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1、格瑞特教育培训中心Unit 6Topic 1 Were going on a spring field trip一. 英汉互译A. 词汇田野,田地_飞机_总数的_宾馆,旅馆_单个的_人_卖,售_交通工具_航空公司_筹集_冰箱_条件,状况_负担得起_顶部_任务_决定_电影院_标准_舒服的_普通的,一般的_向前,前进_B. 短语1. 去旅游_2. 做某事的最好方式_3. 某事花费某人某些时间_4. 查明、了解_5. 做某事的最好时间_6. 就做出决定_7. 决定做某事a._b._8. 预定火车票_9. 算出(旅行的费用)_10. 预约房间_11. 筹钱_12. 带有两张单人床的标准间_13. 不带

2、浴室或空调的三人间_14. 做某事是普遍的_15. 想出(主意),找出(答案)_16. 期盼做某事_17. 收到的来信_18. 一张145元的硬卧票_19. 一就_20. 一趟为期两天的旅行_21. 在中午_22. 在户外_23. order a special lunch_24. on/at the top of_25. at the foot of_26. serve sth to sb_27. departure/arrival time_28. in the daytime_29. my pleasure_30. see the sunrise_二. 词形转换及反义词: 1. disc

3、uss(v.) discussion(n.) 2. queen(n.) king(n.) 3. arrive(v.) - arrival(n.) 4. safe(adj.) safely(adv.) - safety(n.) 5. decide(v.) - decision(n.) 6. sleep(v./n.) - sleeper(n.) 三. 重点句型1) We are going on a two-day visit to Mount Tai. 我们打算去泰山旅游两天2) Which is the best way to go there? 去哪里最好的方式是什么?-The best w

4、ay to go there is by train. 去哪里最好的方式是搭乘3) How much does it cost to go there by train? 搭乘火车去哪里花多少钱?-It costs 145 yuan. -花费145元。4) How long does it take to reach Mount Tai by train? 搭乘火车到泰山花多长时间?-It takes 7 hours -花7个小时。5) There are other vehicles (for us) to choose. Ill ask the airline over/on the ph

5、one to find out the cost by plane. 我们还有其它交通工具可选择,我会打电话向航空公司了解乘飞机的费用。6) Bring back your information and we will decide on the best way to go on our field trip.明天把你们找到的信息带回来,然后我们会决定郊游的最好方式。7) Id like to book some train tickets to Mount Tai on March 13th. 我想定几张三月十三日去泰山的火车票。8) The train leaves at 11:45

6、a.m. and arrives at Taishan Railway Station at 6:44 p.m.火车上午十一点四十五分发车,下午六点四十四分抵达泰山火车站。9) We have tickets at 145 for the hard sleeper and 224 for the soft sleeper. What kind do you want?我们有145元的硬卧票和223元的软卧票。你想要哪种?(at 意为“以”,一般用于表示价格,年龄,速度等词的前面,for 意为“供,适合于”)。-Id like to book 21 tickets for the hard sl

7、eeper. 我想定21张硬卧票。10) We have rooms with a bathroom, TV, refrigerator and air conditioning.我们有带浴室,电视机,冰箱和空调的房间。11) We are sure that the conditions will make you feel comfortable.我们确信这里的条件会让你感觉到舒适。12) After working out the cost of the trip, we find that not everyone can afford it. So we will find ways

8、 to raise money. 在我们算出旅行袋费用后,我们发现不是每个人都负担得起。所以我们会想办法筹钱。13) The best ways to raise money are to put on a show, and to sell flowers and newspapers.筹钱最好的方法是表演节目,卖花或卖报纸。14) Its very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.在加拿大和美国的学校里,筹钱是很普遍的。15) Some schools come up with great ideas of ra

9、ising money, such as “King or Queen for a Day”.有些学校想出很棒的筹款办法,比如说“King or Queen for a Day”。16)It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw。每一个学生花一美元便可买到一张抽奖的票。17) We plan to climb Mount Tai as soon as we got there.我们计划一到那里就去爬泰山。18) Look forward to hearing from you.期待收到你的来信。四. 知识点解析.动

10、词不定式1. 动词不定式的基本形式是“to+动词原形”,有时可以不带to。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句中不能单独作谓语。2. 动词不定式常跟这些及物动词之后,want ,refuse, forget, need , try, learn , like, agree, help, hope ,decide, begin等。可用顺口溜(要想拒绝忘记,需要努力学习,喜欢同意帮助,希望决定开始) 3. 不定式的否定形式是在to的前面直接加not. e.g. My mother decided not to buy a computer for me. 4. 不定式可以和疑问词who , whic

11、h ,when, where ,how, what等连用。 e.g. Can you tell me what to say at the meeting ? I dont know how to get to the station.巩固练习I. 单项选择( ) 1. The best way to go to school is _ the bridge.A. to cross B. across C. go across ( ) 2. He _ travelling to Egypt at first, but _ Italy finally. A. thought ; decided B. thought about ; decided on. C. thought over; decided in ( ) 3. The cheapest way _is by ship .A. travelling B. traveled C. to travel .( ) 4. We



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