人教PEP版小学英语六年级上册第五单元《Unit5 What does he do?》单元复习课件PPT

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1、,Unit 5 What does he do ?,PEP 六年级上册,单元复习课件,Lets sing,What does she / he do?,She / He is a (an),factory worker,postman,police officer,businessman,词汇复习,fisherman,scientist,coach,pilot,词汇复习,What does she / he do?,She / He is a (an),What does he do?,He is a fisherman.,Where does he work?,He works at sea

2、 .,词汇复习,back,一、问职业,1. Whats she? 2. Whats her job? 3. What does she do?,二、问工作地点,Where does she work?,三、问工作的交通方式,How does she go to school?,句型复习,What does your father do?,He is a postman .,Where does he work?,He works in a post office.,How does he go to work?,He goes to work by car .,句型复习,3. Im going

3、 to be a head teacher one day . 将来有一天我将要成为一位校长。,1. What does your mother do ? 你妈妈是干什么工作的?,2. She is a head teacher. 她是一位校长。,4. Where does he work ?他在哪里工作?,句型复习,5. How does he go to work? 他怎么去上班?,6. Do you want to be a head teacher ,too? 你也想成为一位校长吗?,7. I want to be a businessman . 我想成为一名商人。,8. He wor

4、ks at sea. 他在海边工作。,句型复习,9. He sees lots of fish every day. 他每天看见许多鱼。,10. He has a very healthy life. 他过着健康的生活。,11. We should study hard and stay healthy , too. 我们也应该努力学习,保持健康。,12. She is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. 她擅长足球、乒乓球和篮球。,句型复习,13. He often goes running after school. 放学后他经常去跑步。

5、,14. If you like sports , you can be a coach. 如果你喜欢运动,你可以成为一位教练。,15. Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifans grandpa . 罗宾想成为像吴一凡爷爷那样的科学家。,句型复习,back,听录音,回答问题。,1. Is Olivers father in Australia? _,2. What does his father do ? _,3. Whats his mothers job? _,4. What does he want to be? _,Yes,he is .

6、,Hes a businessman.,Shes a head teacher.,He wants to be a businessman.,对话复习,听录音,将问句与答语连线。,1. What does Mikes uncle do ? 2. Where does he work? 3. How does he go to work? 4. Does he have a healthy life?,Yes, he does. Hes a fisherman. By bike. On a boat at sea.,对话复习,back,听录音,选择正确答案。,( ) 1.What are Hu

7、Bins hobbies? A. He likes football, ping-pong and basketball . B. He likes running. C. A and B. ( ) 2. What can Hu Bin be? A. He can be a secretary. B. He can be a coach. C. He can be a scientist.,C,B,课文复习,( ) 3.What does Sarah like? A. She likes singing . B. She likes dancing. C. She likes using co

8、mputers. ( ) 4. What does Sarah want to be? A. She wants to be a secretary. B. She wants to be a PE teacher. C. She wants to be a sports reporter.,C,A,课文复习,( ) 5.What does Robin want to be? A. He wants to be a policeman . B. He wants to be a doctor. C. He wants to be a scientist. ( ) 6. Where is Rob

9、in going to work ? A. He is going to work in a gym. B. He is going to work in a university. C. He is going to work in a office.,C,B,课文复习,back,一、选出下列发音不同的一项。,( ) 1. A.factory B. family C. lake ( ) 2. A.go B. police C.post ( ) 3. A.office B.no C.coffee ( ) 4. A. work B. coach C. coat ( ) 5. A. coach B

10、. teacher C. fish,C,B,B,A,C,当堂检测,二、按要求填空。 1. country (复数) _ 2. have (三单) _ 3. office(职业名词) _ 4. fisherman (对应词) _ 5. businessman (复数) _ 6. see ( 同音词) _ 7. science( 职业名词) _,countries,has,officer,fisherwoman,businessmen,sea,scientist,当堂检测,( ) 1. Mike is a fisheman,and he works _ sea. A. on B. at C. in

11、 D. of,三、单项选择。,( ) 2. John is good_ football. A. on B. in C. at D. near,B,C,当堂检测,( ) 3. Robin wants to be a scientist _ Wu Yifans grandfather. A. like B. liking C. likeing D. likes,A,当堂检测,( ) 4. Mary is going to _artist one day. A. be an B. be a C.am a D. am an,A,( ) 5. Hu Bin wants _in a gym. A. to works B.to work C. working D. work,( ) 6. His uncle is _ scientist in _ university. A. a; an B.an, an C. a; a D.an ;a,B,C,当堂检测,Thank you!,


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