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1、长对话听力技巧,听力理解题型(35%),8 short conversations(8) 2 long conversations(3+4) 3 passages (3+3+4) Compound dictation (10),听力技巧重在捕捉信息、进行逻辑推理以及常识判断。不过技巧终归是技巧,无法等效替代平时的练习。毕竟, God helps those who help themselves(天助自助者)。,听时技巧,开头原则,同义替换,细节题,转折词 技巧一:话题与场景的判断第一句话的核心词汇揭示答案。 长对话的第一题很可能就会针对对话的第一句话提问,涉及整个对话的主题。 技巧二:问答中

2、的细节听到什么选什么。 长对话中正确选项一般都是对话中原词再现,较少用同音,音近词作干扰项。简而言之,在长对话中,包含实际意义的问答内容(尤其是特殊疑问句)往往是细节题的考查点。答题的基本原则就是听到什么选什么。 技巧三:根据结尾处的核心词锁定答案。 一般说来,对话结尾处的建议句型是考查要点。对于这种建议题,解题的关键在于抓住建议句型中的谓语动词。,强调长对话听力的线索把握,一个访谈类的节目,听力的线索在于woman speaker的提问. 把握访谈类对话听力的线索以及长对话开头、结尾和中间出题的规律 长对话话题转折处必出考题,准确把握“转折点”才不会在考场上lose yourself,1、对

3、话的开头 主题句常常是在对话的开头,它对整个对话的内容起一个概括和提示的作用,实际上是说话人所谈论的中心话题。长对话中的第一题很可能是针对对话的开头提问,考查考生对整个对话的主题或所谈话题的把握。,【例1】 【预览选项】 A To go sightseeing. B To have meetings. C To promote a new champagne. D To join in a training program. 【边听边记】 M: Hi, Ann, welcome back. Hows your trip to the states? W: Very busy, 19I had

4、a lot of meetings. 19. Why did the woman go to New York? 【答案解析】 选B。细节题。对话一开始,男士就问女士去美国的旅行怎么样,女士回答说很忙,她had a lot of meetings(要参加很多会议),由此可知女士去纽约是去参加会议。,2、对话的结尾,结尾处往往涉及到建议、决定或某种行为等,它对整个对话起到一个总结的作用。长对话的最后一题经常是针对对话的结尾设题,故留意其中的关键动词就成了解题的关键。,【例2】 A Changing her major. B Spending less of her parents money.

5、C Getting transferred to the English Department. D Leaving the university. W: They would be so disappointed though if I told them I was quitting. 25. What is Karen thinking of doing? 【解析】细节题。对话结尾处女士通过进行时表明了自己的打算(I was quitting)。注意这里的quit是指退出现在的专业,而不是指退出大学,选择答案时需根据上下文,切忌根据常识进行判断。,3、对话中的一问一答,长对话中,对话双方

6、往往出现多个一问一答,而这恰恰是长对话的一个出题重点,对话后面问题往往就是对话原文中问题的照搬或是同义转述,因此其答案就是对话中紧接问题之后的答语,而且一般不会有同音或近音词的干扰,因此对于这类题目答案的基本原则就是“听到什么选什么“。,【例3】 【预览选项】 A Data collection. B Training consultancy. C Corporate management. D Information processing. 【边听边记】 W: Whats your line of business, Mr. Johnson? M: We are a training con

7、sultancy. 25. What is the mans line of business? 【答案解析】 选B。细节题。女士的提问即为本题的提问,答案就在男士接下来的回答中。女士问男士Whats your line of business(做哪一行),男士回答说We are a training consultancy(我们是培训咨询公司),由此可知答案为B。,4、对话中逻辑关系处,长对话中经常会涉及到表示转折、因果等逻辑关系的短语或句式,这些地方也很受出题人的青睐。,A Shes worried about the seminar. B The man keeps interrupti

8、ng her. C She finds it too hard. D She lacks interest in it. W: No, Jim, I suppose I havent. I need to get through although, but I keep drifting away. M: So it doesnt really hold your interest? W: No, not really. I wouldnt bother with it, to be honest, but I have to read it for a seminar. Im at the

9、university. 22. Why cant Karen concentrate on the book? 【解析】推断题。女士话中but转折后内容表明女士对那本书并不感兴趣,紧接着男士和女士的一问一答再次揭示本题的答案为D。,5、对话中建议处 对话中一方给另一方提出的建议或意见常常会被作为出题的重点,因此,听音时要注意捕捉一些特殊的表达建议的句式,如Youd better, why not do?等。,【例5】 A Study the map of Quebec Province. B Find more about Quebec City. C Brush up on her Fren

10、ch. D Learn more about the local customs. M: Well, In fact, Montreal is the third largest French-speaking city in the world. So20 youd better practice your French before you go. W: Good advice. 20. What does the man advise the woman to do before the trip? 【解析】细节题。由男士话中的youd better可知他建议女士在去旅行前先练习一下法语

11、(practice French = brush up on French),故答案为C。,6、对话中比较处 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级,以及than, asas等引出的比较结构也是长对话题的设题重点之一。这类题目的选项中经常会含有比较结构,考生要学会利用选项所给提示抓取关键点。,【例6】 A The lectures are boring. B The course is poorly designed. C She prefers Philosophy to English. D She enjoys literature more. W: I should say, I dont li

12、ke Dickens at all really, the author, indeed, I am starting to like the whole course less and less. M: Its not just the book, its the course as well? W: Yeah, You see, I wanted to do philosophy rather than English, but my parents took me out of it. 23. Why is Karen starting to like the course less a

13、nd less? 【解析】细节题。本题是在对话中的比较处命题(like the course less and less)。女士话中的do philosophy rather than English表明女士宁愿学哲学而不愿学英语。rather than意为“而不是,不愿”。,7、对话中列举、举例处,对话中出现列举或举例的地方往往也是出题的重点,因此,当听到such as, for example, for instance, the first, the second等一类词语,应加以留意。,【例7】 A It cost much more than its worth. B It shou

14、ld be brought up-to-date. C It calls for immediate repairs. D It can still be used for a long time. W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment shouldve been ins

15、talled long ago. 20. What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory? 【解析】细节题。女士说自己提出了一些新的生产和广告战略,接着列举了首要的一点(first of all):设备需要尽快更新。,8. 对话中推测处,must, may, can等情态动词常用于表示对现在或过去事实的推测,这些地方常常受到出题人的青睐。,【例8 W: Well, you might just be the person weve been looking for. Do you have any questions?

16、M: Uh-hum, if I were hired, how many accounts would I be handling? 21. What can we conclude from the conversation? A The woman thinks Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer. B Mr. Saunders will share one third of the womans responsibilities. C Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations. D The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders past



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