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1、英语3000常用词用法详解词典(上)Aa / an art. 1.一(个、张、件、本、块、首等):I have a sister and two brothers. 我有一个妹妹和两个哥哥。2.(一类事物中的)任何一个,任何:A bicycle has two wheels. 自行车有两只轮子。3.(用于短语中表示价格、比率、速度等)每:115 miles an hour 每小时115英里 / Meetings are held four times a year. 每年举行四次会议。4.(用于指某人的职业)一位,一名:I want to be an actor. 我想做一名演员。5.用于数词

2、前,相当于one:a thousand dollars 1000美元 6.用于表达数量的短语中,如:a little 少量,少许:Id like a little time to think about it please. 请给我一点时间将它考虑一下。a set of 一套,一副:We have a set of new glasses. 我们有一套新玻璃杯。a little bit 一点儿,少许:It will warm up a little on Sunday.星期日就会有点暖意了。a few (表示肯定)有些,几个:A few people were killed in the fi

3、re, but most were saved. 在那场火灾中,有几个人被烧死,但大部分人都得救了。a lot 很,非常,常常:He smokes a lot. 他抽烟很多。a lot of 大量,许多:She loves having a lot of kids round her. 她喜欢身边有许多小孩。a piece of 一片,一块:Please cut me a piece of cake. 请给我切一块蛋糕。【用法】a 和an 是不定冠词,a 用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,an 用于以元音音素开头的单词前。如:a picture (一张画),an old man (一位老人)等。另外

4、读音以元音音素开头的字母及字母缩略词(如 a, e, f, h, I, m, n, o, SOS, MBA 等)前若用不定冠词,要用an,不用a。abbreviation n.C(尤指单词等的)缩写形式:PRC is an abbreviation for “Peoples Republic of China”. PRC是Peoples Republic of China的缩写形式。 able adj. 有能力的,能干的:He is an able lawyer. 他是一位有才干的律师。/ She is old but still able. 她虽然老了但仍然很能干。be able to 能,

5、会:I am afraid I wont be able to visit you on Saturday. 恐怕我无法在星期六来拜访您了。/ Are you able to speak a foreign language? 你能讲外语吗?/ I havent been able to get in touch with her. 我一直未能和她联系上。about prep.1.关于,对于:a book about American history 一本关于美国历史的书 / They are talking about their holiday. 他们正在谈论自己的假期。adv.2.在附近

6、,在周围:I saw it about here. 我在这附近看到过它。 adv.3.大约,几乎:Its about three miles from here to the city center. 从这里到市中心大约三英里。adv.4.到处,附近,在周围:They walked about the streets. 他们在街上到处走走。be about to do sth 即将做某事:I was about to go to sleep when someone knocked. 我正要睡觉突然有人敲门。How (What) about 的情况怎样:What about father? W

7、e cant just leave him here. 父亲怎么办?我们可不能把他留在这里。【用法】1.表示“大约”,通常用于数字前:I should suppose him to be about fifty. 我想他大约五十岁左右。2.在动词 know, hear, speak 等之后用不用介词 about,含义有差别:She knows him. 她认识他。/ She knows about him. 她知道有关他的情况。3. be about to (do),意为“即将”“马上”。注意该短语不与具体的时间状语(soon, tomorrow, immediately等)连用:We are

8、 about to enter the freeway. 我们正好要上高速公路。不说:We are about to enter the freeway soon. accessory n. C通常用复数 配件,饰品:accessories of a bicycle 自行车的附件accident n. C交通事故,车祸:He had an accident some ten days ago. 他约10天前发生车祸。by accident 偶然,意外地:I discovered the answer by accident. 我很偶然地发现了答案。/ I ran into an old fri

9、end of mine by accident. 我偶然碰上一位老朋友。according to prep. 根据,按照:According to my watch it is 10 oclock. 按我的表是10点钟。/ According to the rules, you have to pay for it. 依照规定,你得赔偿。【用法】该介词短语通常只表示根据别人或别处,而不能表示根据自己,所以它不能用于第一人称,同时也很少用于第二人称,而主要用于第三人称。另外,其后习惯上不接 view (看法)和 opinion (意见)这类词,遇此情况可用 in ones opinion。acc

10、ordion n.C 手风琴achieve vt. 完成,取得:Theyve achieved what they set out to do. 他们已经完成了原来计划要做的事情。/ Without your help, I couldnt have achieved all this. 要不是有你帮助,我不会取得这些成就。achievement n. 1. U完成,实现:the achievement of ones goals 达到目标 / a feeling of achievement 成就感 2. C成就,功绩:He was proud of his daughters achiev

11、ements. 他为女儿的成就自豪。across prep. 横过,在对面:She walked across the street. 她步行穿过街道。/ There is a bus stop just across the road. 在马路对面就有一个公交站。across from 在对面:The park is across from the church. 公园在教堂对面。【辨析】across 与 through:两者均可表示“横过、穿过”,前者主要表示从某物的表面“横过”,涉及“面”的概念,而后者则指在里面或在一定空间范围内“穿过”,涉及“体”的概念,如:I drew a line

12、 across the page. 我在那一页上面画了一条横线。/ He walked through the forest alone. 他独自一人穿过森林。【注意】across 是介词,注意不要与动词 cross (穿过)混淆。act vi&vt. 表演,演戏:Ive never acted before. 我以前从未演过戏。/ Hes always wanted to act the part of Hamlet. 他一直想演哈姆雷特这个角色。n. C表演者,音乐人组合;短节目:They are one of rock musics most exciting live acts. 他们

13、是摇滚乐中最令人激动的现场演出团体之一。/ Her act includes singing and dancing. 她的表演包括唱歌和跳舞。【派生】actor 常指“(男)演员”,actress 常指“(女)演员”active adj. 活跃的,积极的:Students should take an active part in college life(life指(特定的)生活,n.U). 学生应该积极参与大学的活动。/ She continues to be active in politics. 她继续在政坛保持活跃。activity n.C,通常复数 (为兴趣、娱乐或达到一定目的而

14、进行的)活动(a thing that you do for interest or pleasure, or in order to achieve a particular aim)classroom activities 课堂活动 / outdoor activities 户外活动。n.U活动,热闹状况,活跃(a situation in which sth is happening or a lot of things are being done) Theres been a lot of activity in the town center today. 今天市中心一直活动很多。

15、actor n.C 演员:a good actor 好演员actually adv. 实际上,实在:Weve spoken on the phone but weve never actually met. 我们在电话中交谈过,但实际上我们并未见过面。/ You dont actually believe her, do you? 你并不真的的相信她,是吗?add vt&vi. 加,增加,加添:The fire is going out; add some wood to it. 火要灭了,加些柴。/ If you add two and to eight, you get ten. 2 加

16、8 等于10。/ Please add these figures up together. 请将这些数字加起来。addto 把加到上:He wanted to add his name to the letter. 他想在信上加签他的名字。add to(vi) 增加:This adds to our difficulties. 这增加了我们的困难。 add up 加起来:You havent added the figures up right. 这些数字你没有加对。 add up to 加起来等于,意味着:The figures add up to 500. 这些数字加起来等于500。/ Your long answer just adds up to a refusal. 你的冗长回答意味着拒绝。address n.


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