinci

10、dence,Judging from,enjoy oneself,make sure to,judging from,by coincidence,enjoy himself,VI. 单句写作,1每天坚持写学习日记是如此重要,所以我想把这种学习方法介绍给你们。(introduce) 2你的未来取决于很多东西,但主要取决于你。(depend on) 3幸运的是,许多人和组织捐了大笔钱帮助他们顺利地接受大学教育。( receive college education),Keeping a learning diary every day is so important that I would l

11、ike to introduce it to you.,Your future depends on many things,but mostly on you.,Luckily,many people and organizations donate a lot of money to help them receive college education smoothly.,VI. 单句写作,4按照调查结果,现在总数已减少到不足1 000只。(be reduced to) 5为了阻止这种现象继续恶化,应该采取有效措施。(prevent) 6我想邀请你在下周六和我们一块去附近的敬老院。(invite),According to a research,the total number is reduced to less than 1,000 now.,To prevent the phenomenon from being bad to worse,effective measures should be taken.,Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday.,


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