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3、录取,不得参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试及录取;未被录取考生,仍可参加2016年普通高校招生全国统一考试。内容声明:本农村福州大学单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过单招考上理想大学!2016年福州大学单招模拟题(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分)选择题(每题4分,共100分):第1题:9×11=99 can be written .A. Nine plus eleven makes ninety-nine.B. Nine minus eleven makes ninety-nine.C. Nine

4、 divided by eleven makes ninety-nine.D. Nine times eleven makes ninety-nine.【正确答案】D讲解:乘法要用multiply或times, plus minus divided分别用于加法,减法和除法中。选D第2题:Which of the following sentences is not true?A.Pasta, rice and bread are made from grains.B.To eat more fat and sweets.C.Fruit and vegetables help your eyes

5、 and skins.D.You also need some milk every day.【正确答案】B讲解:判断题。Pasta, rice and bread are made from grains. 原句,A正确Try not to eat much fat or sweets. They may taste good, but they are not good for your health. B错误Fruit and vegetables help your eyes and skin( 皮肤). C正确You also need some milk every day. D正

6、确。故选B第3题:Our dog gave birth to four puppies early yesterday morning, two of _ died soon afterwards, though.A. those B. them C. whom D. which【正确答案】D讲解:which引导的非限定性从句,用逗号隔开。选D第4题:A. beside B. nearby C. near D. near by【正确答案】B讲解:形容词nearby一般作定语,表示不远的,附近的,合乎文意,为正确选项。第5题:A、after B、since C、until D、before【正确

7、答案】A讲解:在南丁格尔出名之后 选A第6题:How many artists designed the mascot?A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. D. Eight.【正确答案】A讲解:Haibao was designed by two artists, one from Shanghai and the other from Taiwan. 选A第7题:The little girl (A)practices (B)playing (C)violin (D)every day.【正确答案】C讲解: C. violin改为the violin 。西洋乐器前加the第

8、8题: 夫人禀五常,士兼百行,邪正有别,曲直不同。若邪曲者,人之所贱,而小人之道也;正直者,人之所贵,而君子之德也。然世多趋邪而弃正,不践君子之迹,而行由小人者,何哉?语曰:直如弦,死道边;曲如钩,反封侯。故宁顺从以保吉,不违忤以受害也。况史之为务,申以劝诫,树之风声。其有贼臣逆子,淫君乱主,苟直书其事,不掩其瑕,则秽迹彰于一朝,恶名被于千载。言之若是,吁可畏乎! 夫为于可为之时则从,为于不可为之时则凶。如董狐之书法不隐,赵盾之为法受屈。彼我无忤,行之不疑,然后能成其良直,擅名今古。至若齐史之书崔弑,马迁之述汉非,韦昭仗正于吴朝,崔浩犯讳于魏国,或身膏斧钺,取笑当时;或书填坑窖,无闻后代。夫世

9、事如此,而责史臣不能申其强项之风,励其匪躬之节,盖亦难矣。是以张俨发愤,私存嘿记之文;孙盛不平,窃撰辽东之本。以兹避祸,幸获两全。足以验世途之多隘,知实录之难遇耳。 下列语句中词的解释,不正确的一项是 ()A苟直书其事,不掩其瑕瑕:缺点。B恶名被于千载 被:遭受。C韦昭仗正于吴朝 仗:依仗。D窃撰辽东之本 窃:私下里。【正确答案】B讲解:B项,“被”的意思是“覆盖”的意思。“泽被后世”的“被”即为此义。第9题:A. buy B. order C. use D. produce【正确答案】A讲解:他们也可以购买可调整的桌椅。这些东西得先买入才能使用。选A第10题:(A)Its important

10、 (B)of (C)us (D)to protect our environment.【正确答案】B讲解:B. of改为for .形容词important用来修饰protect our environment,所以要用for.如果形容词修饰人要用of第11题:beach( )AheadBgreatCbreak Dseaman【正确答案】D讲解:【解析】beach i: A e Bei C ei D i:第12题: 21 you are traveling abroad, it is important 22 the customs of the country you are visiting

11、. If you are invited to a home in Britain, here is some advice. As soon as you 23 , it is good manners to refuse or accept the invitation, either by writing 24 by telephoning. When you go to a 25 , it is polite to arrive on time. It is good manners to 26 with your host and any other guests. You can

12、27 a present, if you like, possibly a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates or some flowers. 28 , it is bad manners to take nothing. It is not polite to stay too late after the other guests 29 . Of course, it is good manners to write or telephone a day or two 30 to thank your hostA. After B. When C. B

13、efore D. Though【正确答案】B讲解:时间状语从句。选B第13题: Susan and Laura are twins. They were born in a hospital in New York in 1943.When they were only two weeks old, their parents were killed in a car accident. There was nobody to look after the two baby girls, so they were raised in two different homes for children without parents. They grew up without seeing each other again. When Susan was twenty-one, she went to live in Australia; but Laura continued to live in New York. Later, Laura discovered that she had a twin sister. And she would like to me


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