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1、班级 姓名 学号 2012-2013学年度八年级上册第一次月考 英语试题(仁爱版)一二三四五六七总分一、听力理解(20小题每小题1分,共20分)一,听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._二,听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Yes, youd better not B.No, youd better not.C.No, you cant smoke. ( )7.A.You can ask him.B.Youd better catch a bus. C.You are all right.( )8.A.Thats rig

2、ht.B.Thats OK. Please take a seat. C.All right.( )9.A.Yes, Id like to.B.Really?C.No, thanks.( )10.A.No problem.B.Not at all.C.Thats very kind of you.三,听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. What is Lucys brother good at?A.Music.B.Art.C.Sports.( )12. Who won the game, the boys or the girls?A.The girls.B

3、.The boys.C.Class Three.( )13.How many erasers does Lin Ping have?A.One. B.Two.C.Three.( )14.What does Mr. Wu ask Kate to do?A.He asks her to come earlier next time.B.He asks her to study hard.C.He asks her to go home earlier.( )15. What does Maria like doing?A.Playing basketball. B. Running. C .Goi

4、ng out for a walk.四,听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16.Who was a good player?A.Peter.B.Sam.C.The goal keeper.( )17.When did the match start?A.At one.B.At two.C.At three.( )18.What was the result(结果) in the first half of the match?A.0 to 0.B.1 to 0.C.2 to 0.( )19.When did Sam kick the ball into the right cor

5、ner of the goal?A.In the first half of the match.B.Almost at the beginning of the match.C.Almost at the end of the match.( )20.What was the result of the match for Sams team?A.0 to 0.B.2 to 0.C.1 to 0.二,单项选择(15小题,共15分)( )21、There _a wonderful volleyball game on TV this weekend. A. is going to have B

6、. is C. will have D. is going to be( )22、Would you mind _your radio a little?Theyre having a meeting in the next room. Sorry, Ill do it at once. A. to turn up B. turning up C .to turn down D. turning down( )23、Shall we meet at six oclock? We had better meet a little late. Lets_seven oclock. A.to mak

7、e it at B.to make it C.make it at D.make it( )24、My father is ill in hospital. _ A. Thats all right. B. Im sorry to hear that C. It doesnt matter D. Dont worry about him( )25、Our school will play No.4 Middle school .I think well win. Please cheer us A. with, on B. against, on C. against ,up D. on, a

8、gainst( )26、You look .Can you tell me why you are so happy? Sure. I saw an movie just now. It has great fun. A. excite; exciting B. excited; excite C. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting ( )27、Its too late. Dont keep him for you so long.A. wait B. waits C. to wait D. waiting( )28、Our classmates a

9、ll have great fun_ in the park.A play B to play C playing D are playing( )29、Do you like playing football? Yes. And young people are good at playing football.A. many and many B. much and much C. little and little D. more and more( )30、Im sorry I broke your pen. Let me buy you a new one. .I have anot

10、her one.A. Never mind. B. Youre welcome. C.Of course not D.OK.( )31、Would you please _ so much noise? Oh, sorry, I wont. A. not makeB .dont make C. not to make D. making( )32、Oh, you have a headache and a cough. _ have you been like this?Three days.A.How longB.How soonC.How oftenD.How many( )33、I ll

11、 play baseball, because it can_.A.to build me upB.to build up meC. build up meD.build me up( )34、Thats very kind _ you, but I think I can manage it myself.A.toB.atC.ofD.from( )35、The foreigners arrived _ Shanghai _ that night.A.at; onB.in; atC.in; onD.at; in三,完形填空(10个小题,共10分) Jimmy lives in London a

12、nd he began to swim a few months ago. He 36 swimming, and he often goes to the swimming pool near his 37 with his mother and swims there for 38 or two. One day his mother said,“You 39 quite well now. And you want to see the sea, dont you? Your father and I are going to 40 you there on Sunday ,and yo

13、u are going to swim in the 41 .Its not cold now, and its much nicer than a swimming pool.” Jimmys parents took him 42 the sea in their car on Sunday. They 43 at the side of a small harbor(港口). Jimmy got out and 44 the sea for a long time, but he was not very 45 . Then he asked his mother, “Which is the shallow(浅的)end(部分)?”( ) 36. A. likes B. studies C. starts D. begins( ) 37. A. club B. gym C. library D. house( ) 38. A. a day B. a


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