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3、参加单招的考生被甘肃农业职业技术学院录取后,与2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试录取的考生享受同等待遇。一经录取,不得参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试及录取;未被录取考生,仍可参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试。内容声明:本甘肃甘肃农业职业技术学院单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过单招考上理想大学!2016年甘肃农业职业技术学院单招模拟题(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)选择题(每题4分,共100分):第1题:What is the main idea of the passage?A. Fire can

4、 help people in many ways.B. Fire can be both helpful and harmful.C. Fire can burn things and peopleD. We must be careful with matches.【正确答案】B讲解:理解归纳题,根据文中语句Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it will burn you. 理解可知。B第2题:He asked his son football on the road.A.not

5、play B.to not play C.not to play D.not playing【正确答案】C讲解:ask sb (not) to do让某人做/不做某事。选C第3题: Passage C Is it necessary for students to spend more time studying during their winter holiday? I think not.Students have been working hard for several months now, and soon they will have completes all of this

6、 terms course. However unhappily, they may not be able to relax their tight nerves as usual, because I have heard that many middle school headmasters are considering holding classes in winter holidays. After five months of study, our students have become very tired, so perhaps, continuation classes

7、are beyond them. What they need in the winter holidays is rest. Any more courses will only make them tiresome instead of helping them to progress in their studies. Whats more, continuation classes will mean students fail to recover their energy, and this will affect their work next term. I do hope l

8、eaders of Education Bureau(教育局)will forbid such classes in the holidays and allow our students to have a good rest.In the passage the writer tries to_.A. give some advice on holiday life for the studentsB. persuade middle school headmasters to give up the idea of continuation classesC. make people b

9、etter understand the importance of educationD. make clear what the students are thinking about【正确答案】B讲解:读可知,学生在假期前已经十分劳累,假期时许多中学校长还要学生上很多的课,使学生无法休息,从而影响下期的学习。作者通过此文旨在让学校给学生减负。选B第4题:对“切叶蚁的单一品种的蘑菇农场能延续至今的原因”分析,不正确的一项是( )A 尽管Es-covopsis霉菌会危害蚂蚁的蘑菇农场,但切叶蚁有办法控制这种灾难。B 雌蚁分泌出的链霉素活细菌除能消灭Es-covopsis霉菌外,还能刺激蘑菇的

10、生长。C 忠于职守的蚂蚁勤于察看,发现Es-covopsis霉菌就用随身携带的链霉素将之消灭。D 切叶蚁分群时,蚁后会将蘑菇菌种连同随身的会分泌链霉素的细菌带到新穴传种。【正确答案】B讲解:能刺激蘑菇生长的是“链霉素”,而不是“活细菌”第5题:下列各句中,翻译有误的一句是( )A. 道之所存,师之所存也。 翻译:道存在的(地方),就是老师在的(地方)。 B. 寡君之以为戮,死且不朽。 翻译:(如果)我们国君把我们杀了,(虽然)死了,也将不腐朽。 C. 举类迩而见义远。 翻译:举的是近旁事类,而表达的意思很深远。 D. 且迁我如振落叶耳,而固吝者何?。 翻译:况且调动我的官职就像摇动树让枯叶落下

11、来一样容易,可是(你父亲却)坚决不肯出力,为什么呢?【正确答案】B讲解:此句翻译存在几种解释,不定。(1)就是国君把我杀了,我死了也不朽。(2)(如果)我们国君把我们杀了,死了也将不忘这次的失败。不管哪一种,腐朽解释不准确。第6题: Passage D One morning a young woman, who had just lost her first job, was reading newspapers in her room. She read very carefully and tried to find another job. At last, she found a p

12、iece of good news, so she was very happy. At once she called her mother, who was in the kitchen. Listen to this, mother! She cried, I have found an easy way to earn money. What is it? her mother asked, coming into the room. Listen, said the girl, and read the news, Do you want to earn money? Give me

13、 one pound together with a stamp to earn money. Send me one pound together with a stamp and then tell me where you live, you will receive a letter showing you how to earn hundreds of pounds when you stay at home. I dont believe that, said the mother, you will only lose one pound and two stamps; if h

14、e knows how to do that, why does he do it himself? Why does he need to say it in the newspaper? You wont get an answer. Well, mother, one pound isnt much she said, I can try! With these words she went to the post office. Two or three days later, she received a letter. There were only four words on a

15、 small piece of paper Do as I do.The young woman was _.A. In a factoryB. a studentC. thinking of finding a jobD. reading a book【正确答案】C讲解:第一段第二行She read very carefully and tried to find another job.选C第7题:依次填入下列句子横线处的关联词,最恰当的一项是( )成熟的荔枝,大多数是深红色或紫色。生在树头,从远处当然看不清它壳面的构造, 红色映入眼帘, 把它比做绛囊、红星、珊瑚珠,都很逼真。 整株树以至成片的树林, 就成为飞焰欲横天,红云几万重的绚丽景色了。A可是 如果 因为 所以 B只有 因而 至于 那C只要 就 然而 那 D因为 所以 至于 那【正确



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