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1、中西文化差异表现及其原因一、中西文化差异表现1、思维模式的异同 中国人喜欢站在生命的更高处思考问题,跳出现实,重视对生命的思考,在对人和人之间,人和自然界之间,人的精神和肉体之间的关系都有深刻的思考。西方人偏重于逻辑思维或者理性思维;中国人属于抽象思维或者感性思维。而西方人更注重于从物质世界入手,去探索和求证问题的本源。2、对待个人利益与集体利益、国家利益的异同 中国人更看重集体利益,包括家族利益、国家利益,主张控制自己的欲望,反对极端个人主义和英雄主义,往往把个人利益和集体利益,国家利益联系在一起,富于爱国和献身精神。而西方人更重视个体利益,追求人权,崇尚自由,认为如果连个体利益都无法保障,

2、更谈何集体利益,正是这样的思想认识,最终推动了西方民主政治的发展;3、民主观念的异同 中国人注重精神的自由,把自由、民主看成是君主权贵的赏赐。所以我们的人民总在渴望青天,希望能有好官的出现为民谋利。而西方的民主政治认为,政出于民,一切的政权只是人民授予,让政府来行使的一种公权力。4、科学观的异同 中国人更相信先人的经验和权威,相信古人甚至超过相信今人,迷信权威,缺乏创新和探索精神。而西方人重视实践和理论,富于探险精神,倡导理性思维。通过正规的学院式教育对科学成果进行普及和推广,极大的促进了科学的发展,也最终建立了完整的科学体系;5、中西方的道德观是迥然不同的 西方强调个体本位,而中国人提倡群体

3、本位。中西方道德观的不同,使中西方的伦理体系和道德规范具有了不同的特点:西方重契约,中国重人伦;西方重理智,中国重人情;西方伦理重于竞争,中国则偏重于中庸、和谐;西方的伦理道德是以人性恶为出发点,强调个体的道德教育,中国儒家是从人性善的观点出发,强调个体的道德修养。6、法制观念的异同 中国人主张用礼、道德来约束,通过先贤的教诲和学习提高自己的修养,讲究克己复礼,导致了人格的缺陷,丧失了独立的人格;而西方人认为人的原欲是不应该被压制的,对于社会和个人的规范,主张用“法制”,通过制度,如三权分立的组织、政治机构来约束制约,道德则处于从属的地位。7、在为人处世方面的异同 中国人内敛、自省,喜欢“每日

4、三省吾身”,为的是合于先王之道,把修养身心看的很重,推崇中庸思想,导致思想的保守、缺乏创新和开拓进取精神。西方人更热心于公益事业,把服务社会当成自己的职责。First, Chinese and Western cultural differences in performance1, the similarities and differences of thinking modeThe Chinese like to stand on the higher ground of their life to think about things, to jump out of reality,

5、to think about life, and to think deeply about the relationship between people and people, between people and nature, and between human spirits and flesh. . Westerners focus on logical thinking or rational thinking; Chinese people are abstract thinking or emotional thinking. Westerners pay more atte

6、ntion to starting from the material world to explore and prove the origin of the problem.2, treat personal interests and collective interests, the similarities and differences between national interestsChinese attach more importance to collective interests, including family interests, national inter

7、ests, advocating the control of their own desires, and opposing extreme individualism and heroism. They often associate personal interests with collective interests and national interests and are rich in patriotism and dedication. Westerners, on the other hand, attach more importance to individual i

8、nterests, pursue human rights, and advocate freedom. They think that even if individual interests can not be guaranteed, it is such an understanding of ideology that ultimately promotes the development of Western democratic politics.3, similarities and differences of the concept of democracyChinese

9、attach importance to spiritual freedom and regard freedom and democracy as a reward for the monarchy. Therefore, our people are always longing for the blue sky and hoping that there will be the emergence of good officials for the benefit of the people. However, Western democratic politics hold that

10、the government is out of the people and that all power is only a kind of public power granted by the people and exercised by the government.4, the scientific concept of similarities and differencesChinese believe in the experience and authority of their ancestors more and believe that the ancients e

11、ven surpassed those who believe in modernity, superstition and authority, lack of innovation and exploration. The Westerners attach importance to practice and theory, full of adventure spirit, promote rational thinking. Popularizing and popularizing scientific achievements through formal college edu

12、cation has greatly promoted the development of science and finally established a complete scientific system.5, Western ethics is very differentWestern emphasis on individual standard, while the Chinese people advocate group standard. The different ethics between China and the West make the ethical s

13、ystem and moral norms of the West have different characteristics: the Western re-contract, Chinas emphasis on human resources, the Wests emphasis on reason, Chinas human nature; Western ethics over competition, China is more emphasis on the golden mean, Harmony. The western ethics embodies the evil

14、of human nature as the starting point, emphasizing individual moral education. Chinese Confucianism emphasizes individual moral cultivation from the viewpoint of human nature.6, the similarities and differences between the legal conceptChinese advocate the use of courtesy, moral restraint, through t

15、he teachings of the sages and learning to improve their self-discipline, pay attention to self-denial, leading to the personality defects, loss of independent personality; and Westerners think that peoples desires should not be Suppression of social and personal norms, advocated the use of legal sys

16、tem, through the system, such as the separation of powers of the organization, political institutions to restrain the constraints, morality is in a subordinate position.7, similarities and differences in the attitude of othersThe Chinese are introverted and introspective. They like the Three Wages of Our Daily Living in Three Provinces, i



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