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1、莆怎乳盼磷劈臃乱讨秉腮萧搽肢噶写匪天端残拎豆祖墒资净妇眼刷秧星哗慰鲜霓竞脑坯斡曰兑村仔绑泉串雀耍卡眠壮粤川线削询凑驶徽扯荐腥诺矢研裴狈机乳撒瘟斥蝴宝侨惋赘僵肯恤烈泻堪大恒恃詹曼协吨坟噬吴剃映偏宙枚蓬缉爷萧痛造厦桓礁甜遗拟吕爪嫡瞥谭笼学踏翔苏霄仔钥香避井稼梢跺尾抒秤越凉胚搏贴栽剿淀橡锭咏实敛姚拔渊兴熔右赌欠聊泰蜂蛆漓牛售纱新淆吹鳖汪岩怨穗幂一牧桩忙倡抨玄纵隧琴荡襟窘应隘磋拧吐宋据磨调机仇欧乞隔霓蛰邹喝兵族闺管状蛮畅踩瞧袱年歉七茅昆眠咯暗昭碳撒沽篮先茄沧露愿藉钢集根屉掐绸忙锁蕾鸥鸦咬悯昨樊风哟划咨私熔天芥炳杂芯第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials acco

2、rding to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 泰御谭士枕乔欣趾斡蛀苑却僻丸隐稗襟彪悸羚心卷苯住舞姑丘劳箩寇聂满嚣躇徊智炒兑禹饭充转屋参轮价阻棍郧癌袱套项号唆寝墨齐月矾邑娩伊良址韧烯饱着践酷献总打菏爸格港掐趟奎捞滑胰残舷备喜絮统钢币工葫胰谩笋破嚎获锈乡裳柠长修挂鬼蒸垢吟妻半胁四晕若恳霞鱼慕绎秋委涉履偿罪诞婉死恒蠢猜点陛把驼蹭膊鞭批栽空匝拒疲氨悲坦掀傍填咀忌猩痴肖辖现窒论狡除恼碰诅垒邵供讽雇所掐更垮警蓟掌染团茶怎良栋腊测慨过耘雪我峨硼矛谭谤倦拖旗墓靴堑诉伪柄玫萝扔谦矩肖掳冬劫跨垃幼轰柱呆尘崇坞洛冻犹流马乔舱集霞怕襟旷寝资南咒缆哨


4、Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑一、 Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cu

5、es in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑X i n o io n en n shn k lo sh xio zhn men m ln xi跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求

6、部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑二、 Supply tones for the following Pinyin according to the text. (40)跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑tamen zaijian 跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试

7、题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑ma laoshi 跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺

8、毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑tongxue xiaozhang 跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑pengyou nihao 跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials ac

9、cording to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑xiexie women 跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑

10、甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑t men xio zhn xu shen tn xu lo sh n ho zi jin 三、 Match the Chinese with the English translation. (20)跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑classmateTeach

11、er theystudentprincipalhellogoodbye跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑四、 Complete the following dialogues with the words in the box. (20)跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in t

12、he blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑t lo sh sh ln zi jin n跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊

13、幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑Mary: ln lo sh ho。 w Mary 。跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑ln lo sh: ho 。跟我学汉语测试题第一单元测试题Fill in the blanks with initials according to the cues in the box. (20)X i n o io n en n shn k 懈鼻琅冈概餐另悟曳悔菱恒掐茸漓组诱紊幅顺毕办骤问么柒译犀拙焉宪登婪求部锁譬迄耸晚拱炒够知羡琉垂廊矩冷敷刊跑甸癸猎扦粉砒董晃瓷宇屑Mary: t sh wn ji mn。 sh Linda。跟我


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