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1、以下素材论据要搭配强哥新浪博客的10月雅思写作预测一起使用,地址,http:/ 前言: 我一直不情愿在预测里给大家搭配素材论据,因为这会增加各位的惰性,助长对我的依赖,对于烤鸭们绝不是一件值得乐观的事情。只是无奈我太疼爱你们了,以至于溺爱,没能顶得住粉丝们的糖衣炮弹,终于使我在这个10月的预测里,无耻地从了。强哥的做事风格大家也了解了,那就是要么不做,要么做绝,所以既然决定给预测配素材论据,就要首先保证质量,我自认为卑微地做到了。所有这些素材都是强哥原创,难度在6.5-7.5的水平。最难得的是,所有这些素材的思想全部取自于学生为我提供的中文,当然英文是我写的,通过这种汉译英的对比,绝对可以大幅

2、提高英文写作遣词造句的能力,你也可以借此机会欣赏下强哥是如何化腐朽为神奇的。如果各位能对这些素材句子善加模仿背诵使用,对于考试成功必定大有好处! 注意:此次素材搭配的是强哥新浪博客10月雅思写作预测中“预测精选”35道题中的20道题,请仔细对应题号使用。剩余15道题目的素材还需大家在这20道题的学习启发下自己去写完。大家在研习背诵这些素材的时候,一定要遵照看着中文写英文的模式,务必这样,原因我就不解释了。素材不是完整的主体段,只是每一个主体段的主题句,各位在使用的时候还要写扩展。最后祝各位屠鸭成功! 1.学习外语方便人们和外国人交流Learning a foreign makes it eas

3、ier for us to communicate with foreigners.外语可以帮你找到好工作It will provide students with a better career development if they are able to use a foreign language.强迫没天赋的人学外语费时费钱Forcing students without the talent to learn a foreign language is money-consuming and takes time. 2.移民接受新国家的文化能有助于他们融入当地社会,并避免冲突Acc

4、epting new culture enables immigrants to integrate into the local community and avoid conflicts with local residents.移民接受新的文化能让他们有更多出人头地的机会。It will probably provide immigrants with more opportunities for success if they choose to accept the new customs and beliefs.让移民保持自己的文化有助于维护文化的多样性。Encouraging i

5、mmigrants to keep their own culture helps to preserve cultural diversity in the adopted country. 4.历史会限制我们的创新和进步Older values and ideas contained in history may create obstacles for us to make innovations and progress.历史是有历朝历代的统治者编写,是片面的,不真实History often presents a distorted and biased picture of the

6、 past events, because most history materials are recorded and compiled by people who are in favor of those rulers from different dynasties.历史是经验教训的总结,可以帮我们避免犯错History is summary of past experiences and sufferings, which enables us to avoid taking a wrong path. 5.美化城市,提高城市知名度Beautiful buildings serve

7、 as an important part of cityscape and promote a citys status in the whole world.漂亮建筑可以吸引投资/招揽生意Architectures with well-designed appearance often serve as attractions for commercial opportunities and investment.影响实用性和功能It will pose a threat to buildings functions and practicality if too much attenti

8、on has been paid to their appearance.6.提高医疗服务水平Making efforts to promote the quality of medical care services is a good idea to improve public health.通过媒体倡导健康的生活方式The government should publicize the importance of healthy lifestyle through all forms of media and advertising.增加体育设施给人们更多锻炼身体的机会Increasi

9、ng the number of sports facilities can provide citizens with a higher access to sporting activities.7.师资力量强大,硬件设施完备,高质量教育Private secondary schools are able to provide students with education of higher quality because they have better teachers and facilities.因材施教,有针对性,个性化,量身定做,人少/小班授课Smart class adop

10、ted by most private secondary schools can do a better job in meeting students individualized needs and foster students well-rounded development.教育资源分配不均,拉大贫富差距The prevalence of private secondary education may contribute to the imbalance in allocation of educational resources and enlarge the disparit

11、y between the wealthy and the impoverished.9.锻炼社会实践能力Doing unpaid community service is a rewarding process in which we learn to put theory into practice.培养社会责任感和适应能力Participation in volunteer work helps to cultivate students adaptability and sense of responsibility.浪费时间,影响/耽误学习Doing unpaid community

12、 service is time-consuming and may dampen students academic performance.10.独立,适应能力Children of poor family are better developed in their independence and adaptability. 能吃苦耐劳,更懂到奋斗,有更多的渴望欲望,抗压能力强Children of poor family are blessed with stronger aspirations to succeed and they have sufficient will powe

13、r to overcome difficulties in life/they have more resilience to resist setbacks. 更多的学习资源,各种资源,见识广,各方面能力比较强Children of wealthy family are able to enjoy a wider range of learning sources and better education, which provide them with diverse experiences and capabilities.11.提高人民生活质量/水平,幸福感增强,满足感增强It wil

14、l probably promote citizens living standard and sense of satisfaction if commodities are becoming increasingly affordable to the public. 减少违法犯罪,促进社会和谐It will reduce the conviction rate and strengthen social stability if the price of consumer goods is lower than before. 导致不良竞争,扰乱市场经济秩序Unnecessary com

15、petition driven by the decreasing price of consumer goods may create economic disorder, and business sector will suffer as a result. 12.方便教学/管理,因材施教更有针对性Teachers are able to provide students with individualized development by grouping them together according to fixed criterion like academic performance. 增强学生的竞争意识,增强学生的自信It will strengthen students competitiveness and confidence for participating in schooling if they need to be educated with peers of similar merits. 和现实生活脱节Grouping students only by academic perfor



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