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1、Welcome to Inner Mongolia !,内蒙古风情游,Contents,Famous Scenic Spot,Gourmet Food,Inner Mongolia,location,The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, bordering to the north with both the Republic of Mongolia and Russia, is the widest province in China (by its latitude). It is the third largest Chinese province

2、(over 1.1 million square kilometers or 424,736 square miles) but not very populated. The province has about 24 million inhabitants. Many ethnic groups are living in this area including Mongolian, Daur, Oroqen, Ewenki, Hui, Han, Korea and Manchu. Hohhot is the capital of Inner Mongolia.,内蒙古自治区北面与蒙古共和

3、国和俄罗斯接壤,是我国最广泛的省(其纬度) 。这是中国的第三大省,但并不十分稀少。全省约24万居民。许多民族都生活在这一领域,包括蒙古,达斡尔,鄂伦春,鄂温克族,回族,汉族,韩国和满族。呼和浩特是内蒙古自治区首府。,响沙湾,响沙湾,国家AAAAA级景区。位于内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗中部。属于沙漠类自然风景区,为新月形丘链或格状丘地貌。2009年被评为5A级景区。沙高110米,宽200米,坡度为45度、呈弯月状的巨大沙山回音壁缀在大漠边缘,是一处珍稀、罕见、宝贵的自然旅游资源。居中国三大响沙之首。,响沙湾,额济纳旗之大漠胡杨林,额济纳旗境内为北东走向的断裂凹陷盆地。地形呈扇状,总势西南高,北边低


5、女王昭君之墓。王昭君,名嫱,字昭君,西汉南郡秭归人(今湖北省兴山县)。公元前33年出塞到匈奴,做了呼韩邪单于阏氏,封号“宁胡阏氏”(阏氏为匈奴皇后号)。晋时因避讳司马昭的昭字,改称(明妃)或(明君)。,“落雁”王昭君,Zhao Jun statue,昭君自有千秋在, 胡汉和亲识见高。 词客各抒胸臆懑, 舞文弄墨总徒劳。,辉腾锡勒,蒙古语意为“寒冷的高原”。草原位于乌盟察右中旗中南部,阴山北麓。草原上点缀着99个天然湖泊,既有牧区草原苍茫雄浑的格调,又有江南水乡明媚清秀的色彩。辉腾锡勒草原冬季寒冷,夏季凉爽,平均最高温度为18度,自古便是有名的避暑胜地。,辉腾锡勒大草原,蒙古族的传统食品,主要分

6、白食和红食 两大类:白食主要指奶食品;红食指肉食品。按照蒙古族的习惯,白色表示纯洁、吉祥、崇高,因此白食是蒙古人待客的最高礼遇。它都是以奶豆腐、白糖和黄油为原料,不但味道好,而且外观精美,宛如一件漂亮的工艺品。 The traditional Mongolian food can be divided into white food and red food: white food refers to dairy and red food refers to meat. According to Mongolian customs, White food represent the white

7、 purity, good luck, noble. Thus, White food is the highest courtesy of Mongolian hospitality. It is based on cheese, sugar and butter as raw materials, It not only tastes delicious but also look beautiful, like a delicate handicrafts.,Gourmet Culture,Red Food,全羊,蒙语为“布胡勒”,敬献最高贵嘉宾。 The “whole sheep” i

8、n Mongol “buhule” means “to the highest guest.,贵族盛宴全羊宴 Noble FeastAll-Sheep Banquet,奶豆腐,又称乳酪,蒙古语称“胡如塔” Dairy curd, or cream, is called “Huruta” in Mongol language. 奶酒,蒙古语称“阿日里”。澄澈醇香,沁人心脾,酒性柔软,口感酸甜。 Milk wine, called “Arili” in Mongol language, smells good and tastes pure and sweat. 奶茶有解除疲劳,促人兴奋,增强食欲

9、,帮助消化等作用。 Tea with milk can alleviate fatigue, stimulate appetite and help assimilation. “乌古查”,指牲畜躯体的后腰部位。普通的肉食,俗称“手把肉”。 “Wugucha” refers to animals lower back. Ordinary meat is called “meat in hand”.,Mongolian dress has strong grassland style. Because the Mongolian long life in the grassland, Mongo

10、lian person no matter the men and women love to wear robes. Mongolian dress facilitate horse riding, has the rich grasslands characteristics.,* The Nadam congress is the traditional festival which is celebrated by Mongolian national minority people. * “Nadam” means the celebration of the bumper harv

11、est and the fun of amusement.,Nadam Congress,The wrestling is warmly welcomed by the Mongolian people. Like a fighter in a battle, the competitors danced to the brilliant song, bowed, and started to fight.,Horse riding is the most common event on the grassland. All of people take part in the competi

12、tions.,Archery(射箭),During the long time of hunting, Mongolian people kept the ability of archery. Mongolian archery competition included short-range-archery, riding-archery, long-range-archery. It is the combination of strength and speed. All of people can attend the competition but they have to bri

13、ng their own horses, bows and arrows in any style and length.,Obo is Mongolian, meaning “heap child“, also translated as “brain bag“, “Ebo“, meaning wood, stone, earth mounds. Is piled by the artificial “stone heap“, “mound“ or “wood pile.“ Old throughout Mongolia, multi-stone or sand piled, it is a

14、lso use branches, this number has been greatly reduced. The original is in the vast grasslands of people with stones piled roads and state flags, then gradually evolved into offering mountain road God and prayers for good harvests, a symbol of family happiness and peace. 敖包是蒙古语,意即“ 堆子“ ,也有译成“脑包”、“鄂博”的,意为木、石、土堆。就是由人工堆成的“石头堆”、“土堆”或“木块堆”。旧时遍布蒙古各地,多用石头或沙土堆成,也有用树枝垒成的,今数量已大减。原来是在辽阔的草原上人们用石头堆成的道路和境界的标志,后来逐步演变成祭山神、路神和祈祷丰收、家人幸福平安的象征。,Thanks for your attention!,


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