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1、CATTI二级笔译综合能力100个必备单词1、achieve: to gain with effortshe achieved her goal despite setbacks.2、apparatus: equipment designed to serve a specific functionEg: A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split. 核反应堆是分裂原子的装置。a group of body parts that work together to perform a given function;Eg:

2、The breathing apparatus includes the nose, throat and lungs. 呼吸器官包括鼻、咽喉及肺。 3、appease : cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of; overcome or allay(使平静) ; make peace withThe move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime.He tried to appease the crying child by g

3、iving him candyThe move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime.The government tried to appease discontented workers。It was a blunder for them to try to appease the aggressor.4、appetent: ptnt marked by eager desire; 热望的,意欲的,本能欲求的Henry is appetent squeeze Woerte, where just doe

4、s not go. 亨利意欲挤走沃尔特,沃尔特硬是不走。Chinese economy is appetent remove shipping to go, will confused credit issue eventually this key. 中国经济意欲起航运行,终将绕不过信用问题这块暗礁。5、appliance: a device that is very useful for a particular job; durable goods for home or office useThese advances were the result of the intellectu

5、al appliance of science. 这些进步是巧妙应用科学的结果。 6、apportion: distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose; give out as ones portion or shareI dont wish to apportion blame among you/to any of you. 我不愿意怪罪你们大家你们任何人。Its already been agreed in principle to apportion the value of the patents

6、It was difficult to apportion the blame for the accident.7、apposite: pzt being of striking appropriateness and pertinence适当的,合适的,贴切的 This is a very apposite comparison. 这是一个非常妥帖的比喻。 His answer was apposite. 他的回答是得当的。 That proverb is apposite to this case. 那谚语切合于这个情形。 8、apprehend: get the meaning of

7、something; take into custody(拘留); anticipate with dread or anxiety vt. 理解;逮捕,拘押;忧虑I apprehend no worsening of the situation. 我不担心局势会恶化Do you apprehend any difficulty? 你担心会有困难吗?At last I apprehended his meaning. 最后,我理解了他的意思。9、apprentice: prents works for an expert to learn a trade 学徒My son is an appr

8、entice in a furniture makers workshopHis father apprenticed him to a barber他父亲让他学理发an apprentice carpenter10、approximate: be close or similar; judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time);The Prime Minister has made a statement closely approximate to a falsehood. 首相发表了一项几近谎言的声明。 New

9、ton mechanics is no more than an approximate version of quantum mechanics. 牛顿力学只是量子力学的一种近似描述。 11、aquatic: kwtk a plant that lives in or on water; relating to or consisting of or being in water; operating or living or growing in water;Aquatic sports include swimming and rowing水上运动包括游泳和划船。We visited a

10、n aquatic city in Italy. 我们在意大利访问过一个水上城市In this method free watersamples are taken directly in the aquatic medium. 在这种方法中,“自由水”样品是直接在水介质中取得的。Certain species of aquatic animals are capable of producing physiological shocks. 某些种类的水生生物能够引起生理学的电击。12、arbitration: :btren (law) the hearing and determinatio

11、n of a dispute by an impartial referee agreed to by both parties (often used to settle disputes between labor and management) the act of deciding as an arbiter; giving authoritative judgment; n. 仲裁,公断Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration . 争执双方已同意提请仲裁。 They signed a treaty to se

12、ttle all border disputes by arbitration. 他们通过仲裁签订了解所有边境争端的条约。Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding. 双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。 The wage disagreement is under arbitration. 工资纠纷正在仲裁中。It was settled by compulsory arbitration. 此事已通过强制性仲裁得到解决。 13、arcane::ken requiring secret or mysterious knowle

13、dge; 秘密的;神秘的;晦涩难解的The technique at one time was arcane in the minds of most chemists. 这种技术在大多数化学家心目中一度是神秘的。 Each of us is a specialist in one of arcane arts. 我们每一个都是某方面的专家。 Sorcerers nukes come in 3 elements: arcane, fire and ice. 魔术师的攻击有3种元素属性:神秘,火,冰。14、ardent: characterized by intense emotion; cha

14、racterized by strong enthusiasm;glowing or shining like fire 热心的,热情的,热烈的;炽热的;强烈的;激烈的 Hes an ardent supporter of the local football team. 他是本地足球队的热情支持者。 Ive never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry. 我从未见过像特里这样热情的和平主义者。 Her admirers were fewer, and fatter, and less ardent. 她的爱慕者少一些,胖一些,感情不那么热烈。 Arde

15、nt expectations were held by his parents for his college career. 他父母对他的大学学习抱着殷切的期望。 She is at heart an ardent reformer. 她实际上是个热心的改革家。15、aristocrat : rstkrt a member of the aristocracy n. 贵族;贵族政治论者;有贵族派头的人 The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. 这出戏的最后一场的帷幕升起来了,展现在观众面前的是那位贵族,他孤独地坐在铁栏后的那间黑暗的号房里。 He is an aristocrat to the very marrow of his bones. 他是一个道道地地的贵族。The harried magazinist appeared as the tragic young aristocrat. 给杂志写稿的潦倒文人,成了悲剧性的年轻贵族。 16、armistice: :msts a state of peace ag


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